Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 799: Unfathomable

Latest website: After the ancestor Xitian sealed the ominous God Emperor in the golden creek in his palm, he continued to cast the spell with his left hand, and the magic seals were stamped in the golden creek in his right hand with dazzling brilliance.

This scene made Xietian Emperor\'s eyes widen.

how is this possible!

The ominous **** emperor exists like a saint on the road, why is there no way to resist in the hands of the ancestors of Xitian?

Isn’t the ancestor of Xitian also a saint?

The Xietian Emperor suddenly felt that the ancestor Xitian was so strange.

Did the old ancestors hide their cultivation base in Heaven?

Emperor Xietian couldn\'t figure it out, but he understood that the situation got worse.

The ominous **** emperor is sealed, and no one can pin down the ancestors of Xitian. Will the ancestors of Xitian no longer wait, but will kill them?

this moment.

The Emperor Xietian suddenly thought of Han Jue.

Would you like to ask Han Jue for help?

He could think of the most powerful being Han Jue now, even the Demon God of Daozhe could not compare.

at this time.

The ancestor Xitian suddenly turned his head and looked into the darkness.

The Xietian Emperor who had been staring at him couldn\'t help but follow.

In the depths of the darkness, there is nothing.

Emperor Xietian couldn\'t feel the breath of reinforcements.

When Li Daokong used the Wansheng Sword, countless mutilations, magical artifacts, and meteorites all turned into sword shadows, facing Zhou Fan.

"Zhou Fan, do you want to ask for mercy?" Li Daokong asked jokingly.

Zhou Fan became angry and cursed: "What\'s the matter? You still want to kill me?"

Li Daokong smiled and said: "How could it be possible that we have had an acquaintance, but you have seen the situation of the battle."

He was in a wonderful mood. Not only did he bully Zhou Fan, but more importantly, he saw Shi Dudao being beaten.

Shi Dudao was beaten, and he had the upper hand!

Comparing the two, he appears to be more powerful, how can he be unhappy?


Outside of Heavenly Dao, Han Jue appeared on Chaos Heavenly Road.

He looked at the dark restricted area and slowly raised his right hand.

"Ancestor, do you want to fight? Unfortunately, I am not used to letting water go. To prevent you from killing you in seconds, I\'ll fight with you away from a distance."

The shadows of the demon gods appeared on Han Jue\'s head, and then penetrated into his body.

Fusion of Laws!

About fifty dharma pictures were fused, Han Jue reached out his index finger, condensed the anger of the gods, and then shot out with the sword finger of the heaven and earth mysterious yellow.


A horrible sword qi burst out, tearing the darkness, drawing a white straight line with no end in sight, extending to the depths of the chaos.

Han Jue turned around.

Pan Xin and Tian Jue Sect Master appeared in front of him, and Pan Xin asked nervously, "Is there an enemy?"

The Lord Tianjue was also extremely nervous.

To force Han Jue to make a shot himself, the opponent must be very strong, at least he is also a saint of the Dao!

Han Jue smiled and said, "There is no strong enemy, but someone challenged me at the tower of the avenue."

Tower of the Avenue?

The Lord Pan Xin and Tian Jue were stunned and couldn\'t help but stare at each other, seeing the incredible in each other\'s eyes.

The tower of the avenue is so far away from the way of heaven, even if it is a saint of freedom, it can\'t be reached in a short time.

Han Jue shot so far away?

They couldn\'t imagine how high Han Jue\'s cultivation base was.

Han Jue disappeared, returned to the Taoist Temple, and sat on the 36th-Rank Reincarnation Black Lotus to continue his cultivation.


Avenue tower field.

The ancestor Xitian aloft suddenly said: "Stop!"

In an instant, all the servants who were fighting stopped and looked up at him.

Li Daokong and Shi Dudao also stopped.

The monks of the fairy gods and the tower of the avenue retreated quickly and were able to breathe.

All creatures raised their heads to look at the ancestors of Xitian, like ants looking at the sky.

Emperor Xietian frowned, feeling inexplicably uneasy.

What exactly does the ancestor Xitian want to do?

at this time!

All the inspirations of life came under a terrifying force, which made their souls tremble.

Including Xietian Emperor, Shi Dudao, Li Daokong, Zhou Fan!

A sense of fear and insignificance in the face of absolute power enveloped them.

They turned their heads to look subconsciously, their eyes were not yet where they were, a sword aura illuminating the void, and hitting the ancestor Xitian with an unstoppable domineering force!


Shocking time and space!

The ancestor Xitian blocked his palms immediately, and the mana of his whole body shot out, and the magic seals slammed into the mana in his palm at an extremely fast speed, forming a huge golden compass in an instant, blocking Han Jue\'s sword energy.

In less than a billionth of a second, the golden compass as huge as the bright sun was shattered by sword energy.

The ancestor Xitian\'s eyes widened, and his white hair was blown back.

The sword light shone the eyes of all creatures, and even the holy thoughts were isolated!

When the sword light dissipated, Xie Tiandi took the lead to look up.

The sword energy dissipated, and a big hole was broken deep in the darkness. The deep purple different-dimensional time and space looked like a giant cosmic beast with its mouth wide open, making the heart palpitating.

The ancestor Xitian was suspended in the air, with disheveled heads, rickets with his back, and his head hanging, but his slightly floating back proved that he was still alive.

Soon, all the creatures recovered their senses. They looked up and saw the state of the ancestor Xitian, and they all sucked in cold air.

Especially the life servants, their livers are splitting, and they are terrified.

Zhou Fan and Xietiandi looked at each other.

They guessed the truth.

Han Jue made a move!

The weak voice of the ancestor Xitian followed: "Retreat."

He then got up and walked into the darkness.

Li Daokong smiled at Zhou Fan: "Next time you fight again, be careful that I rob you of the tower of your avenue. I will install less in the future!"


Zhou Fan was very upset, but there was nothing to say.

Shi Dudao took a deep look at Emperor Xietian, leading countless servants to chase the ancestor Xitian.

Emperor Xietian and Zhou Fan did not order to hunt down.

No one noticed that the mouth of the departing ancestor Xitian raised slightly, and said with a voice that only he could hear: "The next generation is terrible."


Taoist temple.

Han Jue was a little surprised. Although he kept his hands, he didn\'t expect the ancestor Xitian to be able to keep his body.

It seems that the ancestors were carrying the treasure.

But it\'s okay, Han Jue only combined the power of fifty dharma figures.

If he integrates the power of thousands of dharma, and ten Xitian ancestors stand together, their form and spirit will be destroyed!

[Xitian ancestors have improved your favorability, and the current favorability rating is 6 stars]

A line of prompt popped out in front of him, and Han Jue was speechless.

In any case, the crisis between the heaven and the tower of the avenue is resolved.

Han Jue thought that the people of Chu also suffered unexpectedly, and his soul was imprisoned.

He followed the dream to Chu people.

The dream is under the hibiscus tree, perhaps influenced by the Xietian Emperor, Han Juetuo always has a little feeling in his dreams.

Chu Shiren opened his and saw that it was Han Jue, and quickly bowed down and saluted.

Han Jue asked, "In trouble?"

The people of Chu were stunned, hesitated for a moment, and nodded slightly.

"Why don\'t you use magic tricks?"

"I don\'t want to bother Master with regard to the disciple-grandson. If there is a senior existence who crosses the boundary, the disciple-grandson will naturally look for you, but the other party is just a free saint. If I look for you, I think it\'s too bullying."

Chu Shiren spoke very seriously, and Han Jue wanted to laugh when he heard it.

Han Jue said, "Then you are not afraid of death?"

Chu Shiren said: "No, I still want to subdue the other party and accept him as the Buddha of the Buddha Realm!"

Han Jue asked, "Why are you so arrogant?"
