Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 876: Back to the Homeland, Fairy Tale

"Father, how old is Han Xinyuan?"

"Father, where is my brother?"

"Father, I want to find my brother!"


Above the clouds, Han Jue was so upset that he really wanted to throw this girl away.

Qing Luan\'er saw Han Jue\'s thoughts and said with a smile, "If you make trouble again, your father will throw you away."

Han Qinger smiled proudly: "I\'m not afraid, I can fly."

Han Jue glared at her, even though he didn\'t mention Han Tuo, Han Qinger\'s eyes were red with anger.

Afterwards, Han Jue took his wife and daughter to the fairyland.

In a blink of an eye, ten years have passed.

Han Qinger has grown into a flower girl, wearing a beautiful red dress, long hair tied behind her head, and her brows are in high spirits.

Han Jue stood in front of the two women, staring at the sky.

"Father, where are we going next?" Han Qing\'er asked with anticipation in her eyes.

She has lived happily ever since she was a child, without any worries, she can see new things every day, and she doesn\'t need to spend physical effort to travel, which is extremely easy.

Han Jue said: "Going to the mortal world, this is the last trip. After that, you should leave the immortal world and go home. It will be difficult for you to think about it later, and you must practice hard."

Han Qing\'er pouted and said, "Cultivation is cultivation. I am so talented that I will surprise you."

Over the years, Han Qinger has also learned about the cultivation situation in the immortal world. After comparing, she found that she is extremely talented, so she also has expectations for cultivation.

Qing Luan\'er smiled and said: "Qing\'er\'s aptitude is really good. I think your brother didn\'t have your talent back then, but even if his aptitude was mediocre, he still resolutely left alone and sought immortal fate."

As soon as Han Tuo was mentioned, Han Qinger became interested and asked, "Mother, what is my eldest brother\'s cultivation level now? Didn\'t you say that he lived five million years, is it the Daluo Jinxian?"

In the immortal world, there are many creatures who live five million years but cannot break through the realm of the gods. Her mother is also in the realm of gods. The reason why she thinks Han Tuo is stronger is that she has always been looking forward to the brother she has never met. There was even a hint of adoration.

Qing Luan\'er shook her head and laughed. She glanced at Han Jue. Seeing that Han never wanted to say anything, she had to say, "Maybe it is."

Han Jue had warned that Han Qinger should not be allowed to know the realm above the saint, so as not to slack off.

In this regard, Qing Luan\'er can also understand.

At least after she knew that Han Jue surpassed the Liberty Saint, she felt that it didn\'t matter whether she cultivated or not, she couldn\'t catch up with Han Jue anyway.

As long as she stays by Han Jue\'s side, she will not be in danger, nor will she cause trouble for Han Jue.

Han Qinger curled her lips and said, "If you can\'t see the eldest brother, then see the second brother, father, can we go see the second brother before we go home, he may have been born."

Han Jue didn\'t look back and said, "Of course I have to go back and have a look, but your second brother is still too early to be born."

"Why hasn\'t she been born for so long? Could it be that the aunt is not a human being, but a demon clan?"

"Of course not, it\'s just that your second brother is talented."

"Highly gifted?"

Han Qinger\'s eyes lit up.

Han Jue hummed, "Don\'t ask."

He waved the sleeve of his right hand, and immediately, the three of them came to the shaking world.

The next convenience is the eighteen peaks of the original Yuqing Shengzong, but the mountain topography has already changed.

Han Qinger asked curiously, "Where is this place? Why is there no one?"

Qing Luan\'er also looked at Han Jue in confusion.

Han Jue said, "This is where your father was born."

Hearing this, Qing Luan\'er and Han Qing\'er were all interested.

The three of them landed, Han Jue walked in front, and his thoughts returned to five million years ago.

Qing Luan\'er and Han Qing\'er looked around, but they didn\'t bother Han Jue.

Han Jue came to a cliff and looked out at the mountains. The grand appearance of the Yuqing Sect in the past appeared in front of him, and the endless stream of disciples crisscrossed the mountains. Han Jue thought of Tie Lao, Li Qingzi, and Li Qingzi. Jiuding real person.

Everything is in the past, and the deceased has already been reincarnated.

"Father, there is someone on the opposite mountain!"

Han Qinger suddenly pointed to the front and exclaimed.

Following her gaze, a person was cutting down trees in the forest opposite.

There was no one inhabited for thousands of miles, and it was really strange that a woodcutter appeared, but it didn\'t attract Han Jue\'s attention.

Han Qing\'er rolled her eyes and jumped to the opposite mountain.

Qingluan\'er didn\'t stop her, and the woodcutter didn\'t have a cultivation base, so even a bad guy couldn\'t hurt his daughter.

Han Qing\'er landed behind the woodcutter and let out a snort, which made the woodcutter tremble with fright. He turned around, stumbled, and fell to the ground. The axe in his hand dropped, and he accidentally cut his palm, and blood immediately overflowed. .

The woodcutter frowned in pain.

Han Qinger panicked: "I\'m sorry..."

She noticed that the woodcutter was also young, looking only in his early twenties.

The woodcutter picked up the axe and asked cautiously, "Who are you? A monster?"

She looks so beautiful and is dressed in red, she is definitely a banshee!

The woodcutter was pale and sweating.

Monsters want to eat people!

Han Qing\'er pouted, "I\'m not a monster, I\'m a fairy!"

With a wave of her right hand, the wound in the woodcutter\'s palm healed instantly.

The woodcutter got up and ran.

Han Qing\'er raised her hand and used her spiritual power to move him back.

"What are you running for? I\'m not a monster. I\'m here to ask you, why are you alone nearby?" Han Qinger said angrily.

The woodcutter said in a trembling voice, "I live nearby, and there really is no one else."

Han Qinger asked in surprise: "You are so timid, how dare you live here alone?"

The woodcutter gritted his teeth and did not answer.

He began to rack his brains to find a way, how to get out?

"Why are you here?" Han Qing\'er asked.

She added: "If you answer truthfully, I will not embarrass you, and I can still teach you the method of cultivating immortals."

Hearing this, the woodcutter\'s eyes lit up.

He hurriedly said: "It is rumored that there is an inheritance left by the immortals. Every thousand years, someone gets the immortal\'s practice from here, and then it is famous in the world. I just wanted to try it.

"Then why are you cutting down trees?"

"Make a fire. There are many beasts at night. Without fire, I will die."


When Han Qinger saw a real mortal for the first time, she was full of interest and began to ask various questions.

The woodcutter knows nothing.

Han Qinger also took advantage of the situation to learn about his origin.

The woodcutter\'s village was slaughtered by magic cultivators, and all of them were made into mummified puppets. He escaped by chance. He always wanted revenge. , he can only come to pursue the illusory fairy legend.

After Han Qinger heard this, she couldn\'t bear it in her heart. Just thinking about it from the perspective of a woodcutter made her feel hopeless.

"How about I help you get revenge?" Han Qing\'er asked.

The woodcutter\'s eyes lit up, and he immediately shook his head and said, "No, I want to take revenge myself, so you should teach me how to cultivate."

Han Qing\'er showed a helpless look, spread her hands and said, "Actually, I don\'t know the method of cultivation, but I can ask my father."

After living for so long, she has not practiced seriously, relying on her natural instincts.

The woodcutter immediately knelt down, kowtowed to Han Qinger, and said, "Thank you fairy! As long as your father is willing to teach me the method of cultivation, I would like to be a slave forever and serve you!"
