Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 839: See through the falsehood, eternally immortal

"That is the great power of luck?"

Han despaired of the seven mysterious powers on the Three Thousand Avenue, and was a little curious in his heart.

He noticed a crack in one of the forces, which was extremely obvious.

Could it be the cause and effect of the great power and luck that Pangu cut off?

Han Jue didn\'t think too much, and continued to feel the power of the great avenue.

This is an unprecedented feeling, extremely powerful, and even makes him feel that he is omnipotent!

With a wave of his hand, he can even shake the pattern of Three Thousand Avenues!

Most importantly, he can create reality now!

In a single thought, he can turn what he thinks into reality and put it into the chaos to form a real space-time, or take it back in a single thought. However, once the imagined world exists for too long, it will be transformed into a fortune. The influence of force continues to evolve.

He looked carefully, and the chaos was divided into countless time and space, parallel, superimposed, and intricate. Among them, the time and space in which the heaven is located is blessed by two powerful forces, which is more stable than other time and space.

It is probably the power of Pangu and Daozu.

Pangu’s creation of the world may not be a real sacrifice, but just use the power of the avenue to give birth to what you want, and then in this fantasy world, such amazing characters as the debut ancestor are born, and the way of heaven is changed by self-cultivation. As an independent existence, it will never be taken back.

Han Jue\'s gaze fell on the power of good fortune, and the power of good fortune was the power hanging above the Three Thousand Great Dao.

It is also the most powerful force!

Good luck is everything!

The seven supreme powers do not belong and are eternally independent.

The light of the power of good fortune is the brightest, and the constant power of good fortune becomes invisible, divided into countless, spreading all corners of the chaos.

Han Jue scanned Chaos, the vastness of Chaos surprised him.

Boundlessness is true!

There is a mysterious force on the edge of chaos, so that when sentient beings pass this force, the direction is reversed, and the direction they go is also random. With the surge of this force, they move and form an endless scene, which can only be felt when they reach the supremacy of the avenue. That power is not the power of the seven supreme rules, but another power, a power that Han Jue can\'t see through.

Of course, the chaos itself is extremely vast. According to Han Jue’s estimation, it will take at least a million years for the Dao Saints to travel through the chaos. This does not include the power of the Dao Saints to touch the mysterious boundary. If they directly touch it, Confused, continue to travel through the chaos, I am afraid it will take longer.

But beyond the chaos, there is a blank.

Absolutely blank!

There are some huge bones faintly filled in the blank, and there is no sign of anger or vitality.

Han Jue suddenly saw a figure in the distance looking down at the chaos like him.

This is because he couldn\'t see who that figure was.

He did not rush forward.

Both parties do not disturb each other.

Han Jue continued to observe the chaos. Many areas of the chaos were isolated by the power of the avenue supremacy and could not be spied on.

The power of the supremacy of the Great Dao is easy to discern. Unlike the Three Thousand Great Dao, it is even more dangerous, making Han Jue instinctively want to stay away.

Han Jue continued to be immersed in this.

a long time.

His consciousness returned to reality and opened his eyes.

The whole body is filled with countless stars, dazzling.

On a whim, Han Jue grabbed a star and threw it into the chaos. He fell on the edge of the chaos in a flash, extremely far away from the heavens, so far away that the saint might never reach it.

Under Han Jue\'s gaze, the star exploded in the darkness, containing the true meaning of Tao. Tao produces all things and disappears into a huge galaxy, which is still evolving.

That is the world that Han Jue had imagined. Given time, it can come true. When this universe appears the Hunyuan Dao Fruit, this world will merge with the chaos, forming the same real world as the Heavenly Dao.

Han Jue moved his mind, and used his own will to fly out a force from the rules of good fortune and land in that universe.

With good fortune, there are thousands of possibilities.

Maybe there will be saints inside, everything is possible.

This is the avenue is supreme.

The existence of the creator is just a thought.

As long as there are no saints born in that area, even if there are countless lives, Han Jue\'s thought can turn them into vain, as if they had never existed.

"It turns out this is to see through the falsehood, then the voice that reminded me was Pangu."

Han Jue thought silently, firm in his heart.

Only the kindness of Pangu has the way of heaven.

This is also the reason why the Dao of Heaven is unique in Chaos. Pangu allowed Dao Ancestors to grow and even control the Dao of Heaven.

The other avenues do not allow this to happen.

Han Jue\'s eyes condensed, and the countless sea of ​​stars permeating the Taoist temple disappeared instantly.

The strange **** was taken aback, and hurriedly escaped from the Taoist temple, for fear of being discovered by Han Jue.

Han Jue began to consolidate his cultivation.

His mana has been transformed and has become the supreme power. It is no longer a mana, but a power that is stronger than the avenue in strength!

Han Jue called up the properties panel to view.

【Name: Han Jue】

[Life: 3065120/1204, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999, UU reading www. uukānshu.cOM9999】

[Race: Hongmeng Demon God (Immortal Emperor)]

[Cultivation: the early stage of the great road to the upper realm (perfect saint)]

[Gong Method: Hongmeng Reincarnation Avenue (Dao-level), Zhoutian Body Tempering Method]

[Avenue: Avenue of Life and Death, Avenue of Cause and Effect, Avenue of Jiyuan]

There are nine more digits in front of his lifespan.

One thousand two hundred and four billion billion billion years!

Isn\'t this eternal?

Han Jue was secretly surprised.

Perhaps it has something to do with the system itself.

Anyway, Han Jue felt that he was immortal now. When he spied on Chaos before, he didn\'t capture the existence of the Creator, except for those areas that could not be spied on.

If you change the avenue to supremacy, you will definitely swell, thinking that you are invincible.

For example, Yujian is sacred.

"When will my life span be endless?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

[The life span shown here is the origin life span, you can already jump out of time, as long as you want, you can put the deity in the realm without the constraints of the supreme rules, it is already eternal and immortal that the common spirit understands]

Han Jue suddenly realized that those great avenues were so mysterious that they even thought they did not exist for the great sages.

They just hide themselves from the rules, like the mysterious ocean where the Virgin of Order is.

In other words, when Han Jue\'s lifespan is about to run out, he can do the same to make himself immortal, but by doing so, he is equivalent to leaving the chaos.

In that case, he can no longer use the power and treasure that consumes the life of his source.

Han Jue consolidated his cultivation while thinking.

For the past 30,000 years, Han Jue\'s cultivation has finally stabilized and succeeded.

He has also completely adapted to the power of the supremacy of the avenue, and the power of the supremacy is fully integrated.

At this time.

Three lines of reminders appeared before his eyes.