Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 746: Sacred sword

Isn\'t the value of 300 billion years the supreme avenue?

Han Jue felt guilty and quickly chose to continue.

A figure emerged in his mind, and a line of information popped out in front of him:

[Fool Sword Sacred: Great Dao Hunyuan realm is complete, Chaos Demon God, once fought Pangu desperately, nearly fell, and practiced for countless years. With the help of the swordsmanship created by Lao Tzu, he attained the supremacy of the Great Dao, and was seriously injured by challenging the ancient gods. , The state of decline]

Han Jue secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

It turned out that it was once the avenue supreme!

The strength is still the saint of the Dao!

Han Jue asked in his heart: "Can I kill Yujian holy?"

[Need to deduct 300 billion years of life, whether to continue]

and many more!

I can\'t kill the god-robed Taoist in a flash, how can I kill the sacred Yujian in a flash?

Isn\'t this sending life?

Han Jue immediately changed his question: "Can I punish Yujian holy?"

[Need to deduct 300 billion years of life, whether to continue]


[It is certainly possible]

Han Jue\'s brows frowned, but it was definitely possible.

That is the possibility of being killed!

Han Jue suddenly wanted to run away.

Now that the way of heaven is broken, it is broken, and it can no longer be used as a protective umbrella.

Wait, if the avenue is supreme, it can break the heavenly way, and the heavenly way can live to this day?

Or does it mean that the number of avenues is extremely rare?

Han Jue was in entanglement.

In a dark realm, two figures stood side by side, and in front of them was a light hole, in which a miniature picture of the heaven was reflected. One could see the god-robed Taoist advancing with the vast legion, getting closer and closer to the heaven.

The curse demon was very nervous, and the person beside him was too powerful, which made him uneasy.

It is the sacred Yujian.

Yu Jian was wearing a black robe, with white bones above his neck, and no flesh on his face, but he had a pair of eyeballs and black hair fluttering like flames.

Behind him are a number of long swords suspended in a fan shape, circle after circle, like a dazzling sword flower.

Yu Jian Shengsheng said: "It turns out to be the Great Sage of Void Soul. I thought he would have died a long time ago. Is this the support of heaven?"

Void Soul King?

Cursed Demon God secretly wondered, and said: "You won\'t admit the wrong person, Han Jue has only lived for more than 400,000 years. He seems to have a special dojo that can shield prying and causation, so you can\'t see it."

A chill flashed across Yujian\'s sacred pupils, and said, "Oh? You will become a saint in the Dadao for more than four hundred thousand years. This son should be the reincarnation of a supreme being."


The cursing demon frowned.

He still doesn\'t understand the existence of the Supreme Dao Sage.

In his opinion, the Dao Saints are already the ceiling of chaos. Which side can win depends on the strength and number of the Dao Saints.

Before coming, he was worried that the Taoist priest was reckless, so he made an excuse to say that he wanted to hide first, fearing that Han Jue would target him, but the Taoist priest asked him to wait for Yujian to be sacred.

Only then did he know that the god-robed Taoist seems to be arrogant and arrogant, but in fact he is ready to go.

He had never heard of the sacred name of Yujian, but he could feel that the sacredness of Yujian was much stronger than that of the Taoist in the robe.

"Han Jue\'s origin is really mysterious, no one can guess it, only Dao Ancestor mentioned it, he is a variable." Cursing Demon God said cautiously.

Yu Jian holy sneered: "Can you believe the words of Dao Ancestor? What variables, he still claimed to be the savior of Dao Dao."

The cursing demon **** was silent, and didn\'t know how to answer the conversation, because he didn\'t understand Dao Ancestor either.

at the same time.

The god-robed Taoist has already come to the vicinity of Heaven\'s Tao.

His voice resounded throughout the heavens:

"I am the Dao deity. The saints of the heavenly path are not subject to the rules of chaos. They also commit crimes and punish the gods. From today onwards, the saints of the heavenly path will be punishable, and the heavenly path will be controlled by the hate clan! Hope you and others will be able to redeem their merits in the years to come. !"

As soon as this statement came out, the heavenly beings exploded!

It\'s crazy!

Sent to them directly?

"Too arrogant!"

"The saint is not ruled?"

"Damn it, what a Hate Clan, it\'s just another Yan Clan!"

"I just want to know who is so powerful who killed the god, is it the **** of chaos?"

"Who else can be the mighty heavenly sage. The reason for the shot must be to perceive the opponent\'s wolf ambition!"

"I can\'t bear this tone, go! Go to Chaos and kill the enemy! Go to his mother\'s hate clan, I want to kill him so much that he doesn\'t even dare to have a trace of hatred!"

The Great Sage of the Void Soul came to the outside of the sky, looking at the god-robed Taoist flying from the depths of the dark forbidden area, he took a deep breath.

The hands in his sleeves trembled slightly.

He himself is timid, which is why he hid behind the thirteen men in the Heavenly Court battle before quietly using the dark instinct.

He was afraid of death.

The suppressed years are still his nightmare.

However, he obeyed Han Jueyan and had to go.

"Damn, why am I so honest? It\'s not like me at all."

The Great Sage of Void Soul scolded himself secretly. When he thought of Han Jue, he was instinctively awed, and he dared not have a trace of rebellion.

The god-robed Taoist waved his hand, tens of thousands of yellow leaves scattered, and disappeared one by one, surrounding the whole heaven in the blink of an eye.

The hate clan is ready to attack the immortal world from all directions!

Heng Ji on the shoulders of the god-robed Taoist immediately flew towards the Void Soul Great Sage, and said with a smile: "Are you Han Jue?"

The Great Sage of Void Soul snorted coldly, and did not speak.

The god-robed Taoist said: "He is not, kill him, Han Jue will naturally come out."

Heng Ji covered her mouth and smiled, UU read www.uukanshu. Com suddenly turned into an endless black mist, and then condensed into a huge face that was several times larger than the whole heaven, overlooking the Void Soul Great Sage.

How big is the way of heaven, every mortal world is a self-contained universe, how vast is tens of thousands of mortals connected together, not to mention the fairy world and the thirty-third layer of heaven, so much, it still looks short in front of Heng Ji.

The Void Soul Great Sage sighed and wanted to use his dark instinct, but this supernatural power needs to be that he is stronger than the opponent, or there are too many people on his side to form a siege.


Asking him to single-handedly challenge the god-robed Taoist and Heng Ji, he felt very suspicious.

He knows his own strength very well. Although he is in the late stage of Dao Hunyuan realm, his strength is not as good as some of the middle stage of Dao Hunyuan realm.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside the Great Saint Void Soul.

It is Han Jue.

With an indifferent expression, he gently pushed the Void Soul Great Sage behind him.

The Great Sage Void Soul gave Han Jue a grateful look, relieved.

Han Jue secretly scolded: "Things that are not useful are useless at all!"

He actually wanted the Great Sage of the Void Soul to use the dark instinct to connect the god-robed Taoist and Heng Ji, but in that case, he couldn\'t move, and it was very likely that he would be attacked by the sacred Fool Sword in secret.

Heng Ji looked down at Han Jue and jokingly smiled: "What a handsome face, I don\'t want to kill you. If you kneel down and beg for mercy, I say..."

Han Jue raised his palm abruptly and slapped, Hongmeng was angry!

He had already accumulated the power of hundreds of demon gods in the dojo, and with one blow, the dark forbidden area was shaken, the nearby dark space was even more shattered, and the primitive void appeared alone.

Heng Ji didn\'t have time to escape, and was directly overwhelmed by Han Jue\'s vast mana, disappearing in smoke!

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