Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 837: The legend of measuring the robbery, 3 million years old

Han Jue\'s words fell, and the Tiandao Palace fell into silence.

The Taoist three people were also stunned.

Some of the saints here are not hidden, but Han Jue said they are hidden saints?

Fang Liang asked cautiously: "Master, what do you mean..."

Han Jue was expressionless and said, "You can trust each other and you don\'t need to pretend anymore."


All Saints are in an uproar!

Pan Xin stared at Bu Tian Zun and cursed: "I saw something wrong with you before. You acted too superficially!"

Beng Tianzun rolled his eyes and said: "What do you know, I am not obvious, I am afraid that Xuan does not understand the meaning!"

The other saints also started talking.

The Lord Tianjue looked towards Qiu Xilai, and said with emotion: "Seeking fellow Taoists, you are also very obvious."

Qiu Xilai smiled and said Amitabha.

Han Yu looked at the excited saints and swallowed.

So many saints belong to the hidden door?

After the sages chatted for a while, Han Jue just started to calm down, "Do you think that among the Taoist sages today, who else needs to be wooed and who needs to be eliminated in order to stabilize the heaven?"

Upon hearing this, the heavenly saint looked at each other.

They heard what Han Jue meant.

Unable to Tianzun smiled and said: "Xuandu Shengzun, it\'s best to draw in, after all, you have the power of heaven."

Xu jealous said: "Yang Che must get rid of, this servant invites saints everywhere, and acts as a villain!"

The other saints followed.

Han Jue directly raised his hand and brought Yang Che who was in his dojo into the Heavenly Dao Palace.

Yang Che was stunned, looking at the saints around him with a dazed expression.

Han Jue waved his palm, hitting the Taiyi Sealed Palm, and directly anchored Yang Che.

Yang Che\'s eyes widened, unable to move.

Han Jue left a few words and left: "In the future, you can discuss things about God\'s way, and I will also stare at other saints."

Then Yang Che disappeared.

All the saints looked at each other.

Jiang Yi asked curiously: "Will the saint just now die?"

Zhao Xuanyuan shook his head and said, "How can a saint of heaven die so easily."

Qiu Xilai got up, scanned all the saints, and said, "Since we have been honest, please find a way to win over other saints. First, control the power of important places near the heavenly path."

Beng Tianzun glanced at him without saying a word, and the other saints nodded.

Although it is a negotiation, there should be a leader among them to achieve a major event.

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue directly threw Yang Che into the Hongmeng Heaven Prison.

His gaze looked beyond the thirty-third layer of the sky, searching for other saints.

Other saints\' favorability towards him has not declined for the time being, and they have not particularly crossed the boundaries.

You can observe again.

Ten thousand years later, Han Jue put Yang Che back on the 33rd floor.

Yang Che returned to his dojo, he just sat down when Tai Sutian and Jinshen came.

Tai Sutian dressed in white, with a beautiful and cold face. She frowned and asked: "Yang Che, where have you been these years?"

Yang Che opened his eyes and smiled: "I went out and went around, I don\'t know what the two of you mean?"

Jinshen asked: "What I said before, how many saints did you win over?"

Yang Che groaned: "I thought about it, but forget it."

never mind?

The two saints were stunned and stared at him closely.

Yang Che sighed and said: "I have personally been to the Sanqing Sacred Realm before. I actually didn\'t tell you clearly. Actually, the Sanqing Sacred Realm doesn\'t value me, and even a little neglect. If this is the case, why should we suffer?"

Jin Shen thoughtfully asked: "Why can you comprehend the way of heaven?"

Yang Che shook his head and didn\'t say much.

He looked at Tai Sutian and said, "You would rather go to the Sanqing Sacred Realm than to worship the Nuwa Empress. If you want to come, there is nowhere to go. It is better for us to work together for the Dao of Heaven. This is our home. , Went elsewhere, it was under the fence."

Tai Sutian\'s eyebrows frowned tighter.

Yang Che continued to persuade.

Jinshen felt something was wrong.

He suddenly thought of something and his face became weird.

This servant won\'t surrender to the gods and gods, right?


In the Palace of Universe.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable and Lao Tan meditated side by side, wisps of smoke filled the whole body, sometimes scattered and sometimes appeared.

Lao Tan opened his eyes and asked, "What do you think?"

The Xuandu Holy Venerable didn\'t open his eyes, and asked, "What does the teacher mean?"

"Naturally is the way of heaven."

"Don\'t think much."

"Hehe, do you really want to guard the way of heaven to death?"

"In the past, for the sake of practice, I abandoned the human race, for the sake of freedom, I abandoned the heavenly way, I don\'t want to abandon it anymore, I want to fight."

"Your cultivation base can\'t even be compared with a single shot of divine power, how do you fight it?"

"At least Fellow Daoist Han is here."

The old man was silent.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable opened his eyes and said, "How does the Sanqing Sacred Realm prepare to welcome the divine power general? Slaying the heavens and the cause and effect, give up this?"

Lao Tan jokingly said with a smile: "The reason why Heavenly Dao was targeted is because it is related to Pangu. The Supreme Master of Sanqing has already jumped out of cause and effect. How can he stay under Pangu for a long time?"

Xuandu Shengzun said: "Everyone has his own ambitions, and I wish the teacher every success."


Old Tan shook his head, then stood up.

Xuandu Holy Venerable asked: "Where are you going?"

"Go and see those three silly God\'s way is dead, I have to find a way to save them, so as not to waste the energy of cultivation for so long."

Lao Tan raised his hand and disappeared.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable sighed.



The immeasurable calamity finally ushered in the ending.

Qin Ling and Xia Zhizun brought Tianjiao from the divine palace into the Buddhism like a broken bamboo. However, the saint shot and suppressed Qin Ling and Xia Zhizun with one palm.

The power of the saint has shocked, feared, and even despaired countless creatures near Lingshan.

Fortunately, at a critical moment, the sage of the divine palace appeared with a lone star, the sage negotiated, and when the sage was stuck, the Buddha, who was hated by Qin Ling, appeared and made a great aspiration, willing to sacrifice himself and return Qin Ling’s blood and blood. He will be immeasurable. Merit turned into the power of aspiration, resurrecting all the dead in the vicinity of Lingshan.

So far, the immeasurable catastrophe that lasted for hundreds of thousands of years has ended. The last tens of thousands of years have been cruel to kill. All beings have long been tired of killing and are looking forward to peace.

In this battle, the saint took action with integrity, and let all living beings understand what a saint is under the ant.

Qin Ling and Xia Zhizun obtained the great virtues of heaven, and followed the lone star to the 33rd layer of heaven.

They only need to sit still for tens of thousands of years and carry the virtues of the heavenly path, and then they can prove the path and become holy.

In order to eliminate the karma of the heaven and the earth, the saints began to preach, and the missionary disciples of various Qiyun sects also began to walk around the heaven and the earth, preaching everywhere.

In general, this immeasurable catastrophe is a successful conclusion.

After all beings know the cruelty of the Immeasurable Tribulation, they fear the saints and cherish peace even more.

Year after year, ten thousand years later, the immeasurable calamity became a legend.

And Han Jue was still practicing in retreat, and he had devoted himself to the impact on the supremacy of the great avenue.

This day.

Three lines of words jumped out before Han Jue\'s eyes:

[It has been detected that you are at least 3 million years old and you have taken another step in your life. You have the following options]