Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 778: The identity of the demon ancestor, the origin of space

Any existence, as long as there is wisdom, will always encounter a moment of confusion.

Han Jue knew this well, and he was often confused.

For example, now, he has only 60% chance of winning against Luyuan Demon Ancestor, the key is that Luyuan Demon Ancestor is still recovering his strength.

This is not good!

Han Jue had to take out the book of doom and the heavenly spirit stone, and began to merge.

Later, he entrusted the dream to the Xietian Emperor.

The dream is still a small forest outside the Yuqing Saint Sect.

Emperor Xietian opened his eyes and looked ashamed when he saw Han Jue.

He took the lead: "Sorry, I didn\'t protect your son."

Han Jue smiled and said, "I should apologize to you. This kid has an abnormal brain and hurt you. Don\'t blame him."

The Xietian Emperor shook his head and said: "Why would I blame him? He has done enough for the heavenly court. I really want to leave. I will not stop it. Besides, it is not him who hurt me. It is mainly the power of the demon ancestor that hurt him through his body. I, he was also panicked and blamed himself, I can see it."

Speaking of the scene at that time, the Xietian Emperor sighed.

In fact, he has already experienced such a situation.

People walked up high, he sent many Tianjiao to the saint martial arts, so he didn\'t hit him either.

Han Jue asked, "Why didn\'t you call me?"

The Xietian emperor replied: "This demon ancestor is not simple, it is extremely ancient. He was the heart demon of the Dao ancestor who had been with Pangu for a time. Although he was cut off by the Dao ancestor, he has established an inseparable connection with the Dao ancestor, and the Dao ancestor is immortal. He won\'t die. I don\'t want you to provoke him with such an existence."

Han Jue frowned, so exaggerated?

Daozu is regarded as one of the final BOSS by Han Jue.

Hard to deal with!

Emperor Xietian said: "Following the Demon Ancestor, Han Tuo can indeed become stronger. Since he is unwavering, let him go."

Although his tone was a bit regretful, he was full of expectations.

"Oh? You seem to have a high opinion of the Demon Ancestor?" Han Jue asked.

The Emperor Xietian said: "Yes, if the Demon Ancestor wins the battle between the Dao and Demon after the beginning of heaven and earth, he is the Dao Ancestor. Now the Dao of Heaven is not necessarily worse. This Demon Ancestor has always had aspirations in his heart, not just pure To become stronger, he also has a desire for peace."

"Before Pangu opened up the world, not all the three thousand demon gods in the chaos were warlike. This demon ancestor was one of the war-weary existences, but he couldn\'t help it..."

Han Jue was silent.

It sounds like another sad story.

The Emperor Xietian smiled and said: "I don’t have to worry about the demon ancestor for the time being. Someone has dealt with him. As for Tuoer, I think he has great fortune, not only him, but also Yitian. Many times of desperation, these two people are relying on their own. By the way, in my cognition, people who can always escape from the dead and continue to grow stronger are great fortuners, and I have a feeling that Tuoer and Yitian will shake the entire chaos in the future, and they may not be worse than you. ."

Han Jue smiled and asked, "Really?"

He suddenly understood why Han Tuo was wronged.

On the one hand is the Xietian Emperor who frantically beats him up, on the other hand is a father like Han Jue...

"Hahaha, Tuoer becomes stronger, you, the father, don\'t have to be touched, right, don\'t you still have a son? If you don\'t want to take it, you can give it to me." The Emperor Xietian looked expectant.

He was looking forward to Han Jue\'s mysterious little son, who could cause Han Tuo\'s blood to resonate, at least with a talent above Han Tuo.

Han Jue didn\'t get angry and said, "Why are you staring at my son? That kid is not good enough and can\'t be compared with Han Tuo. Moreover, his mother takes him all day and is reluctant to let him go."

"Really, it\'s a pity, I think his aptitude must be good, but he hasn\'t been discovered."

"I will have the opportunity to send it to you in the future to open up the territory for you!"

"What you said, I seem to be taking advantage of you."

"Where is it, His Majesty Heaven is selfless, how dare I think like that?"

"Smelly boy, forget how respectful you were before me, your wings are stiff, so you don\'t give me face?"

"how is this possible!"

The two began to quarrel, and the smiles on each other\'s faces did not disappear.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and after talking with the Xietian Emperor, he gave up the idea of ​​finding the Demon Ancestor to settle accounts.

Let him go for a while.

As Han Jue was about to close his eyes to practice, he suddenly felt a strange fluctuation.

He glanced at it sharply.

Looking through the buildings, falling on the hibiscus tree, the space around the hibiscus tree was violently twisted.

Han Jue immediately came to the hibiscus tree, he was about to act.

The hibiscus tree suddenly disappeared.

The tens of thousands of feet tall hibiscus tree suddenly disappeared, causing a great visual impact. The dojo guards, Ah Da, Xiao Er, and the black jail chicken on the tree fell one after another, all with a bewildered expression.

At the same time, Han Jue\'s anxiety disappeared.

He suddenly realized.

It turns out that he was upset before, not because of Han Tuo, but because of the hibiscus tree.

He used simulated trials to check his surroundings, and found no mysterious powerful enemies.

He didn\'t dare to chase it rashly. If there is really a mysterious power to make a move, how terrible is it to be able to pass through the dojo formation?

Han Jue left a sentence and disappeared: "If you continue to practice, this matter has never happened."

He returned to the Taoist temple and began to calculate.

Soon, he caught the hibiscus tree.

After all, the hibiscus tree is far weaker than Han Jue, and Han Jue doesn\'t need to use the evolution function, he can count it on his own.

It\'s just that Han Jue didn\'t expect the hibiscus tree to be so far away from heaven.

Farther than the primordial realm!

The hibiscus tree appeared in a dim space filled with the atmosphere of billowing chaos, and there were no living creatures around it.

Its branches began to tremble, and the leaves continued to break away, and then turned into fly ash, forming a little light star to illuminate the surroundings.

Han Jue didn\'t count other existences, could it be that the hibiscus tree was leaving by himself?

But how can it have this ability?

"Who helped the hibiscus tree escape from Baiyue Xianchuan?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years, whether to continue]



Han Jue\'s heart sank to the bottom.

[The origin of space, the hibiscus tree strongly wants to transform, which touched the origin of space. At its will, the hibiscus tree came to the primitive zone of chaos, ready to incarnate all things, and transform into shape with the merits of the great avenues]

Han Jue couldn\'t help but feel complicated when he saw this line of information.

The hibiscus tree did mention the desire to transform a long time ago. UU reads, but it is an ancient sacred tree and has special rules. Even Han Jue, the sage of the Dadao, cannot help it to be transformed. He proposed I asked the hibiscus tree to give up the idea of ​​the tree body, but the hibiscus tree did not immediately agree.

Han Jue wanted to ask the hibiscus tree, but he didn\'t know what to ask.

Today\'s dojo does not need the hibiscus tree to provide aura. Since he can\'t help the hibiscus tree, why not let the hibiscus tree follow his own path?

Han Jue retracted his gaze and sighed.

He wasn\'t sad, he was just a little emotional.

Han Tuo, Fusangshu, Dao Zhizun, Zhou Fan and others all began to take their own roles and have a path they wanted to pursue.

They are no longer the weak who need to rely on Han Jue for asylum.

"If this is the case, then I have expectations of you, and look forward to whether you can surprise me in the future, but it is impossible for you to surpass me."

Han Jue muttered to himself, his eyes were extremely firm.