Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 869: 5 million years old, peacock preaching

, the fastest update of the top luck, quietly practice the latest chapter of the millennium!

"Who is the other being?"

Han Jue asked, Zhou Fan stopped here when he said it, was he trying to sell off?

This kid really has hard wings!

Feeling Han Jiun\'s dissatisfied eyes, Zhou Fan quickly replied: "I don\'t know either, anyway, there is such a existence that the Demon God of Hongmeng needs to be confronted."

Han Jue was thoughtful.

Could it be that he evolved from his bloodline?

If it is not unexpected, in millions of years, his bloodline of Hongmeng Demon God will evolve, which will inevitably affect the future.

Han Jue asked in his heart, "Is the other existence that Zhou Fan said about me after the evolution of the bloodline?"

[Need to deduct 100 million years of life, whether to continue]



I see.

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

When he evolves, he directly lets his youngest son be born, and gets stuck in the position of Hongmeng Demon God, so that Chaos will not give birth to a second Hongmeng Demon God.

Without the second Hongmeng Demon God, he would be missing a potential rival!


The more Han Jue thought about it, the more happy he became, but on the surface he remained calm.

He asked: "The tower of the avenue is so powerful, are you sure you can master it? There is no other transcendence behind it? Have you thought about who created the tower of the avenue?"

The tower of the avenue can predict the future changes caused by the supremacy of the avenue, which is indeed not simple.

"I also had such concerns, but at present, I have integrated with the tower of the avenue, and I have not noticed the difference. Besides, there is no risk, any chance is like this, as long as it is too strong, it will definitely be coveted by the great power."

Zhou Fan said seriously: "Master, don\'t worry, I know what I know. If I really run into trouble, I will definitely find you."

He heard Han Jue\'s concern, so he climbed up.

Han Jue said, "Since you know what to do, that\'s fine."

After all, he released the dream.

Han Jue opened his eyes and murmured, "I can still cultivate as the master."

I have already gathered nine fragments of Hongmeng, and I will release my younger son as soon as possible to prevent anyone from turning into a Hongmeng demon.

The sky is blue sky, the sea of ​​clouds is layered, and countless round stone platforms are suspended in the air.

On one of the stone platforms, Han Tuo, Yi Tian, ​​and the other three Dao deities stood side by side.

They all looked in one direction, waiting for the coming of the God of Punishment.

after awhile.

A black light descended and landed in front of the five people.

The voice of the Supreme Punishment God came from the black light: "I am going to give you a task."

Han Tuo clasped his fists and said, "God, please speak."

The other four also saluted. They were used to the status of the five major punishments. Over the years, the Supreme Punishment God has been good to them, and they have passed on their magical powers, so it is time to repay.

"I want you to go visit all the Dao deities, whatever you want to investigate, just take a look around."

The voice of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable came out again, and upon hearing the words, the five God Punishments immediately took orders.

The black light disappeared, and from beginning to end, even the Punishment God Venerable did not appear.

Han Tuo turned around and left.

Nearly 400,000 years passed quickly.

this day.

Lines of prompts appeared in front of Han Jue\'s eyes:

[It is detected that you are over five million years old and your life has taken a step forward. You have the following options]

[One, go out immediately, carry forward the prestige of Hongmeng Demon God, and get a Dao fragment, a heavenly spiritual stone, a creation spiritual stone, and a Hongmeng fragment]

[Second, low-key cultivation, stay away from right and wrong, you can get a Dao fragment, a creation spirit stone, and a Hongmeng fragment]

This time the system started to skin again, adding a bonus to the first option.

But unfortunately, Han will never be fooled.

He silently chose the second option.

So far, there are eight fragments of his avenues, and six fragments of Hongmeng!

In another three million years, perhaps his star Hongmeng body can transform.

Han Jue took out the creation spirit stone and fused it with a cloud of demonic energy.

After so many years of cultivation, he finally saw the hope of a breakthrough.

Today, the Hongmeng Realm is extremely vast. Although it cannot be compared with Chaos, it is several times larger than the Dao of Heaven!

For the time being, the Hongmeng Realm has not yet reached its limit. With the increasing amount of Hongmeng Qi within, Han Jue\'s supreme power has been increasing, and it is estimated that there are still at most 500,000 years before the breakthrough.

He was very satisfied with the speed of his practice.

Look at the sacred sword of foolishness, it is still in the early stage of the Great Dao to the Upper Realm.

Han Jue began to entrust the dream to the Peacock God.

Tens of thousands of years ago, he felt that there was someone in the chaos who had attained the Dao sage, and it was the Peacock God Sovereign.

After so many years have passed since Han Jue got the Dao, Chaos finally gave birth to a new Dao saint, which is enough to see how difficult the Dao is.

in a dream.

The Peacock God opened his eyes and saw Han Jue who was covered in darkness. He was surprised and hurriedly bowed to Han Jue.

He was secretly startled.

Even if he attains the realm of the Great Dao, it is always difficult to detect when facing the dark forbidden master\'s divine dream.

"Although it was a little slow, it was a success."

Han Jue opened his mouth and said with a slightly admiring tone, which made the Peacock God Monarch feel ashamed.

Peacock God Sovereign asked quickly: "Forbidden Lord, what do you need me to do, just say it!"

Han Jue said: "Cultivation for now, I will preach for you, the realm of the Great Dao cannot be your end."

After all, he began to talk about Jiyuan Avenue.

Jiyuan Avenue is full of things, and Sanqiandao listens to his sermons, and everything can be rewarded. Peacock God already has his own way, and it is impossible to switch to Jiyuan Avenue. What Han Jue has to do is to help his Dao become stronger. , so this kind of preaching will not expose the Great Source Dao.

The Dao is the supreme preaching, not the content, but the use of Dao sound to lead people into the state of enlightenment.

The Peacock God Sovereign soon entered a state of enlightenment.

In the dream preaching, Han Jue controlled the time. It seems that 10,000 years have passed, but in reality, only one day has passed.

When the Peacock God opened his eyes, the dream was over.

He was excited.

What is the realm of the Dark Lord?

He is already a saint of the Great Dao, and he can easily be brought into a state of enlightenment by the Dark Lord, which is enough to see how big the gap between the two is.

On the other side, Han Jue opened his eyes and began to check his emails.

Regarding the rules of time, Han must not use it on himself, nor can he speed up the time process of the entire Heavenly Dao. After all, the Heavenly Dao does not belong to him, but belongs to the Heavenly Dao.

There is time in the seven supreme rules. UU reading is just that the definition of time is different from what mortals think, and it is subject to the continuation of the power of creation. Velocity is still constant, so it doesn\'t make sense to control time for the power.

But for sentient beings who do not rely on the power of creation, time is terrifying.

The emails accumulated over 400,000 years are still very rich, and Han Jue is very interested.

In general, Chaos is fairly peaceful at the moment, and there is no big fight.

After reading the email, Han Jue set his sights on the third dojo.

The universe of stars is still silent, but the third dojo is full of flowers and plants, like a fairyland.

Han Jue raised his hand and took out a mass of souls.

It is the soul of Han Tuo\'s mother Qing Luan\'er.

For millions of years, Han Jue has been nourishing Qingluan\'er\'s soul with the Qi of Hongmeng. Although she has been sleeping, her soul is constantly getting stronger.