Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 808: Saint's choice

When Han Jue was curious about the outcome, the Chaos Demon Gods also began to discuss.

"Pangu is still Pangu, this momentum is really unforgettable."

"Although I hate him, I have to say that the Dao of Power is indeed powerful. The Dao of Tiangang at that time was almost equal to it, but it was a pity that he died in the hands of Kaitian axe."

"If there is no Sky Axe, Chaos Qinglian, and Chaos Bead, how can Pangu kill three thousand demon gods?"

"Pangu\'s bare hands in this life may be really overestimated by us."

"Fool sword is sacred, huh? What a strong sword spirit!"

Listening to the exchanges of the demon gods, Han Jue was secretly anxious.

He is not the real Chaos Demon God, unable to sense the battle, can only feel the direction, not knowing where the two guys are hiding.

"Why don\'t you start a live broadcast?"

Han Jue murmured in his heart, thinking that the Devil God would not come in the beginning.

But he couldn\'t say it so as not to expose that he was not the Chaos Demon God.

Maybe the Chaos Demon God can see it, there is a special connection, but he can\'t see it.

Listening to the exchanges between the Chaos Demon Gods, the battle situation was fierce. The Sacred Sword seemed to be stronger than before, but Pan Gu was equally strong.

"This Pangu can\'t even kill the sacred Sword in a second, but that\'s all."

Han Jue thought silently.

He actually wanted to deal with Pangu, but knew that this Pangu was not a real resurrection. Even if Pangu was destroyed, Pangu would still be there.

It\'s better to wait for Pangu to kill a few more Chaos Demon Gods and reduce most of the opponents for him or his son.

He is not an enemy of Pangu, he has no choice but to protect himself!

After half an hour.

There was a sudden silence in the hall.

Han Jue understood that the battle was over.

Why don\'t a group of turtle grandchildren speak?

Han Jue’s clone cannot check emails, so he can only do it in a hurry.

In the early days, the Demon God slowly said: "Fool Sword Holy is defeated, but unfortunately, he still has a chance of winning. Unexpectedly, Pangu has more treasures."

The demons spoke one after another.

"What the **** is the treasure, it can reflect the sacred kendo of Yujian."

"It is indeed powerful. Pangu is pierced by Yujian\'s sacred kendo, and it can actually kill Yujian\'s sacredness."

"Fool Sword is incredibly sacred. Although this guy is arrogant, his aptitude is indeed strong. The most important thing is that he relies not on his own avenue, but on the sword."

"Swordsmanship is good, and I don\'t know how strong Li Er is?"

Han Jue was not surprised when he heard this.

The sacredness of Yujian is indeed not strong.

I don\'t know if it\'s dead yet?

Han Jue passed the matter to the deity.

In the Taoist Temple, Han Jue knew that Yu Jian was defeated, but he did not open his eyes, but continued to practice.

It was not until the end of the 50,000-year retreat that he opened his eyes, and the clone was still in the realm of the beginning, ready to welcome the arrival of Pangu together.

Han Jue checked the email and found an email about the sacred Yujian.

[Your friend Yu Jian Sheng is attacked by your enemy Pangu]

[Your friend Yu Jian Sheng is attacked by mysterious power, and his soul is in a trance]

[Your friend Yu Jian Sheng was attacked by your enemy Pangu, severely wounded, and physically annihilated]

[Your good friend Yujian is sacred and fortunate to be saved by the mysterious and mighty, and the soul escapes]


Is there a third party involved?

Han Jue asked in his heart: "Who was attacked by Yujian Sacred when he was fighting Pangu, causing a trance?"

[Need to deduct 500 billion years of life, whether to continue]


A figure appeared in Han Jue\'s mind, followed by a hint in front of him:

[Our Lady of Order: Dao to Shangjing late stage, Dao deity]

is her!

Han Jue squinted, he would never forget that the Mother of Order broke the heavens as soon as she shot.

He continued to ask: "Who saved Yujian Divine in the battle against Pangu?"

[Need to deduct 900 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[Lao Tzu: Dao is the supreme realm of consummation, detached from Dao, Pangu Yuanshen, Dao ancestor personal disciple, kendo creator, ancestor of a hundred schools, immeasurable emperor, ancestor of human education, creator of avenue]


Pangu Yuanshen helps Yujian holy to deal with Pangu?


In this way, Dao Sect and Pan Gu may not deal with each other.

It\'s right to think about it carefully. If it weren\'t for the fall of Pangu, would there be an opportunity for Dao ancestors to dominate all living beings?

Then let them fight!

Han Jue smiled.

He was inexplicably excited when he thought of playing against Pangu.

He began a simulated trial, fighting against five thousand Foolish Swords.

After repeating it hundreds of times, Han Jue\'s excitement subsided.

He can\'t defeat the five thousand foolish swords.

The sacred Yujian can\'t beat Pangu.


The reasoning is that he can\'t beat Pangu and can\'t be reckless.

Han Jue is ready to continue practicing.

When he reaches the consummation of the Dao Hunyuan realm, his strength will surely leap again by a big margin, and then Pangu will be nothing!

One day, he will play 10,000 Pangu in a simulated trial!

at this time.

"Friend Daoist Han, please come to the Hall of Universe for a comment."

The voice of Xuandu Holy Venerable floated into Han Jue\'s ears, it was really time.

Han Jue got up and came to the Hall of Universe.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable immediately summoned the other saints.

In less than a stick of incense, all the saints are here.

Antarctic Tianzun, Tianjue Sect Lord, Emperor Xiao, Inability to Heaven, Seeking the West, Fang Liang, Jinshen, Panxin, Xu Judao, Su Qi, Li Taigu, Hunyuan Buddha, Zhuang Lone Star, Long Hao, Ji Xian Shen , Shenwei Buddha, Yang Che, Tai Sutian, Tian Zhan, Han Yu!

With the addition of the Profound Capital Saints, there are already 21 Heavenly Dao saints in Heaven, which is enough to see how much stronger than before.

Han Yu had just become a saint not long ago, and he was secretly excited when he saw Han Jue sitting on an equal footing with the Xuandu Holy Venerable, but Han Jue didn\'t look at him, and he couldn\'t show it well.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "Pangu is resurrected!"

As soon as this remark came out, the hall was shocked!

Who is Pangu?

The creator of heaven!

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ancestor of all of them!

"Pangu is chasing and killing the Chaos Demon God, and sooner or later he will come to Heaven." Xuandu Shengzun continued.

All the saints were moved, and they suddenly remembered that Han Jue was also the Chaos Demon God, and the matter had spread in Chaos.

Pan Gu wanted to kill the Chaos Demon God, didn\'t he want to kill Han Jue?


That is Pangu!

Helping Han Jue means killing Pangu!

This is a rebellion against the ancestors!

Han Yu\'s face was also ugly, he didn\'t expect to face such a thing as soon as he became a holy.

He looked at Han Jue, UU reading www.uukanshu. Seeing Han Jue\'s face as usual on com, there is no pressure at all.

That\'s Pangu Giant God!

In Tiandao, Pangu is the creator of the world!

All living beings believe that the older the stronger, how can Han Jue be Pangu\'s opponent?

Pan Xin hummed: "Although I am a descendant of Pangu, I support Fellow Dao Han. Now I am a saint of the Dao of Heaven. If an accident happens to Fellow Dao Han, Heaven will be swallowed by Chaos. You won’t think Pangu will protect Heaven’s Dao in the future, right?"

"He gave you a dream?"

All the saints were surprised, but he didn\'t expect that the first person who spoke to support Han Jue was Pan Xin, the descendant of Pangu!

Qiu Xilai smiled and said, "Yes, the times have changed. If Pangu dares to come, he will know that his time has passed!"

The faces of the saints are even more weird.

Qixilai, who has always been afraid of death and calculations, also chose to support Han Jue at this juncture, instead of going to Pangu?