Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 767: Dark Forbidden Domain

It took Han Jue eighty-one years to create his favorite great power.

It is difficult even for a great sage to create great great powers, great great powers are not just great great powers, but the original evolution of great great powers.

"What is it called?"

"Dream killing? No, drop the price."

Han Jue murmured to himself.

After struggling for a while, he named this magical power: "Dark Forbidden Domain!"

This supernatural power is not just to cause damage to the enemy in a dream, after all, it is a dream. Such damage is difficult to damage the deity, so he thought of the dark instinct of the Void Soul Great Sage, imitating its profound meaning, and creating a dark forbidden territory.

The dark forbidden domain transforms the dream state into a mysterious realm, and both sides can be physically drawn into this mysterious realm for singles.

The dark forbidden domain is not subject to prying eyes. In the battle, Han Jue is not afraid of being exposed as long as he can kill the opponent!

Han Jue was in a good mood, and he had another way to kill the enemy remotely.

In a good mood, he began to preach to the disciples of Baiyue Xianchuan.

With the help of the clone, Li Xuan\'ao sent many Tianjiao to Baiyue Xianchuan in recent years. The number of disciples has exceeded 5 million. The number could be controlled in the past because Li Xuan\'ao strictly prohibited children from giving birth. Later, Li Xuan\'ao was often out and Han Jue. Many disciples couldn\'t help but give birth to children, but there was a hidden punishment led by Zhou Mingyue. This phenomenon did not dare to expand. It was just that the number of disciples doubled and increased over time and over time.

After preaching for a hundred years, Han Jue began to check his emails.

[Your disciple Sun Chu, the people of the world have gained great merits for preaching to hundreds of millions of living beings]

[Your friend Xie Tiandi encounters a mysterious curse]

[Your disciple Ji Xian, proving the Tao, and achieving Hunyuan Taoism]

[Your apprentice Zhou Fan travels through time and space and changes his fate against the sky]

[Your friend Mo\'s revenge and resurrection]

[Your son Han Tuo was attacked by a mysterious monster] x50093272

[Your good friend Sedum has got the guidance of your good friend Xitian ancestor, and the Taoism is soaring]

[Your friend Sedum King has too many curses, and he understands a avenue of curses]

[Your descendant Han Yu feels the true meaning of heaven and earth, wandering in the sky]

Han Jue blinked, Zhou Fan resurrected Mo\'s revenge?

how did you do that?

If it had been resurrected in the past, then Mo Revenge should have been living in Han Jue\'s memory.

Han Jue called out the relationship and saw that Mo Revenge\'s profile picture did reappear.


When Han Jue saw Mo\'s revenge, he couldn\'t help but fall into remembrance.

Everyone was a teenager at that time.

Mo Revenge was full of revenge, while Han Jue was cautious and timid, and walked two completely different paths.

Han Jue continued to look down. Sedum, whom he hadn\'t followed for a long time, became active again.

This servant left the shrine to the Chaos a long time ago, but he didn\'t expect to be cursing people all the time. He deserves to be a faithful believer of the Dark Forbidden Lord.

Why did the ancestor Xitian instruct him?

Han Jue finds it interesting, but it\'s just interesting.

Anyway, Sedum is his person, and his favorability has not declined.

Looking down, Han Jue saw another email.

[Your enemy cursed the Devil God was killed by your friend, the Taoist priest in the robe, the body and spirit are destroyed, and the curse is returned to chaos]

Is the curse demon gone?

Han Jue called up the relationship and found that the avatar was really gone.

His expression is weird.

He used to look at the Cursed Demon God as a big boss before, but he didn\'t expect it to be like that.

Fortunately, this can make me strong.

Eliminate a potential enemy without having to do it yourself.

The fall of the curse of the devil has far-reaching significance, which means that the restraint of the dark forbidden is greatly reduced.

I have to say that the gods in the robe are individual talents!

Before he came to attack Tian Dao, he left two back players, and he definitely attached great importance to his opponent.

This kind of person scorns the enemy on the surface, deliberately creates a stupid image, secretly prepares all kinds of methods, it is disgusting to be an enemy, when he is a running dog, and things are left to him, so he feels relieved.

Han Absolutely increased the favor of the Taoist priests.

After reading all the emails along the way, Han Jue was recalled.

Suddenly want to go for a walk.

In the realm of heaven, he is absolutely invincible, and he is not afraid of encountering danger.

Anyway, the years are long, so take a hundred years to stroll through the heavens and experience the red-hot dust of the moment.

Han Jue separated a soul mind, turned into a clone, and quickly flew to the immortal realm, while the deity continued to practice.

The image of the clone is the same as that of the deity. Although the treasure is illusory, the force is still there.

Han never wanted to pretend to be himself.

Having been cautious for millions of years, what kind of big-tailed wolf is still installed in your own territory?

He is not a private visit, just want to see the world.

The first stop is Buzhou Shenshan.

He saw Han Yu\'s situation in the email. This kid really resembled him. He had settled in the long years and cultivated with peace of mind.

Not Zhou Shenshan, on the top of the mountain.

Han Yu sat under the old tree, looking at the woman in Tsing Yi who was cleaning the Taoist temple, and said helplessly: "There is no need to clean, I can\'t stay inside. Keeping it is just thinking about my master."

The woman in Tsing Yi could have cast spells, but she felt too frivolous, so she did it herself.

Hearing that Han Yu mentioned the master, the woman in Tsing Yi walked out of the Taoist temple and asked curiously: "Your master must be great, right? Where has he gone?"

Han Yu\'s eyes became erratic, and he said leisurely: "I don\'t know, but he must be chasing his own way, and he will come back one day."

"Your master is better than you?"

The woman in Tsing Yi asked curiously, Han Yu\'s demeanor was the calmest and most immortal she had ever seen, not one of them.

Han Yu smiled and said, "That\'s natural. I think my master is the strongest."

The strongest?

The woman in Tsing Yi blinked and didn\'t believe it. After all, the heavens are so vast, and there are many arrogances. No one can tell how many ancient powers are hidden, not to mention there are legends of saints.

"Oh? Your master is the strongest, so what am I?"

A voice floated, Han Yu and the woman in Tsing Yi turned their heads to look.

It is Han Jue.

Both of them were startled.

Han Jue wears a robe of Shen Tao, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com wears a crown of the primordial gods on his head, mighty and domineering, and has a 3,000-day dragon scarf around his waist. There is a dragon shadow swaying behind him. It is dazzling to see. Various forms, coupled with his unparalleled appearance, Rao Han Yu was also stunned.

Han Yu got up quickly, bends down and salutes, and trembles: "Of course you are the strongest... Compared with you, my master is not on the stage at all."

The woman in Tsing Yi came back to her senses and saw Han Yu\'s gaffe, she couldn\'t help being shocked and doubting her eyes.

She looked at Han Jue carefully, and suddenly felt that Han Jue was very similar to Han Yu, like brothers.

Han Yu noticed the look in her eyes and whispered: "Presumptuous! Roll down the mountain to practice. You can\'t go up the mountain without my order!"

The woman in Tsing Yi was frightened. It was the first time that Han Yu showed a fierce attitude, and she was so frightened that she quickly bent over to salute Han Jue, and then flew down the mountain.

Han Jue fell in front of Han Yu and smiled: "Why be so angry? Who is she from you?"

Han Yuqiang endured the nervousness and said in a restrained manner: "It\'s a half apprentice."