Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 818: 19 demons

Facing such arrogant and arrogant peacock god, the Holy Real Martial Buddha snorted coldly, without talking nonsense, and directly escaped from the Buddha realm.

The Peacock Lord grinned and disappeared into the hall.

Immediately afterwards, a terrifying fighting pressure enveloped the Buddha realm, making the sentient beings in the Buddha realm feel extremely depressed.

Chu Shiren frowned.

He had heard of the name of the Peacock God, and he was known as the first person under the great road.

Such a powerful enemy, he also sweated for the Saint Zhenwu Buddha.

The most important thing is that behind the Peacock God Lord represents the Dark Forbidden Lord!

Who is the Dark Lord?

Chaos is the most mysterious and scariest evil existence!

Even if Sheng Zhenwu Buddha wins, can they stop the Dark Forbidden Lord?

Not only did he think so, but all the Buddhas in the temple were also so worried.

"The Dark Forbidden Lord is here, how can this be good?"

"It is said that the Dark Forbidden Lord evades even his life by three points."

"what to do?"

"Oh, but we don\'t have a big backing in the Buddhist world."

"Actually, the Saint Zhenwu Buddha is already very strong, but there are some outsiders and the heavens."

Listening to the words of the Buddhas, Chu people frowned slightly.

He hesitated for a moment, but chose to entrust the dream to Han Jue.


[Chu Shiren entrusted you with a dream, do you accept it?]

Han Jue who was cultivating was attracted by the prompt in front of him.

He has only been in retreat for 27,32 years, and if it is interrupted now, it would be too uncomfortable.

[Chu Shiren entrusted you with a dream, do you accept it?]

[Chu Shiren entrusted you with a dream, do you accept it?]


Chu Shiren began to keep refreshing the screen, and Han Jue had to stop.

This was the first time that Chu Shiren was so anxious, and it is estimated that something has really happened.

Han Jue\'s expression lifted.

Can you pretend?


You can show your saints in front of people!

Han Jue chose to accept the dream.

In the dream, Chu Shiren immediately spoke of the current predicament.

"Master! The Dark Forbidden Lord is eyeing his disciple!"

Han Jue looked calm, but he was speechless.

Is there something wrong with the peacock god?

Didn\'t Laozi ask you to find a place to retreat? He pulled my banner and bullied people everywhere!

Han Jue fell into hesitation.

If the peacock **** is directly allowed to take action, doesn\'t it mean that he has a relationship with the dark forbidden master?

"I will find a way."

Abandoning these words, Han Jue ended his dream.

He opened his eyes to look at the chaos, and soon caught the figure of the peacock **** and the holy real Wu Buddha.

They are fighting again!

Han Jue remembered that when the Peacock God came to the Dao of Heaven, the two had also fought.

He didn\'t take action immediately, but watched the battle quietly, waiting for the peacock **** to win the dream.

However, at first glance, the two are indistinguishable from each other.

This is the comfortable saint that the people of Chu win over?

There are indeed two brushes.

Han Jue began to watch the show.

In the face of the five-color divine light that has nothing to brush off, Sheng Zhenwu Buddha did not use magical treasures or magical powers, but constantly attacked the peacock **** with his soul.

His soul methods are endless, making the peacock **** very embarrassed.

According to this posture, the peacock **** may not be able to win.

The fighting lasted for several days.

The two sides fought a tie, the Peacock God Lord left a word and left: "You wait for us, I will come again, sooner or later step on your path to prove!"

Saint Zhenwu Buddha did not hunt down, after all, he was not sure to defeat the peacock god.

After the Peacock God Lord left, Han Jue didn\'t immediately ask for a dream. He wanted to wait for a while to arrange a task for him to divert his attention.

The atmosphere in the Buddha Palace is extremely depressing.

Sheng Zhenwu Buddha returned to his position, also frowning.

Although the Peacock God Lord was repelled, the panic brought by the Dark Forbidden Lord still enveloped them.

Chu Shiren spoke blankly and said: "Don\'t panic, this seat has already informed the master that this matter is up to the master to decide."

As soon as the words came out, the Buddhas couldn\'t help but wondered who his master was.

Compared with the panic in the dream, Chu people now show the Buddha\'s calmness.

"Heavenly Dao, the mighty God of Heaven, once killed the gods of the Dao Dao, and killed more than a dozen Dao Saints, and he also backs to the Demon God Clan, the Chaos Demon God previously defeated Pangu, you should have heard of it."

Chu Shiren\'s voice fell, and the entire palace exploded.

It turned out to be the mighty **** of heaven!

They have naturally heard of this name, it is the umbrella of heaven, and there is no doubt about its strength!

Sheng Zhenwu Buddha glanced at Chu Shiren and said, "Hid it deep enough."

The people of Chu said plainly: "He has a backer for the peacock god, and naturally also has it in the Buddhist world. I didn\'t want to mention it. I want to use Buddhist principles to save the world, but sometimes I have to use such vulgar methods."

All the Buddhas looked at him with admiration, and they are indeed the Lord Buddha!


In a blink of an eye, another thirty thousand years passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes and went to the second dojo, releasing the conceived Xionghan Demon God, and Murong started to take it away.

After that, he did not talk nonsense with Li Yao and Wu Dao Jian, but returned to the main dojo.


Heiji, Chaos Tengu, Three-headed Dragon King, Xun Chang\'an, Zhou Mingyue, Ah Da, Xiaoer, Lu Huaxu, Calabash Eight Brothers, King Kong Wrath, Hell Demon Lord, Tu Linger and other direct disciples have been waiting in front of the Taoist temple.

They all reached the quasi holy realm!

A total of nineteen direct disciples, all bowed before the Taoist temple, nervous and excited.

Han Jue let them in, and for a while, the Taoist temple seemed crowded.

"Are you ready? There will be a painful time next."

Han Jue asked.

Nineteen direct disciples responded in unison: "Ready!"

No one is afraid or upset!

They have absolute trust in Han Jue!

Han Jue didn\'t talk nonsense, and directly dispelled their bodies and collected their souls into the Hongmeng Realm, searching for the spirit of the devil for them, and fusing them together.

With Han Jue\'s current cultivation base and experience, it is easy to integrate the spirit of the demon god, and it is no longer necessary to be cautious as before.

The next thing is to hand over to time.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his expression sighed with emotion.

He still has a sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Not only is he getting stronger alone, but he also keeps those around him getting stronger.

Han Jue transmitted sound to Han Tiantian.

Han Suantian was the first incarnation in Baiyue Xianchuan, and he was considered a personal disciple. Zhou Mingyue was withdrawn, and Han Jue decided to give him the power of the hidden gate.

Soon, Han Sangtian came and bowed down in front of Han Jue.

He is very nervous and full of expectation in his heart.

" You are also a big Luo Jinxian, and you should hold up the responsibility of the hidden door, are you ready?" Han Jue said straightforwardly without talking nonsense.

Han Fallen\'s favorability is still six stars, which is worthy of trust.

The person who has the most contact with Li Xuan\'ao is also Han Fallen.

Han Dengtian said with trepidation: "The disciples are afraid that it will be hard to bear, and there are masters on it."

"They have already left, and I plan to cultivate you, not to refuse."

"Ah? Then thank Patriarch!"

Han Dengtian suppressed his ecstasy and said that he was born to love power, and he was just polite just now.

Han Jue started preaching for him alone, which can be regarded as a sense of ritual of handing over power.

A hundred years later, Han Dangtian only left.

Han Jue followed the preaching for the entire Baiyue Xianchuan, and it was another hundred years. After the preaching, he announced that Han Dengtian was the four guardians of the hidden gate, and since then took charge of affairs in Baiyue Xianchuan, causing millions of disciples to be in an uproar.