Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 773: Cooperation, the primordial field

"You have Hongmeng Pill, you are not afraid of killing?" Dao Supreme frowned.

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi looked at each other, and they were secretly wary.

The old man in Yinyi smiled and said: "I am naturally not afraid. Actually, the amount of calamity in the Great Dao is nothing but the excuse of the Chaos Demon God. The emergence of the Hongmeng Demon God is the right way. When chaos transforms the omnipotence, everything will be sublimated, all beings will evolve, and only the chaos demon **** who is closely related to chaos must die."

The three Taoist masters were thoughtful.

They have naturally heard the myth of Pangu, but it is only a myth after all.

They couldn\'t determine whether the Hongmeng Demon God was good or bad.

In any case, this will be a big cause and effect!

One carelessness will fall into an unforgettable place!

Dao Zhizun asked: "What Pangu can\'t do to kill three thousand Chaos Demon Gods, can a mere pill be done?"

The old man in Yin Yi smiled and said, "It is true that there is no guarantee, but it has nothing to do with you, does it?"

The big water buffalo raised its neck, as if expressing impatience.

Dao Zhizun glanced at Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi.

He hesitated: "Can we give up? I didn\'t know that there was such a big cause and effect before. We are just Hunyuan Daluojinxian. You shouldn\'t have to wait for me."

The old man in Yinyi smiled and said: "Of course, it\'s just that, this treasure is not an ordinary treasure. After you miss it, you will never find it again. Don\'t look at the chaos and vastness. The treasures like this are limited, and most of them are still in the hands of those powerful. ."

"After it\'s done, I will cut off the cause and effect, and make sure you have nothing to worry about."

Zhao Xuanyuan asked vigilantly: "You won\'t kill us, right?"

The old man Yin Yi smiled: "If the old man really thinks that way, why should I tell you this secret, do you have the courage to become the Hongmeng Demon God and be the enemy of the entire Chaos? Hongmeng Dan can only turn you into the Hongmeng Demon God, but the cultivation is still the same. , Once you become the Hongmeng Demon God, all the Chaos Demon Gods will be aware of it and will punish you in a very short time."

"This is not the first time we have cooperated. If you don\'t believe it, there is no way."

Dao Zhizun gritted his teeth and said: "Okay! Listen to you! When will you act?"

The old man in Yinyi turned over from the back of the cow and said, "Don\'t panic, the old man will cast the formation first to avoid being spied by other powers."

The big water buffalo lay down and rolled on the spot.

Jiang Yi looked at it with a strange expression.

"It looks like a dog."


Amidst the sky full of red clouds, bright temples are suspended above the clouds, and a stalwart giant peak is particularly prominent. It also stands above the clouds, but exudes golden light.

On the top of the mountain, there is a Buddhist palace with the lettering Leiyin Temple on the plaque.

A group of figures appeared in front of Leiyin Temple, and the leader was surprisingly Zhou Fan.

Han Yu\'s disciple Qin Ling followed Zhou Fan and looked around curiously.

Leiyin Temple opened, and a group of people stepped into the temple.

What greeted them was a famous Buddha, each sitting on a rosette, floating around in the air. At the forefront was a big Buddha, tens of thousands of feet high and majestic.

Look carefully, it is Chu Shiren!

The people of Chu have already put on robes, kind eyebrows, kind eyes, and sacred temperament.

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "Not bad, even more Buddhist than Buddhist."

Chu Shiren laughed and said, "I am the World-Honored Buddha, so it is reasonable to create Buddhism again."

Zhou Fan looked at the Buddhas around him, and said, "It looks good, but your Buddhist school still lacks the mainstay and is not strong enough."

As soon as he said this, many Buddhas looked angry.

Chu Shiren said: "The development time of the Buddhist world is too short to compare with the tower of your avenue."

Zhou Fan smiled and said, "I will send you a group of practitioners in the future. If you are not at ease, you can choose from the prison of the tower of the avenue and do it again."

Chu Shiren smiled and nodded.

The same kind of affection allows them to joke unscrupulously.

Zhou Fan said: "Close to the subject, what is it that called me? You shouldn\'t let me see your results, right?"

The people of Chu said helplessly: "How can it be, it is true that the Buddha world has been targeted by a mysterious force recently. The other side has at least three Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, and even a free power. They persecute the Buddha world and need the Buddha world to surrender. In the future, I will pay tribute to them, erect their holy images, and spread their prestige, otherwise I will step down in the Buddhist world, and in desperation, I can only find you, Uncle Master."

Uncle Master?

Those angry Buddhas were stunned, and the dissatisfaction in their hearts disappeared.

No wonder the other party\'s tone is so big and unrelenting, it turned out to be his own family.

"Let\'s elaborate, the uncle master is in charge of this matter, no matter how strong they are, just step down!" Zhou Fanhao said dryly, without any doubt.

Qin Ling showed excitement, and he was about to fight again!

The people of Chu did not hide it, and started to come together one by one.


In the darkness, a bright seam suddenly appeared, and a figure tore it open, followed by stepping out.

It was Han Jue.

The exact one is Han Jue\'s clone.

He looked forward intently, and there was a sun-like ball of light deep in the darkness, which exudes a vast aura.

That is the realm of the beginning!

Han Jue took a deep breath and flew forward.

At this moment, a figure flew from the side, it was a woman.

Wearing a purple dress, this woman has a dignified posture, with a bun wrapped under the crown, and her appearance is also stunning.


The voice of the woman in the purple skirt floated.

Han Jue stopped, he couldn\'t see through the cultivation of the woman in the purple skirt.

The woman in the purple skirt looked at him and said with a smile: "I didn\'t expect to have a skin like you among the demon gods."

Han Jue said: "The appearance is just an illusion. I wait for the cultivation base, what kind of appearance do I want?"

The woman in the purple skirt covered her mouth and smiled: "Although this is the case, the aesthetics are different. Most demon gods have different aesthetics from you and me. I am the chaotic demon **** Red Fate."

Han Jue replied, "I am the Chaos Demon God Han Jue."

This kind of introduction is really awkward.

Hong Yuan smiled and said: "Friend Han Daoist is also a clone. It seems that he is the same as me. He is wary of the Demon God of the Beginning. Why don\'t you and I go to the realm of the Beginning? The devil is not familiar with just so I can introduce it to you."

Han Jue hesitated for a moment, but nodded.

Since the other party sees that he is a clone, it should not harm him, because doing so will only offend him, not kill him.

The two flew to the Taichu realm together.

During the period, Han Jue saw several figures flying into the realm of Taichu very quickly, without disturbing each other.

It seems that most Chaos Demon Gods are very cautious.

Hong Yuan smiled and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank Fellow Daoist Han, but I hate that desperate Dao Ling so much."

Han Jue asked, "You were also bullied when you proved yourself?"

"Yes, forcing me to kneel and take an oath. Alas, I wanted to take revenge before, but after gaining the avenue, I felt that it would be better to calm people down. It\'s strange to say that I waited for my cultivation level to get higher and higher, but the things I feared more and more. The more you get, the more courage you lose, so I admire Fellow Daoist Han very much, and I am happy to have my grudges."

Hong Yuan\'s words were full of flattery, making Han Jue more vigilant.