Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 830: Theocracy

After all, Hongyuan is a sage of the Dao Dadao, unable to successfully enslave her in a short period of time. Although Hongyuan is very calm, Han Jue did not dare to take her lightly and keep her sealed.

Han Jue started to check the email, reading it with gusto.

for a long time.

Hong Yuan couldn\'t help but asked, "Friend Daoist Han, where did the demon **** hide in the beginning? During this time, I investigated the theocracy and found that the theocracy appeared a long time ago and really swept through the chaos. There is nowhere to escape."

Han Jue said, "I don\'t know, maybe the Devil God was just self-righteous in the beginning?"

Hong Yuan nodded and said with emotion: "I thought of how energetic the Demon God was when he united with the Demon God in the early days. I didn\'t expect to be frightened by the power of God and flee, and he didn\'t even dare to notify other Demon Gods."

In the beginning, the Demon God was also one of the most powerful Chaos Demon Gods, and it was so useless, enough to see the terrifying power of the gods.

Han Jue said, "It\'s really not authentic."

After all, you should also notify the other Chaos Demon Gods and prepare together. Anyway, you have faced Pangu together before, which is also considered a life and death friend.

Han definitely had a lot lower evaluation of Demon God at the beginning.

This fellow was born early!

"Yes, but then again, Fellow Daoist Han, can your dojo block the divine power general?" Hong Yuan asked.

Han Jue said, "Well, since it\'s my own family, then I won\'t hide it from you. I can block it, but it\'s just blocking it. If it\'s blocked by theocracy, I can only stay here forever."

Hong Yuan smiled and said, "It\'s okay, just to practice."

She hesitated for a moment, and asked: "I have a world under my hands..."

Han Jue interrupted, "I\'ll talk about it later!"

First enslavement succeeded!

It is not difficult to open up space in Baiyue Xianchuan and hide a piece of heaven and earth.

Han Jue had thought of protecting Heaven in this way before, but this would break the Chaos Heaven Road. He was also worried that Dao Ancestor and Pan Gu would use Heaven to enter the dojo, which would be too dangerous.

If it\'s just the world of red fate, then it\'s another matter.

Hong Yuan didn\'t say much anymore, just staring at Han Jue quietly.

After reading the e-mail, Han Jue began to observe the immortal world and the heavens and ten thousand worlds.

A few days later, he just started to practice.

When Han Jue began to refine the stars, the aura radiating from his body shocked Hong Yuan.

"What realm is he? Could it be the supreme realm he said before?"

Hong Yuan thought silently that she was not nervous about her future, and it was better than being wiped out by divine power.

With the great momentum of ten thousand theocracy generals, their actions spread in the chaos, and the spread of rumors was faster than their actions.

In the cloudy sky, heavy rain is pouring, and water mist rises between the sky and the earth.

Next to a huge lake, there is a small attic with four people fishing.

It is Lao Tan, Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi.

"Where did the theocracy come from? Some people say it represents 10,000 Dadao saints? This is too exaggerated!"

Zhao Xuanyuan asked curiously, thinking that this matter was false.

Dao Zhizun looked at Lao Tan and said, "Senior, talk about it."

Lao Tan hummed: "In fact, it is not an exaggeration. To be precise, it is more powerful than Dao Saints. One-to-one. Theocratic power will also be the first-class existence among the Dao-sages. When chaos appears as the source of chaos, they will appear. This is also the reason why chaos can exist forever."

"This time the divine power will appear, probably to search for the Hongmeng Demon God."

Jiang Yi asked curiously: "No matter how strong the Hongmeng Demon God is, it is not the opponent of the Ten Thousand Great Dao Saints, right? From this point of view, the Hongmeng Demon God can\'t threaten Chaos, so why do you say that the Hongmeng Demon God will set off a great deal of calamity?"

Lao Tan frowned and said: "Actually, the old man is also wondering. Thinking about it carefully, the old man really does not know who said that the Hongmeng Demon God will set off a great deal of calamity, and how powerful the Hongmeng Demon God is, the old man does not know. From Hongmengdan\'s point of view, the Hongmeng Demon God is indeed powerful, but it is not so powerful as to be invincible."

Dao Zhizun shook his head and said: "Also, Hongmeng Demon God is just a target."

The old man was silent, staring at the fishing rod, not knowing what he was thinking.

Zhao Xuanyuan asked, "What are we waiting for and when will we be released back to Heaven? I want to show my fellow students a look."

Lao Tan gave him a glance and cursed: "What do you mean by letting go? Lao Fu has really fallen blood mold with you three brothers. He often encounters dangers. You have to go back, and go back now!"

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became. Hongmeng Pill was abandoned, and he still owed his deity a favor. In recent years, the three of them have been in danger with the Taoist Supreme, and they have offended many powerful people. As a result, Zhao Xuanyuan is still not grateful.

"You old man is quick-eyed at every turn, so how can you have a clone like you if you are too ruthless?"

"Huh, the old man is not a clone!"

"Yes, yes, let\'s do it separately."

Zhao Xuanyuan grinned, and while talking, he waved his fishing rod and used his own fishing line to interfere with Lao Tan, so angry that Lao Tan blew his beard and stared.

At this moment, a great pressure fell, and the four of them suddenly looked up.

Inside the Taoist Temple, Han Jue who was cultivating suddenly opened his eyes and looked up.

Hong Yuan was in a coma, and Han Jue sealed his soul.

Following Han Jue\'s gaze, he saw only the thirty-third layer of the sky, layers of golden clouds appeared above the Dojo of All Saints, frantically churning, and a terrifying might descended upon the heavens.

Han Jue squinted his eyes and calculated that he found that Heavenly Dao seemed to be stimulated, and his luck was boiling, extremely weird. This was the first time Han Jue saw such a situation.

He can\'t figure out the reason for such astronomical phenomena.

He had to use a simulated trial to detect the situation around Tiandao, but no enemy attack was found.

Could it be that the supremacy of the road is coming again?

Han Jue raised his eyes again, looked up the heavenly path, his eyes penetrated through countless layers of space, and he did not see the enemy.

"Why is there such a vision?"

Han Jue asked in his heart.

[Need to deduct 900 billion years of life, whether to continue]

This is already Lao Tzu\'s worth!


Han Jue\'s consciousness fell into the illusion of evolution.

He opened his eyes and found that he had come to a sky filled with heavy fog. Looking down, he couldn\'t see the continent or the ocean. He looked up, but the sun, moon and stars were not visible.

There is a stalwart and domineering figure ahead!

He was naked, holding a big knife shaped like a giant axe, and constantly slashing towards the cloud wall in front of him.

Every time he slashed, all the clouds and mist that were split poured into his body, making his figure suddenly taller.


What is he doing?

Han Jue was secretly surprised, staring at Pangu\'s back.

The muscles on Pangu\'s back have great visual impact, like mountains squeezed together, hideous and domineering.

The cloud wall that can\'t see the apex bursts with light, and above Pangu\'s head, a figure appears in the cloud wall, which is bigger than Pangu, and sacred and majestic.

Our Lady of Order!

"Pangu, you dare to interfere with the divine right!"

The voice of Our Lady of Order was extremely cold.