Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 775: Ban main team, demon race

Sedum became fate...

Han Jue\'s expression became weird.

Now he can really pack his life into the power of the Dark Forbidden Lord!

Han Jue noticed that Yitian awakened the power of the Chaos Demon God. Yitian was the son of the Heavenly Dao. He was the reincarnation of the Chaos Demon God. He had a good impression of Han Jue during the previous battle of the Heavenly Court, and he was directly six stars.

When Han Jue saw that he and Han Tuo had the same brothers, he attracted special attention and joined the circle of friends, but Han would never pay too much attention to him.

This time Yitian and Han Tuo seemed to be in crisis again, and Han Tuo also sacrificed his body.

damn thing!

The body is a gift from the parents. When it comes to sacrifice, sacrifice?

If you are in trouble, why doesn\'t Han Tuo use magic tricks?

Should be able to solve it.

Han Jue thought silently.

He found that his relatives and friends seldom actively use the magic trick, even if he made it clear about the role of the magic trick.

They would rather roll back and forth between life and death than alarm Han Jue.

"Is I too indifferent, giving them the illusion of not to disturb?"

Han Jue self-reflection.

never mind.

Too lazy to think about it.

No one cares whether Lao Tzu died suddenly during retreat!

Han Jue continued to read the mail.

After reading the e-mail, Han Jue used a dark nightmare to entrust the dream to Sedum, using the image of the dark forbidden lord.

In the dream, Jing Tiangong suddenly opened his eyes, with murderous intent in his eyes, unlike the previous him.

"Master Forbidden!"

Jing Tian Gong knelt in surprise, shaking all over.

How many years have it been!

The Dark Lord finally contacted him!

Han Jue asked in a hoarse voice, "Sedum, can your heart for me change?"

King Tiangong quickly denied: "Naturally not! Your subordinates will always be the one who bans you, you can let me do anything!"

He began to show his loyalty crazily and was very frightened.

He thought he had offended the Dark Lord by joining his life.

Han Jue said, "Then tell me about your situation."

Jing Tiangong nodded, and then began to talk about his experiences over the years.

The Dark Forbidden Lord has not appeared for a long time, and the immortal world even forgot the existence of the Dark Forbidden Lord. This made Jing Tiangong extremely unhappy, so he left the shrine and went to Chaos with his cronies to re-found the Dark Sect. After that, he was found by Shi Dudao and invited to join. Life.

Jing Tiangong asked cautiously: "Is Shi Dudao yours..."

It turned out that Shi Dudao was under development...

Han Jue said, "Yes, but this matter has to be concealed. You can also beat Shi Dudao for me. Some things need to be carefully understood."

Jing Tiangong was pleasantly surprised. He also had doubts about Shi Dudao, but if it was true, that would be great!

He finally found a like-minded person!

And the opponent is Shi Dudao!

Shi Dudao was once the first person under the saint of heaven, and he was recognized as powerful!

Today, the future is limitless!

"Subordinates understand that in the future they will definitely work together with Shi Daoyou!"

Jing Tian Gong patted his chest and promised, looking very excited.

Han Jue exhorted a few more words and ended the dream.

He opened his eyes and smiled.

That\'s good, Sedum can recognize Shi Dudao, and the dark forbidden master\'s team is considered a newcomer.

Han Jue closed his eyes and began to practice.

In the Hall of the Beginning of the Beginning, after tens of thousands of years of discussion, the Chaos Demon God finally made a decision.

Han Jue almost felt sleepy.

To say it is a discussion, in fact, is to end the grievances between each other. The chaos demon gods have their own grudges, and if they want to share the same hatred, they have to make it clear.

Now it is finally considered that a unified consensus has been reached initially.

"From today onwards, we will send our disciples to search for the Hongmeng Demon God, and any Tianjiao that may be the Hongmeng Demon God must be under immediate control."

At the beginning, the demon gods said in a deep voice, and the demon gods responded one after another.

"In addition, the Chaos Demon Gods must not go to war again. If we find that whoever starts, who is expelled from the Demon God race, we have already pursued and killed them together! In order to avoid the arrival of the catastrophe and stab us back, such things have happened in the Pangu period. !"

The demons have no opinion.

The Demon God of Taichu waved his sleeves, and the gate of the Hall of Taichu opened.

The demons got up and left one after another.

Han Jue left directly.

Although he did not hear important information, he remembered the names and looks of these demon gods, and it would be convenient for him to curse in the future.

When he really couldn\'t hide his identity, instead of waiting to die, it was better to kill all the enemies first.

Invincible is not only strength, but also a means!

As soon as he walked out of the Hall of Supreme Beginning, Hong Yuan caught up with him and said with a smile: "Friend Daoist Han, can I find a place to chat alone?"

Han Jue glanced at her and said, "Next time, there is something in the way of heaven, I have to leave first."

"Okay, I have a chance to visit you in Heaven."


Han Jue\'s clone quickly escaped.

Hong Yuan looked at his leaving back, and his smile disappeared.

Sacred Yu Jian stepped up and hummed: "Advise you, don\'t seek death, fellow Daoist Han seems to be kind and murderous."

Hong Yuan glanced at him and said, "I don\'t harm him, why does he want to kill me?"


Sacred Yu Jian shook his head and laughed, then turned into a sword light and went away.

at the same time.

While the clone was still on the way, Han Jue already knew everything that the clone had experienced.

He can switch his consciousness to the doppelganger at any time, and the doppelganger can handle everything independently.

"Unify the Chaos Demon God? Haha, if I curse you to death, how can I unify?"

Han Jue thought to himself, but he just thought about it.

At present, it is possible to use the Demon God Race to deter Xiao Xiao.

With the character of the demon **** at the beginning, this matter will soon spread throughout the chaos.

At that time, the Chaos Powers will know that Tiandao Han Jue has established a connection with the Demon God race.

The establishment of the Demon God Race was not only to deal with the Hongmeng Demon God, but also to fight against the same enemies.

Every enemy of the Chaos Demon God will be the public enemy of the entire Demon God race!

This force is absolutely terrifying, even if it is a fate, it is not enough!

Every Chaos Demon God holds a huge power!

Han Jue didn\'t think much about it. He continued to cultivate. The ten-thousand-year period hadn\'t come, so he couldn\'t stop his cultivation.

Ten thousand years is not enough.

Practice for a while!

A hundred thousand years!

In the illusory and mysterious space, Han Tuo\'s soul floats in it, and he is entangled by chains that are looming. U U Reading www.uukahnshu.cóm

Nothing else exists in the surrounding space, only distorted spaces of various colors.

Here, no hope can be seen, as if it is a place of exile in the universe.

"Brother, hold on for a while! I will be able to save you soon!"

Yitian\'s voice sounded, I don\'t know where he is.

Han Tuo couldn\'t speak, he was building up strength.

"If I were the same as my father, I have so many physiognomy..."

Han Tuo\'s eyes were extremely cold, he didn\'t believe that he couldn\'t break out of this infinite abyss!

He kept recalling the scenes of Han Jue fighting.

I saw that a dark shadow in his soul wanted to rush out of the body, it was a magical form of the demon god.

Since his birth, Han Tuo has had such a power, saying that it is the form of the law, but it is not entirely true. When he encountered desperate situations many times, he was born by this demon and god\'s law.