Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 813: Follow forever

Latest website: Between the mountains and forests, a village of dozens of households is located here, where men farming and women weaving, chickens and dogs are everywhere, and the smoke is curling up, and it seems to be isolated from the world.

In the woods, behind a big rock, there is a two or three-year-old child who is meditating and cultivating.

His features are exquisite, his face flushed, and he is quite girlish.

He is Jiang Peishi.

He stealthily changed the day and drank Mengpo soup, his memory is still there, so he has been practicing since he was born, but he hides well and no one finds it.

At this moment, he suddenly heard footsteps.

Jiang Jueshi opened his eyes immediately, he was paralyzed, leaning on the stone, his eyes were flushed instantly, as if he had cried.

A figure came to him.

This is an old Taoist priest, who is the embodiment of Han Jue\'s clone. His figure is rickety, but Meiyu still has the charm of Han Jue\'s deity.

Han Jue pretended to be surprised, and murmured, "There are such roots in the world!"

He hugged Jiang Peishi and walked towards the mountain village.

Jiang Jueshi\'s mouth is full of halazi, and his small hands are scratching, innocent and cute.

He felt helpless.

When such a practitioner wanted to accept him as a disciple again, he had gone through so many rebirths. Such situations were not rare, so he didn\'t panic and dealt with it slowly in the future.

Han Jue found Jiang Jueshi\'s parents and declared that he was a practitioner and would like to accept Jiang Jueshi as a disciple. He taught in the village. His parents were so excited that they knelt down and thanked Han Jue.

The incident caused a sensation in the village, and villagers came to watch the excitement.

After a long time, Han Jue became involved and taught Jiang Jueshi to practice. What he taught was only ordinary exercises, but in order to cope, Jiang Jueshi also practiced according to the exercises he taught.

Twenty years later, the grown-up Jiang Jueshi left and was about to wander the world. As a result, Han absolutely insisted on following, which made him feel helpless.

The master and apprentice began to march around the world.

Three thousand years later.

Han Jue was already gray-haired, staying with Jiang Jueshi in a simple Taoist temple by the river.

Compared with three thousand years ago, Han Jue looked more old, with a silky breath, and almost unable to open his eyes.

Jiang Jueshi meditated beside Han Jue, opened his eyes, and whispered, "Master, my deadline has come."

Han Jueshi did not move, Jiang Jueshi had to repeat it.

"Ah? Da Xian... Your qualifications are so high, you have long been an immortal... Why is there a limit?" Han Jue asked tremblingly, and couldn\'t help coughing after he finished speaking.

Jiang Jueshi said: "The disciples don\'t understand, maybe it\'s due to the destiny. God gave me talent, but it also deprived me of my lifespan."

Han never spoke any more.

Jiang Jueshi glanced at him with deep emotion in his heart.

Three thousand years of company, even stones will be influenced.

In this life, he owes his master the most.

He didn\'t tell his master that he had attained the divine realm, and he was ready to sit down.

Before sitting down, he suddenly felt a little reluctant. He didn\'t know what should the master do after he died?

The master is just transforming the cultivation base of the gods, and it is estimated that the deadline is coming soon.

Jiang Jueshi was only a little guilty in his heart, but after all he had gone through 100,000 rebirths, his Dao heart was as firm as a rock.

"Goodbye in the afterlife, no, there is no afterlife."

Jiang Jueshi thought in his heart that he had given up countless relatives, wives and children. Once he reincarnated, it would be difficult to meet him again.

After hundreds of reincarnations, there may be a chance to meet him by chance, but he didn\'t make friends with him.

The cut cause and effect should not be renewed.

Decades later.

Jiang Jueshi quietly reincarnated and came to another mortal world.

In this life, he was born in a rich family.

At the age of three, snow fell in the sky, the sky was vast, and the snow covered the city.

Jiang Jueshi was quietly cultivating in the courtyard, when he suddenly heard that the passersby were chatting about things outside the courtyard.

"Is the old beggar dead or alive?"

"I don\'t know, but lying at the door of our mansion is not a problem."

"The Patriarch has sent someone to find the doctor."

Jiang Jueshi had nothing to do, so he went to watch the excitement.

A group of people gathered in front of the gate of the mansion, and there were also many people watching the excitement on the street outside, pointing and pointing.

Seeing Jiang Peishi coming out, a maid quickly held him, but couldn\'t help him want to watch the excitement, so she hugged him to the door.

Jiang Jueshi looked at the old beggar lying on the ground, his brows suddenly frowned.


Jiang Peishi\'s expression is weird, isn\'t this the master of his previous life?

The weak old beggar slowly opened his eyes, and his eyes met him.

The old beggar\'s eyes widened suddenly, and a carp stood upright, shocking the crowd backing.

The old beggar stared at Jiang Jueshi fiercely, and muttered: "Such a bone...There is a second person in the world? Could it be my disciple\'s reincarnation?"

The corners of the young Jiang Peishi\'s mouth twitched slightly.

It\'s really his master!

How did this old man find here?

Can you cross a boundary in just a few decades?

Jiang Jueshi suddenly smelled the taste of conspiracy, instinctively vigilant, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing in his 100,000 rebirths.

Long time passed.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and he looked at Tian Dao first.

Jiang Jueshi was still entangled by his clone. After the encounter in the second life, Jiang Jueshi was very wary, but later discovered that the master had just run into him by chance, so the master and apprentice began to wander the world again.

It is said that it is wandering around the world, but in fact it is to find a place to hide and practice, cut off from the world, not to mention enemies, not even friends.

Han Jue admired Jiang Jueshi more and more.

This guy is not like a human being, but too firm, just like a spiritual machine.

In order to make Jiang Jueshi no longer doubt his clone, Han Jue let the clone swear: "Even though reincarnation is forever, I will definitely find my disciple to help him break the chains of fate and achieve immortality."

When Jiang Jueshi heard these words, he was extremely frightened.

This old man really wants to pester him?

However, the old man only had the cultivation base of transforming the gods, and he should not live long.

After he attained the divine realm, he sat down again.

Before he died, his master held his hand, tears crying: "The way of heaven is not fair, the way of heaven is not fair, why do I have to die if I become an immortal as a disciple..."

Jiang Peishi felt a little uncomfortable, but in the end he closed his eyes.

Decades later.

Jiang Peishi was born in the royal family, and he is the prince.

He secretly rejoiced, now that the old man can\'t reach it, right?

However, when he was five years old, the court welcomed an immortal, his master.

Unlike the previous life, Han Jue is much younger in this life. UU reading seems to be in his early forties. Jiang Jieshi learns that this fellow has actually attained Taiyi Dao Guo, his life span has skyrocketed, and his spirits have also greatly improved.

This **** luck...

In this way, Jiang Jueshi was entangled by Han Jue again.

The abyss of the magic way is filled with turbid mist.

Han Tuo and Yitian are fighting each other.

Luyuan Demon Ancestor suddenly appeared and said, "I will give you a task."

Han Tuo and Yitian stopped immediately.

They came to Luyuan Mozu with a look of expectation on their faces.

They stayed here for too long and they wanted to go out long ago!

They themselves are not the masters of asceticism, they need to fight, constantly break through in the battle, and constantly surpass the limit!