Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 856: Han Jue's undercover

Facing Huang Zuntian\'s boasting, Han Jue frowned slightly.

Huang Zuntian noticed the change in his expression and immediately shut up.

Before Han Jue could speak, he began to introspect.

Where did you say the wrong thing?

Han Jue said meaningfully: "No matter how high you are and what achievements you have, you must always keep a low profile, remain humble and cautious. Back then, in the mortal world, you were swelled and only then came to an end. In these years, you have been walking on thin ice. , Maybe tired, but this is the key to your success."

"Look at me again, have I ever been proud?"

Huang Zuntian was ashamed of hearing it, and he was indeed awakened.

Think about it carefully, now it\'s really floating, I have a high-handed attitude toward people and things, I forgot the thoughts of my subordinates, and I am not as considerate as before.

Huang Zuntian hurriedly said: "The subordinates are indeed too arrogant, thank you for your reminder, Master. I promised to do it before, but I will not put these things in words anymore. I will prove them with actual actions."

This is a bit of a level, not only guarantees, but also sincerely accepts Han Jue\'s criticism.

Anyway, Han Jue listened very comfortably.

It\'s no wonder that this servant is so mixed up no matter where it is.

Han Jue asked, "Is there really no place to help me? You can learn magical powers."

Huang Zuntian said: "I really don\'t need it. I don\'t usually do anything. If I learn more, I can easily expose my feet. I have mastered the great power of luck and luck, which is enough to save my life at critical times."

Han Jue nodded, and then released the dream.

Huang Zuntian has developed very well, so he can rest assured.

Han Jue entrusted his dream to Shi Dudao again, as the dark forbidden master.

This time, he gave Shi Dudao a task.

"Find a way to spread the news quietly, saying that divine power will be the power used by the Dao\'s gods to restrain the chaos. It is not a simple rule. You must find a way to let other creatures help spread the news. Don\'t take the lead. It\'s easy to be counted."

Han Jue exhorted.

This news is not very useful, but he wants to lay the groundwork.

What if it works?

Shi Dudao finally had a task, and immediately responded with excitement.

From beginning to end, he didn\'t mention the battle of the heavens. The longer he stayed in Chaos, the more he knew the terrible existence of certain things. Some things could cause heinous disasters just by speaking in secret.

"I\'ll teach you a supernatural power."

Han Jue stared at Shi Dudao and said, Shi Dudao immediately thanked him.

Unlike Huang Zuntian, Shi Dudao does not have so many opportunities.

Han Jue taught three supernatural powers that he would hardly use. Under Shi Dudao\'s thanks, Han Jue lifted his dream.

He entrusted his dream to Li Daokong again, with the appearance of his own deity, but Li Daokong did not need magical powers, the Wansheng Sword was enough for him to further his studies.

Han Jue didn\'t explain the task either, and hoped that he could take care of himself.

Then came Sedum.

Speaking of Sedum Sedum, this guy has been in chaos, but still hasn\'t become famous. Han Jue casually passed a magical power to end his dream, but for Sedum Sedum, he was still flattered.

The peacock **** was left. Han Jue called out the portrait of the peacock **** in the relationship, and found that he hadn\'t been certified as a saint of the Dao Dao. He suddenly had no idea to care about it.

Pull your hips!

Let\'s talk about it when he becomes the saint of the avenue!

Han Jue set his sights on the path of heaven. One hundred thousand years later, the path of heaven became more lively. The two chaotic paths of heaven are still being repaired, and it is estimated that they will be restored within five thousand years at most.

Recently, there have been two more sacred seats in heaven.

It shows that Tiandao is developing better and better.


Han Jue closed his eyes with satisfaction and continued to practice.

In the faint purple starry sky, a figure walked quietly, it was Han Jue\'s reincarnation clone Liu Bei.

Liu Bei kept scanning his surroundings, very nervous.

It has been so long, and he is still looking for the third dojo.

"This area is okay, there are no creatures, but there are no restrictions."

Liu Bei thought silently, with some regrets in his heart.

Perhaps it was the Hidden Gate Island before that set him high standards, so he would have special requirements when looking for the third dojo, at least not directly seeing the dojo with the naked eye.

Liu Bei continued on.

A few months later.

A huge crimson planet appeared in front, attracting Liu Bei\'s attention.

This planet is full of mysterious aura, not chaotic aura, nor aura, but it is very attractive to him.

He approached quietly.

I wanted to observe this planet with my spiritual mind, but I was cut off by that mysterious air.

He hesitated for a moment, and decided to explore it.

Perhaps this is the right place he is looking for.

After landing, Liu Bei felt scorching heat from the soles of his feet, but there was no burning pain. The high temperature here could instantly melt into the Immortal Emperor, but to him, it was nothing.

Liu Bei began to wander around, looking at the planet.

His speed is very fast, after all, the planet is huge.

After a few hours.

Liu Bei suddenly stopped and stared at a hillside in front of him. The hillside was bare and covered with magma. A figure was meditating on the hillside.

This person was wearing a shabby robe, most of his hair fell out, his face was like dry bark, his eyes were closed tightly, but he stared at Liu Bei with a vertical eye between his eyebrows.

Liu Bei was almost scared to death, in a cold sweat.

Being stared at by that vertical eye, his hair was horrified.

There was a stalemate for a moment, and Liu Bei quietly backed away. U U Reading


A vicissitudes of life sounded lightly, and Liu Bei stopped immediately. He knelt down and shouted, "Senior, I didn’t mean to interrupt. I just passed by. I also want to find a place to practice. There is no malice. I will take this matter. Forget it, never mention it!"

Liu Bei followed and began to kowtow.

The vicissitudes of life said: "You are just a clone, who is the deity?"

Liu Bei replied: "My deity is Cao Cao, from the way of heaven."

"Cao Cao? Heaven is far away from here."

Liu Bei lowered his head, feeling uneasy.

"Don\'t go, stay here and practice."

"Ah I…"



Liu Bei responded with an aggrieved situation.

The blue sky dome, green mountains and green waters, big rivers crossing the mountains and rivers, floating like clouds.

Han Tuo and Yitian meditate in the forest.

A black light fell from the sky and landed in front of the two of them, shocking them to open their eyes.

The black light dissipated, and Lu Yuan Demon Ancestor appeared.

When Yitian saw him, he jokingly smiled: "You are still alive, I thought you were like the Chaos Demon God..."

Demon Ancestor Luyuan looked down at him and said, "The next task is for you."

Yitian pouted his lips.

Han Tuo asked, "What task?"

"The head of the gods summons the gods of the avenue, you go immediately."

"But we just escaped from him..."

"Don\'t worry, I have already negotiated with him. Let\'s forget the past. This is a great opportunity to summon the gods. Once you succeed, the saints of the Dao Dao will not be the limit in the future."

Demon Ancestor Lu Yuan said indifferently, without rebuttal.

Han Tuo frowned.

For some reason, he smelled conspiracy.

He asked: "By the way, where is the theocracy? Earlier, it was rumored that 10,000 theocracy would attack Heaven..."