Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 796: Old Hades, Welcome Holy Palace

Latest URL: "Stop the **** nonsense, do you want to die?"

The fierce Zhu Rong roared, the roar resounding through this dark restricted area.

Dijiang directly transformed into the real body of the ancestor witch, like a chaotic demon, with a terrifying posture, and the terrifying power contained in it can be felt just by looking at the muscles on his body.

The mysterious giant face smiled and said: "Your enemy is not me, don\'t you want to resurrect Pangu when you go to Heaven?"

"Not to mention whether you can find it. Even if you find it, you will resurrect Pangu. Then, how should the relationship between the beings of the Heavenly Dao and Pangu be dealt with? The way of heaven will return to Pangu? That day, the mighty **** of heaven can endure? Let Pangu leave the way of heaven, that Pangu can tolerate? "

His words were full of sarcasm, mocking the ancestral witches for their simple minds.

Di Jiang asked back: "Have you ever met our Father God?"

The mysterious giant face said: "Pangu has fallen for so long, I haven\'t seen it naturally. Isn\'t it the same?"

"The power of the Father is invincible."

"Oh? You mean Pangu is resurrected, and the gods and gods are not opponents?"

Di Jiang did not say any more.

If this is spread to Heaven, it would be bad.

The mysterious giant face smiled gloomily: "Dijiang, Dijiang, the times are different. Pangu is no longer an invincible existence, not to mention the ancient existences that have survived from the initial era of chaos, even Daozu has surpassed Pangu. To resurrect Pangu, it would be a disaster for Er et al. The top priority for Er et al is to strengthen himself, rather than blindly pursue ancestral power."

Di Jiang frowned, but his heart was shaken by these words.


If Pangu is resurrected, it is not full of strength, and it will definitely usher in the revenge of the Chaos Demon God.

These Chaos Demon Gods have practiced for countless years than Pangu!

The same as the Chaos Demon God, even if there is a gap in aptitude, it will not be so bad.

The mysterious giant face disappeared, leaving a word:

"If you can figure it out, join the fate at any time, fate is equal, all in order to overthrow the chaos, if the witch clan is willing to help, the dark age will come, the witch clan will gain the status of the heavenly human race, and you, will be the new great gods! "

The ancestors looked at each other.

It turned out to be fate!

Regarding fate, they naturally knew that they had fought fate before in the heavenly court.

The darkness of the Void Soul Great Sage could have caused them to be surrounded by thirteen lives. If Han Jue hadn\'t ended quickly, they would have died.

In this way, fate is still their enemy!

Gonggong said in a deep voice: "Big brother, don\'t believe him, what is he, insulting me and waiting, and then throwing away branches? Ridiculous!"

The other ancestral witches nodded one after another, all filled with righteous indignation.

Di Jiang hummed: "Naturally, I won\'t believe him, so I continue on my way and go to the Way of Heaven!"

The huge palm continues to move forward, faster than before.

Underworld, Temple of Yama.

Yang Tiandong supported his chin with one hand and yawned, completely bored.

There was a deafening roar from outside the hall, shaking Yan Luo Temple, but Yang Tiandong did not panic at all.

Soon, several ghost soldiers were kicked in and hit the wall behind Zhongyang Tiandong. Then, two terrifying figures rushed in.

"Hahaha, brother, this mansion is nothing more than that, it can\'t stop you and my brother at all!"

"Brother Supreme, don\'t rush, grab the life and death book quickly!"

The visitors were Xia Zhizun and Qin Ling.

Since getting the ninety-nine Emperor Yuan Pills, Qin Ling’s cultivation level has skyrocketed, causing a lot of attention in the shrine. Later, by chance, he ran into Xia Zhizun. The two did not know each other, although Qin Ling was not Xia. The supreme opponent, but the stubbornness moved Xia Zhizun, and the two later became brothers of the opposite sex.

This time they trespassed into the netherworld, they had already broken through the eighteen temples of Yama, but still could not find the life and death book, so they finally went to the palace of Yang Tiandong.

Yang Tiandong is the Great Yama in the Jifu, above the eighteen Yama Kings. Only the soul with great karma or extraordinary luck can enter his hall, and he will determine the reincarnation.

Xia Zhizun stared at Yang Tiandong eagerly, and smiled: "Old man Yan Luo, hurry up and hand over the book of life and death, heaven is peaceful, we don’t want to kill, the ghost soldiers along the way are just injured, but our patience is not enough. Not that much."

Old man?

Yang Tiandong smiled, he casually threw the book of life and death at the feet of Xia Zhizun and said in a huff: "What are you going to do, hurry up, and get out of here!"

Xia Zhizun and Qin Ling were stunned.

This Yama is so arrogant, but the action is very honest.

Just as Xia Zhizun wanted to scold him back, Qin Ling stopped him and said, "Hurry up, there are a lot of great abilities hidden in the underworld, and things won\'t end well if they make a big mess."

Hearing this, Xia Zhizun gave Yang Tiandong a hateful look, then opened the book of life and death, and began to look it up quickly.

Yang Tiandong put his hands on his chin at the table, staring at Qin Ling with emotion.

The last time Qin Ling came here seemed to be yesterday.

Time is so fast.

Qin Yinyi was very uncomfortable receiving his gaze, and couldn\'t help asking: "Why are you staring at me like this?"

Yang Tiandong smiled and said: "It\'s nothing, I\'m thinking about when we will meet next time."

"Hmph, I won\'t come again, don\'t worry."

"That\'s not necessarily. Some things are destined, but fate."

"You mean I will die?"

"Don\'t speak, don\'t speak."

Qin Ling frowned and was inexplicably flustered by Yang Tiandong.

At this time, Xia Zhizun tore off a page from the book of life and death, then threw the book of life and death back, and cursed: "Let’s go quickly, this old Hades must be lonely. I want you to come down with him and ignore him. Ghosts and gods like him seem immortal and carefree, but they also lose the meaning of life."

He pulled Qin Ling away quickly.

Yang Tiandong\'s smile froze.

Why does this dog talk so hurtful?

Yang Tiandong began to calculate the identity of Xia Zhizun, and secretly wrote down.

"Boy, wait, you will be planted in my hands sooner or later, don\'t think about reincarnation experience in the future, I will let you be a pig, a dog, and sink into reincarnation."

Yang Tiandong cursed in his heart, feeling extremely depressed.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and he was closed for another 10,000 years. He wanted to continue practicing, but the Xuandu Holy Venerable informed him decades ago that the twelve ancestor witches had arrived.

The Lord Tianjue opened a dojo in the dark forbidden area outside the Heavenly Dao. UU Reading is called Yingsheng Palace, not far from the Chaos Tianlu, and is dedicated to receiving powerful guests from the chaos.

The twelve ancestors’ witch cultivation is too strong, and they are resurrecting from the chaos. Except for the Houtu Empress, no one can enter the way of heaven. The Houtu Empress can only walk in the underworld and the thirty-third level of the sky, and cannot enter the immortal world, the heavens and the world. .

The Wu clan has been waiting in the Yingsheng Palace for decades, waiting very impatiently.

at this time.

Han Jue came to the gate of Yingsheng Palace and stepped into the hall.

Both the Wu Clan and Tianjue Sect Master were meditating in the temple. At first they didn\'t feel the breath of Han Jue, until a great witch who hadn\'t practiced caught a glimpse of Han Jue.


The witch whispered softly, and the ancestral witches opened their eyes one after another.

Han Jue, who is a precious treasure, has a pressing imposing manner, and anyone will feel ashamed in front of him.