Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 751: The volume of the robbery prophesied, 500,000 years old

This time the defense of the Heavenly Path came quickly and went quickly.

There were not many casualties on the side of Heaven, but the sentient beings were still very excited.

Because they finally saw the power of God and Heavenly Sage!

All the practitioners staying in Chaos City, as well as Da Luo Jinxian and Quasi-sage, have spied Han Jue\'s shots. The practitioners who went to the Chaos Sky Road afterwards can also see the space cracks left by the battlefield, and the one that is more than the Chaos Sky Road. Long holes in a vast space are shocking.

"My God, what a cultivation level it takes to cause such a terrifying destructive power!"

"The Dao Spirits are nothing but that."

"It\'s too fast, is this the God and Heavenly Sage? I\'m still packing my bags."

"Heaven is mighty!"

"The ancients sincerely don\'t deceive me, the gods and gods are really powerful, and the legends are true."

"Where is the hatred? All dead?"

The end of the hate clan also gave the heavenly beings a vigilance.

This is a big fight, and if the way of heaven is defeated, they might also have to die.

This battle was mentioned many times in the sermons of the saints later, warning future generations not to indulge in the peace of the moment.

Han Jue did not care about sentient beings\' opinions, to be honest, he was not excited.

Killing the sacred robes of the gods and the sacred swords can\'t kill them in seconds.

Han Jue\'s heart is still full of crisis.

He must seize the time to practice, and then make a move in the future, he must kill the enemy in seconds!

Just like what Yu Jian Sheng said, after this battle, there is indeed no great power to invade the way of heaven.

Thousands of years later, the Heavenly Dao was successfully restored, and the thirty-third layer of the sky was restored to its former tranquility. The saints were all stimulated and began to concentrate on cultivation.

After seeing Han Jue\'s strength, they all felt that they were very small.

Including the Great Sage of Void Soul.

Han Jue moved the Great Sage of the Void Soul into the Baiyue Xianchuan. After the Heavenly Dao recovered, he was rejected by the Heavenly Dao and was quite depressed. Fortunately, Han Jue took the time to move him in.

Destroying the Hate Clan has made the Void Soul Great Sage obtain a lot of Heavenly Dao merits, but it is not enough for him to integrate into the Heavenly Dao, just because he is too strong.

Han Jue is an exception. Han Jue himself is a creature of the Dao of Heaven, so the Dao of Heaven is accustomed to his existence, and he has always stayed with the ancestor of the Dao, and his practice completely bypassed the Dao of Heaven.

In this way, the days returned to calm.

Five thousand years later.

Han Jue was cultivating, and suddenly a line of reminders popped out in front of him:

[Xie Tiandi asks you to dream, do you accept it?]

Han Jue\'s heart trembled, will something happen again?

He was all brought up with a psychological shadow, but the opponent was the Xietian Emperor, and he couldn\'t refuse.

He immediately accepted the dream.

The dream is still the small woods outside the Yuqing Saint Sect.

Seeing Han Jue, the Xietian emperor exclaimed: "You are so powerful, even the Taoist priests can be killed. It is said that the battle also involved the patriarch of the Hate clan, Heng Ji and Yu Jian, sacred. You became famous in one battle, and now you are in Chaos. The name of your **** and heavenly saint is widely spread among them."

Han Jue frowned and asked, "A big name?"

Emperor Xietian smiled and said, "Speaking of big is not big, and small is not small. After all, the chaos is vast and boundless, and there is always a place where you can\'t hear your prestige."

Han Jue showed anxiety, and in front of the Xietian Emperor, he did not pretend to be calm.

The Emperor Xietian smiled helplessly: "What are you thinking about? Now you are considered to be the top power of Chaos. You became famous in World War I, leaving only deterrence, not endless future troubles. The rise of the heavens has become unstoppable, plus The Dao’s calamity is about to be measured, and the Dao’s gods are busy avoiding the robbery, and they shouldn’t come to trouble you again."

"Not only that, but the power of fate is getting stronger and stronger. Some time ago, they seemed to be stimulated by you and attacked a Dao God. Therefore, you are not alone, and the Dao Gods cannot keep all their eyes on you."

Han Jue is speechless, so he has to thank his life?

The Xietian emperor said with a serious face: "I entrusted the dream to you this time to tell you something. I know an ancient existence. I visited his old man not long ago and foreseeed the great danger."

Han Jue raised his eyebrows, can he predict the ancient existence of Dao Liang Jie?

Wouldn\'t it be a creator!

After talking with Yujian Sacred, Han Jue discovered that the Primordial Chaos beings do not believe in the existence of the Chaos God at all. If Yujian Sacred, who was once the supreme avenue, thought that the supremacy of the avenue was already the strongest.

"He calculated that the sign of the Great Great Tribulation is the Hongmeng Demon God. This Hongmeng Demon God has an unparalleled aptitude, and it is unimaginable that he can sweep the same realm, and even kill the enemy across the border. The realm is just a fiction for him." The Xietian Emperor recalled that. If it exists in ancient times, my heart will be chilled.

Han Jue had a strange expression.


Didn\'t people think that he was the Hongmeng Demon God in the recent battle of the Heavenly Dao?

The Xietian Emperor also thought of this, his expression also became weird, and said: "Aren\'t you the Hongmeng Demon God?"

Han Jue categorically denied: "How is it possible! I was born as a mortal, you can count it, my parents are mortals, how could it be possible to give birth to the Great Demon God? Not all the Chaos Demon God has no father and no mother, let alone the Hongmeng Demon God?"

The Xietian Emperor smiled and said: "That\'s true, don\'t be nervous. When I learn a piece of information from the Hongmeng Demon God, I know that you are not the Hongmeng Demon God."

"What characteristics?"

"Hongmeng Demon God has not yet been born!"

"What\'s that? He was born to be able to get rid of the chaos? Just kill him in the cradle at that time."

Han Jue didn\'t care at all, but he was very nervous.

Isn\'t that my son?


It\'s my son who set off a great deal of calamity!

Han Jue had a bold idea, UU reading www. uukanshu. If com keeps his son from being born, wouldn\'t it be impossible for him to come?

No wonder it takes tens of billions of years!

Han absolutely couldn\'t surpass the Hongmeng Demon God, and he couldn\'t bear to let his son give up his talents, so he could only stay in his mother\'s womb.

Xie Tiandi smiled and said: "That is inevitable. It is estimated that other great powers will also learn about this. Chaos will set off a wave of searching for the Hongmeng Demon God, and the Tianjiao will be miserable in the future."

He spoke calmly, but Han Jue heard a trace of pity.

Because of a prophecy, countless arrogances will die.

Han Jue does not feel guilty, he is not a person who values ​​sentient beings more than his own relatives.

What\'s more, even without him, as the Hongmeng Demon God, sooner or later he will face all the hostility of Chaos.

Before that, he will practice quietly, until the entire chaos can\'t help him!

The two continued to chat.

After half an hour, the dream was over.

Han Jue observed the Dao of Heaven, and after confirming that there was no danger, he checked the interpersonal relationship. The friends he cared about were still there, so he continued to practice.

Time continues to pass.

Year after year passed.

Thousands of years later.

Three lines of words jumped out before Han Jue, who was cultivating:

[It is detected that you are at least half a million years old, and you have taken a step forward in your life. You have the following options]

[1. Be born immediately, promote the prestige of the Hongmeng Demon God, and set off a large amount of calamity, and you can obtain a fragment of the avenue, a creation spirit stone, a heavenly spirit stone, a treasure, an inheritance of magical powers, and an opportunity for a new system function]

[Two, low-key practice, away from right and wrong, you can get a piece of avenue fragment, a creation spirit stone, a heavenly spirit stone, and a treasure]

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