Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 780: Preparing for the amount of robbery!

"Yes, to challenge Shengwei, you must be punished."

"Let it be reincarnated and rebuilt?"

"It\'s too cruel, it\'s not easy to cultivate a Tianjiao."

"Heaven is still lacking Tianjiao?"

"The key is whether we want to make a move. If we make a move, don\'t we use the big to bully the small?"

All Saints began to discuss the Xia Zhizun.

Han Jue was speechless, and said, "Don\'t lose a big deal because of small things. Let\'s see what he will do next, and then make a decision."

In his opinion, this is a trivial matter, and there is no need to be the focus of discussion among all the saints.

All Saints smiled awkwardly, and then went on to discuss the previous matter.

At the same time, outside the temple.

A man in a white robe stood in the void, his face was handsome and handsome, and his gestures exuded the spirit of a strong man.

Xia Zhizun, the first pride of the shrine!

He thinks he is also the number one arrogant of heaven!

Since his achievement in Da Luo, he has crossed the fairyland and challenged the strong everywhere. He has never been defeated, and his cultivation level has been rising. In the first 100,000 years, he has also been to Chaos and turmoil, and he has not encountered an opponent in the same realm.

He suddenly wanted to challenge the saint!

But in the vast chaos, it is so difficult to meet a saint.

He can only return to the heavens, at least knowing that the saints are outside the 33rd layer of heaven.

"Why ignore me?"

Xia Zhizun frowned. He also knew that his cultivation was a bit abrupt, but he couldn\'t restrain his emotions about challenging the saint.

He was caught in a dilemma. There were disciples practicing in the various saints\' dojos on the 33rd floor, all of them were powerhouses in the immortal world. If he left like this, wouldn\'t it be embarrassing and make sentient beings laugh?

If he forcibly broke into the dojo of the saint, wouldn\'t he offend the saint?

No matter how powerful he is, he can\'t be the opponent of a group of saints!

Xia Zhizun felt a little regretful.

He can only bite the bullet and continue to wait.

Several hours later, the sages discussed how to consolidate the loyalty of the Tianjiao to the Tao of Heaven.

The Xuandu Saint looked at Han Jue, and said, "Heaven has been restarted for a million years, and there should be the first calamity. Qin Ling, who should have caused the calamity, is not in the sky..."

Unlike before the renewal of the Heavenly Dao, the amount of calamity today is mainly to let sentient beings vent. Although there is peace at the moment, many practitioners use the rules of peace to oppress the weak.

A true peace and prosperity is difficult to achieve!

Han Jue asked, "What is the form of the amount of calamity?"

The Xuandu Holy Venerable said: "It is not a good thing for me to think twice and directly start a battle. The rules of equal calamity should pass away with the old way of heaven. I plan to focus on human race, temple, and Buddhism, so that Qin Ling will be reincarnated as a mortal. Because of the sufferings when he was young, the clansmen were mistakenly killed by the Buddhist disciples when they came to the demon and subdued the demons. They joined the shrine by coincidence with this kind of life experience and became the arrogance of the gods."

"Qin Ling wants to overthrow Buddhism for revenge. During the period, other sages and races can join, either supporting Qin Ling or Buddhism. Buddhism also wants to maintain the rules of peace."

"After a great war, the son of Buddhism\'s measure of calamity died of his own death, issued a great aspiration, aroused the pity of all living beings, strengthened the heart of heaven and peace, Qin Ling comprehended the Tao, the heart of the Tao was transparent, and realized that he had caused serious mistakes, so he converted to Buddhism. , To promote the Buddhist principles of Buddhism and peace in the future."

The script is good.

Han Jue was satisfied, which was equivalent to plating Qin Ling with gold and fame.

In the early stage, Buddhism may have been spurned, but after the calamity is over, Buddhism will clean up again, and even a large number of disciples actively join.

Qin Ling is Han Yu\'s most precious disciple, and Han must not let Qin Ling suffer.

Han Jue said: "Qin Ling\'s body remained in the hidden gate, and his soul was reincarnated. When he was revenge, he could not match the power of Buddhism. He was desperate. Later, Li Xuanao was informed of his previous life background. , I will return his physical body again, let him escape from the suffering of the mortal world, and at the same time restore the strength and end the calamity."

Xuandu Shengzun exclaimed, "This is a good idea."

The other saints of the older generation followed in agreement, and there was no objection to seeking the West. It seemed that Buddhism suffered a loss, but as long as the calamity went smoothly, Buddhism would benefit the most.

Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha instantly!

The main idea of ​​Buddhism is for the peace of all beings.

The saints of the new generation look strange.

This is the truth about the calamity?

The saint has set the whole process, including the ending!

Xinsheng recalled the legendary calamity, and couldn\'t help thinking about the extreme fear.

There is a certain number in the dark!

Bu Tianzun smiled: "Just right, isn\'t there a reckless junior outside the door? It\'s better to let him fight with Qin Ling, and then lose both. The two great arrogances of the world fell together to fight for the holy throne. It has become a good story. Isn’t the reincarnation of a legendary background more profound?"

Qiu Xilai smiled and said, "I agree."

The lone star wanted to speak but stopped.

This is for Xia Zhizun to die!

But it\'s not completely dead. After the calamity is over, it can be resurrected.

But he was afraid of being put together by the saints.

Zang Lone Star looked at Han Jue, his eyes were a little asking for help.

Han Jue said: "I think it is feasible. In the next life, Xia Zhizun will be Qin Ling\'s best brother in the shrine. The two brothers will fight against Buddhism together and return to the shrine in the end."

The implication is that he wants to protect Xia Zhizun!

Saints don\'t play tricks!

Zhu Lone Star breathed a sigh of relief and cast a grateful look at Han Jue.

Other saints praised Han Juerende.

Jin Shen looked at it and sighed secretly.

Ugly power.

Xia Zhizun also involved Pan Xin. After all, he was a descendant of Pan Gu. It is a pity that Pan Xin was not in the Heavenly Dao recently, but with Han Jue\'s consent, that would be fine. Liang Jie could already start preparations.

The matter of weighing the robbery is determined accordingly.

Han Jue disappeared in place.

As soon as he left, the saints relaxed and started talking and laughing, not as serious as before.

Li Taigu said meaningfully: "With Lone Star, you are still too loose to discipline the temple. Can Xia Zhizun escape a catastrophe today, can Senior Han save the second Xia Zhizun?"

Zhu Lone Star sighed: "It is true that we should be strictly disciplined."

He stood up, ready to teach Xia Zhizun.

The saint discussed today, and his face was lost.

Back in the Taoist temple, Han Jue entrusted a dream to Zhou Fan and told Zhou Fan about the calamity. UU read www.uukanshu. Com asked him to tell Qin Ling again, and asked Qin Ling to hurry back.

Qin Ling will endure hardships in the calamity, but after the calamity is over, he will gain a huge amount of heavenly energy, which can increase his cultivation base. At the same time, his name will be passed on forever in the heavens, and he will continue to absorb faith, and the benefits are endless.

"Is this a saint? Interesting."

Han Jue opened his eyes and muttered to himself.

I have to say that the feeling of imposing the destiny of others and even the lives of others is wonderful, no wonder the saints are addicted to it.

Han is definitely not a good person, but he is definitely not a wicked person. This kind of calamity setting seems to him to be quite good. It is better than accumulating contradictions and disrupting the order sooner or later.

If you want to maintain the good development trend of the whole Tiandao, you have to sacrifice something.

Han Jue started observing the realms of heaven, and brought all sentient beings into his eyes.

The evil spirits of the immortal world and the heavens are indeed increasing. Although it will not affect the general trend of the heaven for the time being, the growth rate is indeed not optimistic.

No wonder the Xuandu Holy Venerable wants to start preparing for the calamity.