Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 765: I want revenge

"Why does the Peacock God keep chasing you?"

The god-robed Taoist asked, he also felt surprised, this has been hundreds of thousands of years, what kind of **** hatred is it?

Cursing the devil said depressed: "I don\'t know, it should be related to Han Jue. Since leaving the heaven, the peacock **** has been chasing me. Before that, we didn\'t know each other."

The god-robed Taoist\'s eyes flickered, and said: "You mean that the peacock **** is instigated by Han Jue?"

The curse demon nodded, gritted his teeth and said: "Nine to all, Han Jue seems to be proficient in surrendering people. I have inquired about. Heaven’s quest for the west and the inability of heaven have been enemies with Han Jue. Now Han Jue is the most in heaven. A strong supporter, the same is true for the Ecuadorian Emperor Tian\'e. The Peacock God Lord can retreat from the heavens, he is weird in itself, and there is only one possibility, that is, he surrendered to Han Jue!"

"Yes! It must be so!"

After being reminded by the Taoist priest, the cursed demon **** connected other information, and soon figured it out.

He has a look of hatred on his face.

Damn Han Jue, took my avenue and kept chasing me!

Although he hates Han Jue, he hasn\'t targeted Han Jue. Why does Han Jue keep chasing him?

Too much deception!


Too much bullying!

The cursing demon **** raised his eyes to look at the Taoist priest, and said: "God, I don\'t beg you to kill Han Jue, kill the peacock **** first!"

However, the Taoist priest did not answer him, but stared directly at him.

The atmosphere became weird.

The cursing devil seemed to think of something, the poisonous insect on his face stagnated, and his figure trembled slightly.

He opened his mouth and said: "Since the divine is in a dilemma, then forget it, don\'t disturb the divine practice..."

He turned around to leave, and as soon as he moved, a powerful force suddenly stopped him, and he couldn\'t move.

"Since you are here, don\'t leave."

The voice of the god-robed Taoist came into the ears of the cursed demon god.

The cursed demon\'s eyes widened, and his eyes were filled with despair.

I see!

No wonder the gods of the robe can come back alive!

This move...

The curse demon suddenly feared Han Jue.

Han Jue was not so cautious on the surface. He was just guarding one side. Now it seems that Han Jue has been making arrangements. Guarding the Heavenly Dao is just the appearance, which makes people mistakenly think that he is just afraid of being disturbed.

That\'s it!


Not Zhou Shenshan.

Han Yu meditated under the old tree, the breeze blew, merged with the world and turned into a beautiful painting of peerless beauty.

at this time.

Han Yu suddenly opened his eyes, raised his brows, and muttered, "How does this feel..."

He stood up and walked down the mountain.

At the foot of the mountain, a woman in Tsing Yi was lying on the ground, her abdomen was stained red with blood, her face was pale and dying.

Han Yu appeared in front of her, frowning.

Bu Zhou Shenshan is forbidden to fight, which means that this woman fled here with her wounds.

Han Yu hesitated for a moment, waved his sleeve to heal his injury.

Treating a fairyland monk with his cultivation is easy.

Soon, the woman in Tsing Yi woke up.

Han Yu had disappeared, and the woman in Tsing Yi was surprised to find that her injuries had healed.

She touched her abdomen and murmured: "It turns out that there were really ancestors in Buzhou Shenshan who were retreating here."

She stood up, turned and looked at the top of the mountain, her eyes became firm, and she went up the mountain resolutely.

A few months later, the woman in Tsing Yi stopped on a mountainside and looked up. The billowing thunderclouds surrounded the mountain and formed a cloud wall that was insurmountable.

The woman in Tsing Yi knelt down and said loudly: "The younger generation wants to worship the ancestors as a teacher and practice the road, just for revenge. After the revenge is successful, I am willing to come to the mountain to serve the seniors forever."

Her voice was very pleasant, but Han Yu on the top of the mountain was unmoved.

The woman in Tsing Yi shouted for a few days but couldn\'t get a reply, so she found a place to meditate, and waited quietly for the answer from her senior.

This level is three thousand years.

Under the old tree, Han Yu opened his eyes, showing interest in his eyes.

He asked, "Three thousand years, do you still want revenge again?"

The woman in Tsing Yi who was meditating and cultivating suddenly opened her eyes with surprise on her face.

She quickly got up, bowed to the top of the mountain, clasped her fist and said, "Senior, I think!"

"What kind of hatred, for three thousand years, still can\'t let go?"

The Tsing Yi woman is just a fairyland cultivation base, three thousand years is not short for her.

Upon hearing this, the woman in Tsing Yi replied: "The enmity of master killing, my master adopts me, raises me, and when I am a daughter, if I don\'t avenge him, I will feel uneasy in this life."

Han Yu\'s expression became weird.

The woman in Tsing Yi did not hear him, and quickly said, "Senior, are you still there? I don\'t need you to help me get revenge, as long as I pass on my magical powers, after my revenge, I will serve you forever!"

Han Yuyou said quietly: "Your master is the Immortal Emperor, then your enemy is the Immortal Emperor, do you know what the Immortal Emperor means?"

The woman in Tsing Yi was silent for a while, gritted her teeth and said: "I know it\'s difficult, but I have to do it."

"Then do you know who is behind that immortal emperor?"

"I don\'t know..."

The Tsing Yi woman\'s face was pale. Although she didn\'t know who the enemy\'s backing was, she also understood that in this immortal world, all practitioners have their own relationships. The higher the cultivation level, the greater the relationship background.

Han Yuman said nonchalantly: "That\'s a divine realm."

The woman in Tsing Yi trembled and couldn\'t help lowering her head.

Divine Realm...

The woman in Tsing Yi didn\'t dare to imagine that she had only heard of the existence of the gods above the immortal emperor, but had never seen it.

She once witnessed an immortal emperor taking action, it can be said to be able to win the stars and move the moon, overwhelmingly powerful, and the immortal emperor is like this, not to mention the gods.

"Who is behind that divine realm, do you know?"

The woman in Tsing Yi lowered her head deeper.

Han Yu continued: "When is the time to repay the grievances, there are people outside the world, there are people outside the world, and the hatred will only be endless, why bother?"

The woman in Tsing Yi gritted her teeth and said: "I am not reconciled. Even if I die, I will have revenge!"

Han Yu stopped talking.

The woman in Tsing Yi could not kneel down.

This kneeling is five hundred years.

While she was kneeling, UU read www.uukā while practicing qi, still remembering the words of the predecessor in her mind.

Should she have revenge?

On this day, Han Yu\'s voice floated down again: "Can you figure it out?"

The woman in Tsing Yi was in a daze, and subconsciously said: "I want... revenge!"

When she said the last two words, her expression became firm.

When the voice fell, the billowing thundercloud above her head suddenly dispersed, and wisps of sunlight fell down, shining on the Tsing Yi woman, making her feel like a world away.

She looked up and saw a figure standing on the edge of the cliff, looking at her condescendingly.

She looked intently and was surprised.

She thought this senior was gray-haired, but she didn\'t expect such a handsome man, she had never seen such a handsome man, and lost her senses for a while.

Han Yu smiled and said, "Come on, since you insist on doing this, I will teach you magical powers, but I will not accept you as a disciple, just add a little interest to the boring years."