Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 802: The only existence

The latest website: "What kind of disaster?"

Xing Hongxuan frowned and asked, although she values ​​Han Jue most, her son has been with her for so many years and helped her practice. She hasn\'t repaid her son, so should she find a way to get rid of her son?

how is this possible!

The other party said: "His birth will bring disaster to the entire chaos, he will become the enemy of the chaos, and even your husband will be his enemy. Those ancient and indescribable existences will take action one after another to block cause and effect. Blocking time and space, the reason why I can entrust my dream to you is that I have paid an extremely expensive price."

Upon hearing this, Xing Hongxuan fell into silence.

The other party continued: "And you can\'t guarantee whether your child is good or bad. You can already feel his talent. If you are evil, can you really control him?"

"He can make you stronger, and he is naturally stronger. He is born with the most powerful power. He is born to be a catastrophe. He shouldn\'t be born. Your husband didn\'t want him at first, but you insisted on coming. "

"Don\'t feel cruel, the cause and effect you started, you have to end it."

The voice fell, and the whole world began to twist, becoming hazy.

After waking up from the dream.

Xing Hongxuan opened his eyes.

She has a complicated face, and her heavy mission and cause and effect are overwhelming her to breathe.

She touched her lower abdomen, her face showing pain.

Is it really because of her willfulness?

She suddenly thought of something, relieved.

"What am I struggling with? I rely on my husband to have today. The child\'s talent is not with me, but with my husband. I should not worry about this, but tell my husband."

Xing Hongxuan muttered to herself, then got up and went to visit Han Jue.

Han Jue is still checking his emails, trying to make up for some interesting emails.

He felt the breath of Xing Hongxuan, and immediately opened the door of Taoist temple to let her enter the temple.

Xing Hongxuan came to Han Jue and sat down and told him about his previous dream.

After listening to it, Han Jue was not surprised, he had known about it a long time ago.

But for Xing Hongxuan\'s performance, he was very satisfied.

"You have done a good job, you have to tell me what you don\'t understand, don\'t handle it yourself." Han Jue took Xing Hongxuan\'s hand, patted the back of her hand, and smiled with satisfaction.

If Xing Hongxuan can\'t figure it out, kills his son, or goes to extremes, and wants to lead his son to escape, causing a series of consequences, then it will be in trouble.

Xing Hongxuan laughed and said: "Maybe this thing is a trap, I want to mess up my heart, and thus hinder my husband?"

Han Jue said, "I\'ll do the calculations. You will keep the previous state for the time being. If you need to practice, you will need to practice. After you have achieved Hunyuan Taoism, you must continue to practice, understand?"

Xing Hongxuan nodded.

A few hours later, Xing Hongxuan left, she unloaded her burden and became relaxed again.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue began to use evolutionary functions: "What Xing Hongxuan dreams of is really the future self?"

[Need to deduct 500 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[She is indeed the future]

Is she worth 500 billion years in the future?

Han Jue continued to ask, "Is she telling the truth in the future, or a conspiracy?"

[Need to deduct 500 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[It involves the supreme rule and cannot be directly evolved]

Han Jue frowned.

In other words, it is impossible to determine whether the other party is telling the truth, it may be caused by the enemy\'s bewitching.

This can be regarded as a warning, the enemy may also use the future to attack the past!

It seems that the future must be counted!

"I want to know what the scene is after the tribulation of the Great Dao is over?"

Han Jue asked, I just look at the ending, let\'s go!

In fact, he knew very well that every time he looked at the future, he would change the future.

But it doesn\'t mean that predicting the future is useless, at least it allows him to avoid a lot of trouble.

For example, Emperor Xietian, if Han Jue had not intervened many times, he would have died out more than a million years ago.

[Need to deduct five quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]

so much!


Han Jue followed into the illusion of evolution.

The long-lost dizziness appeared, Han Jue opened his eyes, and his consciousness quickly became clear.

What caught his eyes was the primordial void, filled with purple clouds, and strands of chaotic air seemed to be intertwined in the void.

Barren and lonely!

Everything becomes nothingness!

Han Jue frowned, what\'s the matter?

The space shrank suddenly, dazzling.

He suddenly saw a figure.

The figure was paralyzed on a stone chair. This stone chair was weird and awe-inspiring. There were several heads inlaid on the top. One of them was seen by Han Jue. He had seen it in the realm of Primordial Beginning and was one of the Chaos Demon Gods.

Han Jue squinted his eyes and found that this figure was not him.

Who is this?

The person on the stone chair wears a black-patterned purple robe, with a disheveled hair, and exudes an extremely terrifying aura.

He has an extremely handsome face, but his eyes are cold and the corners of his mouth have a cruel smile.

Who is this guy?

Han Jue didn\'t know him at all.

I just think the other party is familiar, like Han Tuo and Han Yu.


Isn\'t it his unborn son?

The purple-robed figure raised his hands and looked fascinated, and murmured: "All this belongs to me. No one can stop me. I am the only Demon God and the only existence. I create everything, and I will be Hongmeng. The gods are supreme!"

Han Jue had a weird look on his face.

It\'s really his son.

What is the only existence?

You wicked barrier won\'t even kill Lao Tzu, will you?

At this time, the dream was broken.

Han Jue\'s consciousness returned to reality.

He began to think.

If he is really the youngest son, then he must be thrown into the Hongmeng Heaven Prison before he grows up, lest he kills his father.

But after another thought, something was wrong, even if he couldn\'t beat his son in the future, it would be fine to hide in the dojo.

Maybe he will die in suspended animation in the future?

Han Jue did not use the evolutionary function anymore, all this is too far away, he can\'t jump to conclusions.

If the situation does not change, Hongmeng Demon God will successfully subvert the chaos.

Probably because of the existence of the dojo, his son can grow up to an invincible stage with peace of mind.

As long as his son does not leave the dojo, the future just now is indeed very likely to happen.

"So, I have to work hard, and I can\'t slack off. All are the Hongmeng Demon God. Only when I give up my cultivation will I be overtaken by another Hongmeng Demon God."

Han Jue\'s eyes became firm. UU Reading


He closed his eyes and entered a state of cultivation.

In the dim space, the majestic and chaotic air permeated like a thick fog.

Yitian and a figure stood by a lake, the surface of the lake was muddy, and waves continued to flow.

Yitian turned his head to look at the figure next to him, and asked, "Magic Ancestor, why hasn\'t he come out yet?"

Compared to before, the demon ancestors were different from each other, and they already had a human appearance, wearing a long black robe, with cuffs and hem broken, like a black flame fluttering.

His face is pale, his features are sharp and angular, there are three vertical lines between his eyebrows, and his black hair is as long as his robe. He looks like a nightmare, terrifying and terrifying.
