Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 848: Breaking the sky, Han Jue's killing intent

, The fastest update of the top air luck, quietly practice the latest chapters of the millennium!

Hearing Han Jue\'s instructions, the Xuandu Holy Venerable immediately followed suit.

Soon, the saints came one after another, all the saints came, and no one was absent.

At this juncture, the saints did not dare to leave the way of heaven, for fear of encountering the divine power, and even more unable to practice with peace of mind, they were uneasy.

The saints sat down one after another, their eyes fell on Han Jue, and the anxiety in their hearts disappeared.

Han Jue is still there, hope is still there!

They believed that Han Jue already knew the ending of the Chaos Demon Gods, but Han Jue dared to sit in the realm of heaven, which showed that Han Jue had the confidence.

Han Jue closed his eyes to rest his mind, and did not speak.

The atmosphere was depressed, and no one dared to speak.

The same is true for the Xuandu Holy Venerable.

The Great Sage of Void Soul glanced at all the saints in the temple, secretly contemptuous.

Why are you nervous? It\'s not you who fight!

A group of Hunyuan Saints and Free Saints are not even qualified to participate in the war!

Divine Power will stare at him, your wait will turn into ashes?

"Don\'t be nervous, you can talk about whatever you want. I\'m waiting here for the arrival of the divine power."

Han Jue\'s voice sounded, and all the saints felt relieved as soon as he said this.

The hidden disciples such as Long Hao and Dao Zhizun were the most relaxed and took the lead to speak, and the atmosphere became active.

"What theocracy, how many come, how many kills!"

"That is, those Chaos Demon Gods are really useless, they lost too fast."

"We have to look at my master!"

"Don\'t panic, I was still preaching before."

"The Realm of the Beginning is far away from the Heavenly Dao, the divine power will not be able to come in a short time, right?"

"No, it\'s coming soon. Obviously, the divine power is not as simple as the rules. Obviously, it has received the order and directly rushed to the heavens. It is too impatient to monitor the chaos. The focus is to eradicate the chaos demon and the heavens."

The saints discussed separately, and the atmosphere became relaxed.

Han Jue waited patiently.

[Fool Sword Divine entrusts you with a dream, do you accept it?]

Such a line suddenly appeared in front of Han Jue\'s eyes, which made him feel weird.

Can\'t direct sound transmission work?

Obviously it\'s right by the way of heaven, not far away!

Han Jue could feel that the sacredness of Yujian was still in the welcoming palace.

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, but chose to accept the dream.

The dream is to welcome the holy palace.

Yu Jian\'s sacred expression was weird, and said, "Friend Daoist Han, the divine power is coming."

Han Jue said, "I know."


"Are you scared?"

"I didn\'t! It\'s impossible!"

"Fellow Daoist Hongyuan didn\'t entrust me with a dream."

"I just remind you, how could I be afraid?"

Yu Jian hummed sacredly, and then lifted the dream after he said it.

Han Jue opened his eyes and found it interesting.

Unexpectedly, Yujian still has this side of sacredness.

After thinking about it, it is normal. Pangu is dead. Can Yujian be sacred?

Time continues to pass.

No matter how fast the Divine Power will be, it will not be possible to arrive in a few years. The Palace of Heaven and Earth will soon fall into peace, and the saints will practice their own practices.


In the dark forbidden area, a strong light shone from the depths of the darkness, and the strong light stretched rapidly, like a horizontal light sweeping.

Looking closer, in the bright light is a horrible figure tens of thousands of feet tall, all of them mighty and domineering, walking side by side, unstoppable.


Ten Thousand Divine Power is just ahead of the chaotic sky.

The chaotic sky traverses the void, and you can\'t see the end of the two ends.

At this moment, there are just a few practitioners on the chaotic road.

When they saw the bright light in the distance, they subconsciously squinted.

"what is that?"

A woman frowned and asked.

A green-robed Taoist face changed drastically, and said, "No! It\'s a divine power general! Someone in the bright light! Run away! Go back to heaven!"

When the voice fell, he took the lead to jump up and gallop in the chaotic sky.

Other practitioners reacted and hurriedly followed.

They dare not leave the Chaos Heaven Road, after all, they have also heard the rumors that the divine power will slaughter the heavenly beings.

However, no matter how fast they are, they can\'t match the theocracy.

Ten thousand gods came to the chaotic sky in less than ten steps, and the chaotic sky was like a thin line in front of them.

The divine power generals stepped on the chaotic heaven road together, the chaos heaven road shattered in an instant, and the whole sky road was shattered together, and the creatures on the sky road were annihilated, no matter how far away the divine power would be.

Even many practitioners have not even seen the divine power general, and died too suddenly and confusedly.

At the edge of Heaven\'s Path, because of the collapse of the Chaos Road, the nearby Chaos City trembles, alarming countless practitioners, and even the saints.

"damn thing!"

Gritting his teeth, he figured out who attacked the Chaos Heavenly Road.

Although scolded, he did not get up.

He is self-aware that he is not an opponent of theocratic generals.

The collapse of Chaos Tianlu caused his cultivation to be unstable.

Han Jue slowly opened his eyes.

His eyes were cold, killing intent breeds.

is coming!

I have to say that theocracy made him very unhappy with this move.

I don\'t know if it was a coincidence or deliberately!

The Chaos Tianlu that had been built by Heaven for two million years was gone, and it was still crushed!

The other saints pinched their fingers, and when they understood, they were angry.

"Too arrogant!"

Zhou Fan was so angry that he was trampling on the chaotic road and trampling on the dignity of the heaven.

Other saints began to condemn.

Han Jue looked at Chaos.

The speed of the theocracy is so fast!

As if it was stimulated by something, it rushed forward, and ten thousand divine powers would rush forward, shaking the dark forbidden area with every step, and the dark space was twisted for it, as if it would break at any time.

In less than half an hour, the heavenly saints could already feel the aura of the divine power general.

[Pangu asks you to dream, do you accept it?]

Han Jue frowned.

Come at this time?

He accepted immediately, wanting to see what Pangu said.

The dream is not Zhou Shenshan.

Pangu stared at Han Jue and said, "The divine power will come, and the way of heaven will depend on you. I will support you and help you at critical times. I must do my best to preserve the way of heaven!"

Han Jue said, "What if the divine power kills the existence behind?"

"You only need to deal with the divine power generals, get through this calamity first!"


Han Jue directly lifted the dream and stopped talking nonsense, lest Divine Power would take advantage of his distraction and smash Heavenly Dao.

He opened his eyes and found that all the saints were staring at him.

Yu Jian is sacred and Hong Yuan has appeared outside the heavens, looking at the depths of darkness side by side.

"Are you afraid of fellow Hongyuan Daoist?" Yu Jian asked with a smile, pretending to be relaxed.

Hong Yuan said: "What are you afraid of? It\'s a big deal."

Yu Jian nodded holy, feeling very awkward.

This woman is not famous for being afraid of Why is she so decisive?

He was secretly curious, what kind of ecstasy soup did Han Jue put on Hong Yuan?

At this moment, Han Jue\'s voice floated into the ears of the two of them:

"Don\'t take the lead in a while, you are responsible for watching the game."

The sacred Yu Jian was stunned.

Responsible for watching the game?

What\'s the meaning?

In order to meet this battle, he has prepared for hundreds of thousands of years!

Doesn\'t need him to act in the end?

Although confused, Yu Jian was relieved in his sacred heart.

He is really not confident.

Pangu, whom he feared, was beaten to death by the gods, how could he not be afraid?