Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 790: My name is Liu Bei

"Wuwei ruthlessness is just a practice attitude. The failure of the Hongmeng Pill may indicate a catastrophe, a catastrophe that will affect all practitioners."

Laozi replied calmly, without any turbulence in his tone.

Our Lady of Order said: "I don\'t know why it failed, but a certain supreme being has said that the great demon **** who set off the great calamity has not yet been born."

Lao Tzu thoughtfully.

Our Lady of Order continued: "Many ancient beings are vainly trying to become Hongmeng Demon God, and Hongmengdan may be one of their methods."

Laozi said, "Thank you for your advice."

After that, he turned around to leave.

"Lao Tzu, do you think the ancestor would also want to become the Hongmeng Demon God?" The voice of Our Lady of Order floated again.

In an instant, all the clouds in the sky were still.

Lao Tzu turned his back to the Virgin of Order, and asked: "The Virgin is not in the cause and effect, or in the fate, why care about the fate of the ancestor?"

Our Lady of Order said: "The Hongmeng Demon God is a chaotic calamity. If Dao Ancestor really becomes the Hongmeng Demon God, I hope you will not be obsessed with old feelings."

Lao Tzu left a sentence and left: "If the teacher really becomes the Hongmeng Demon God, my sword will point to him."

The world fell into solitude.

Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Jue ended his simulation trial and experienced hundreds of battles. He was finally able to easily kill one thousand Foolish Swords. He even tried to challenge two thousand Foolish Swords. Although it was difficult, it was not without power.

Even if he doesn\'t use the anger of the gods, each of Han Jue\'s demon gods possesses a powerful single-deck combat ability.

It is not a problem to at least single-handedly pick a Yujian Divine!

Han Jue was in a good mood and began to preach to the millions of disciples in Baiyue Xianchuan.

This talk is a hundred years.

After finishing the sermon, Han Jue did not practice immediately, instead he separated a trace of soul thought and headed to the immortal realm.

The immeasurable catastrophe is about to begin, he wants to see it.

The soul was transformed into the posture of his deity, and his cultivation was controlled in the Daluojin Wonderland.

The cultivation base is only the appearance, even if it is a quasi-sage, it will not hurt his soul and thoughts.

Han Jue planned to go to the shrine to take a look.

Qin Ling, the protagonist of Liang Jie, stayed in the divine palace.

Speaking of it, Han Absolute Shrine has always been fresh in his memory. Before the last calamity, the Shrine was the place where the gods of the immortal world gathered, and it still exists today.

Of course, there is Han Jue\'s contribution to this, otherwise, how can Lone Star rise up?

When Han Jue Zongyun moved forward, he suddenly thought of Han Tuo\'s mother, whose soul has been sealed for so many years, should he be released and reincarnated?

It\'s not impossible. Today\'s Han Jue does not need to worry too much. In the realm of heaven, no one he wants to protect can be hurt.

Next time.

When Han Jue visited the fairy world next time, he would release it.

In addition to seeing the shrine this time, Han Jue also plans to go to the underworld to see his big apprentice and Han Tuo\'s daughter Han Xinyuan.

Han Tuosheng had a son and a daughter. The son founded the Han family and was the ancestor of Han Yu. His daughter Han Xinyuan has been busy practicing, and later joined the underworld. Under Yang Tiandong\'s care, she is already the goddess of the underworld and has a high status.

Along the way, Han Jue didn\'t fly too fast, by the way, let\'s take a look at what the fairy world looks like now.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed since the last time I traveled to the fairy world. Naturally, the fairy world is not what it used to be.

Han Jue noticed that the aura of Daluo Jinxian in the immortal world had exceeded three thousand, which did not include Daluo Jinxian who went to the chaos.

There are hundreds of quasi saints, which is very good.

A few months later.

Han Jue finally came to the temple.

The shrine is located in the sky, and the palace falls on the clouds, looking at it, layer by layer, magnificent.

Han Jue quietly used the power of the Hidden Demon God and disappeared without a trace and without a sound. He found Qin Ling\'s breath and quickly came to Qin Ling\'s courtyard.

Tens of thousands of years have passed, Qin Ling is already an immortal emperor, but his status in the palace is not high. Because of his average aptitude, his place of residence is not high-standard, he can only be said to be average.

Qin Ling was sitting on the steps, looking at the medicine cauldron in front, with a depressed expression.

"Why is this Emperor Yuan Dan so difficult to cultivate?" Qin Ling muttered to himself, a little discouraged.

Han Jue suddenly appeared and smiled: "It means you don\'t have the talent for alchemy."

Qin Ling was frightened, got up abruptly, and asked in anger, "Who are you!"

Han Jue bypassed Yaoding, came to him, and smiled: "Don\'t be nervous, I am also a disciple of the palace, I just heard about your deeds, so I\'m here to take a look."

Qin Ling snorted coldly, and laughed at himself: "Want to see me, a mediocre Tianjiao who relies on pills?"

His aptitude is actually quite good, but looking at the **** palace, he is definitely the bottom, and many of his disciples of the same age have already stepped into the gods.

His enemy is also a Tianjiao in Buddhism, and he has already obtained Da Luo ten thousand years ago.

The gap between the two sides is getting wider and wider, and Qin Ling feels desperate every time he thinks about it.

Can he really get revenge?

Han Jue smiled and said: "Qualifications are mediocre, but you are persistent enough. The powerful people in the world are all persevering and persevering."

Qin Ling was in a good mood, no longer stinking, and asked Han Jue to walk to the stone table aside to talk.

After the two of them sat down, Qin Ling asked curiously: "What is Xiongtai\'s name? Although there are countless disciples in the temple, there are not many, or even none, as handsome as you."

The gods of the gods are handsome and glamorous, males resembling celestial beings, females resembling celestial beings, but compared with the disciple in front of them, they all look like ordinary people.

Han Jue smiled and said, "My name is Liu Bei, and I only have a skin bag."

Liu Bei?

Qin Ling thought to himself, but had never heard of it.

That is to say, the other party is not an absolute arrogant!

Thinking of this, Qin Ling relaxed. As long as the aptitude gap is not big, he can be friends!

He would never think that Han was definitely not a disciple of the shrine, but the shrine was the first-class Qiyun sect in the world, with a saint on top, who would dare to sneak in and make trouble?

The two began to chat, talking about things from the ancient legends to the commonplace.

The more Qin Ling talked, the happier he was. Few people liked him so much.

Most of the disciples of the shrine only exchange their cultivation experience, or compare their cultivation bases. Few people like Liu Bei, do not talk about cultivation, just talk about boring things.

After a few hours.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Do you want me to help you see why your medicine failed?"

"Brother Liu also knows alchemy?"

"Understand a little. UU reading"


Qin Ling got up immediately, looking forward to it.

Han absolutely didn\'t understand alchemy, but the realm was there, he quietly cast the spell, and that pill was quickly and successfully born.

It\'s that simple.

However, he deliberately cast the spell, making an unpredictable gesture that made Qin Ling call out loudly.

After a stick of incense, the Emperor Yuan Pill flew out of the medicine cauldron and fell into Qin Ling\'s hands.

Qin Ling trembled with hands, and murmured: "What a rich Immortal Emperor\'s aura, so amazing!"

Han Jue said: "How? It\'s worthy of your big brother!"

"It\'s worth it! It\'s worth it! Brother Liu! Brother, you teach me!"

"This technique is not easy to pass, the family does not pass it."