Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 734: Han Jue's anxiety

"If I kill the Desperate Dao Ling now, will the Chaos God be chased by it?"

Han Jue asked in his heart that he was not dazzled by the killing intent.

If it is for the sake of being quick for a while and causing a greater mortal disaster, that would not be good.

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]


【will not】

Han couldn\'t help but breathe a sigh of relief.

and many more.

Could it be that the Chaos God doesn\'t care about the Desperate Dao Ling at all, this servant is a fake tiger?

"How can I offend the Chaos God?"

[Need to deduct one quadrillion years of life, whether to continue]


[As long as the chaos is harmed, the chaos gods will be angry and shot]

Dangerous to Chaos...


What did the ancestor Xitian do?

Han definitely couldn\'t help thinking of the ancestor Xitian who was suppressed by Chaos and Ignorance. The ancestor looked good.

Solve the desperate Dao Ling first, and then come back to calculate a divination for the ancestors.

Han Jue immediately entrusted the dream to the Xietian Emperor.

In a dream.

As soon as Emperor Xietian opened his eyes, Han Jue said directly: "Summon me!"

Then the dream ended.

In the primitive void, Emperor Xietian opened his eyes and frowned.

Surrounded by the creatures of the heavenly court and the tower of the avenue, they were surrounded by a huge protective array. Outside the formation, the sages of the avenue were besieging a figure surrounded by black energy.

The figure is burly, unable to see the flesh and skin, and can vaguely see the gleaming armor. He wears a bronze mask on his face, which looks like a bull demon and has a hideous look of wolf face.

"What\'s wrong?"

Zhou Fan noticed the abnormality of the Xietian Emperor and couldn\'t help asking.

The fighting has been going on for some time. Although there are great saints to help, they are still injured by the aftermath of the battle.

Emperor Xietian didn\'t answer, he was hesitating.

Do you want to summon Han Jue?

Han Jue had been scared away now, and he definitely didn\'t become stronger when he came back at this time. It only took him how long it took him to be persecuted, and he wanted to come back as a last resort.

Desperate Dao Ling\'s strength is much stronger than his fate, even in the face of twenty-three great saints, he is still able to do so.

the other side.

Han Jue waited for a while, but he hadn\'t waited for the call.

He thought that the Xietian Emperor was in an unpredictable situation, so he quickly entrusted Zhou Fan with a dream, and asked Zhou Fan to perform the magical technique.

After waking up from the dream, Zhou Fan immediately began to perform the magical technique.

The Xietian emperor felt his movements and instantly guessed what he was going to do. He quickly blocked him, and said in a deep voice, "The other party is here for your master. When your master comes, it will definitely become the other party\'s goal. If he doesn\'t come, he will be desperate. Dao Ling fought with the saints of the Dao Dao and then dispersed."

When Zhou Fan heard it, it made sense.

After all, the Dao Ling of Despair is the God of the Dao, and the Saints of the Dao are all detached beings. How can they shout and scream at every turn?

Zhou Fan has been in the chaos for a long time. Except for madmen like fate, fighting with great ability will not form a battle of life and death. The higher the cultivation level, the more he cares about face. The battle ahead is also a battle of spirit.

Desperate Daoling wanted to kill Han Jue unsuccessful, and was scolded by the Dao Sage again, feeling shameless.

The sages of the Dao Dao have been grieving for a long time, and naturally they can’t give in after they scolded them.

Zhou Fan seriously suspected that after this battle, these people became talking and laughing again.

Just like the Xietian Emperor and the Dao Sages, they also had hatred before.

Han Jue was also wrong with the Dao saints. As a result, when the Dao saints were in their early days, it seemed that Han Jue was their relatives and friends.

After thinking about it, Zhou Fan also gave up the idea of ​​using divine magic.

Taoist temple.

Han Jue was sitting on the 36th-Rank Reincarnation Black Lotus, frowning.

what happened?

Don\'t call me one by one?

Han Jue felt the insult.

He guessed that Emperor Xietian and Zhou Fan might be afraid that he would not be able to defeat them.


Lao Tzu finally mustered up the courage to kill the carbine, you even questioned Lao Tzu!

Han Jue once again entrusted Han Tuo with his dream.

In the dream, Han Jue was extremely harsh this time: "Summon me immediately, I can kill him!"

"Within ten breaths, if you don\'t call, you will cut off the relationship between father and son!"

The dreams shattered.

Han Tuo opened his eyes with a complicated expression.

His heart is full of touch.

In his opinion, Han Jue was too worried about him, so he repeatedly asked them to perform magic tricks, even threatening with father and son.

and many more!

Will what the father said is true?

Han Tuo suddenly thought of this.

Think about it carefully, the way my father walked in the past was to smash everyone\'s impression of him step by step.

Han Tuo also suffers from such doubts, and does not want others to underestimate him.

After thinking about it, Han Tuo gritted his teeth and began to use the magical technique.

Xie Tiandi frowned and shouted, "What do you want to do?"

Han Tuo gritted his teeth and said, "He said he could kill!"

Immediately, he ignored the Xietian Emperor\'s obstruction and continued to use the magical technique.

Emperor Xietian and Zhou Fan were stunned, and the others around were baffled. Only the people of Chu knew that they were discussing divine art.

For Han Jue, Chu Shiren are also full of trust. In his opinion, as long as Han Jue dares to do it, he will be able to do it. If he is not completely sure, Han Jue will not easily make a move.

The black vortex appeared again, right behind Han Tuo.

A figure slowly walked out of the black vortex.

It is Han Jue!

Seeing Han Jue, everyone was inexplicably relieved, including the generals of the heavenly soldiers and the towers of the avenue.

They have already seen Han Jue\'s terrifying strength, and all thirteen lives have been suppressed by him!

Han Jue ignored everyone, his eyes fell on Desperate Dao Ling.

Desperate Daoling was entwined with the power of the avenue, and the moment Han Jue appeared, his power of the avenue suddenly dropped.

It was not that Han Jue frightened the Despair Dao Ling, but Han Jue dispelled the despair that Despair Dao Ling brought to the heaven and the tower of the avenue.

This is the avenue of despair!

The more despair around, the stronger the power of despair.

Han Jue suddenly understood why the Daoist of Despair wanted to block the sermons at the gate of the avenue. This is to plant the fear factor in advance. When there is a real conflict, the fear factor can easily turn into despair, making the Daoist of despair even more in battle. powerful.

After figuring it out, Han Jue admired Desperate Dao Ling a little, seeming arrogant, but in fact full of calculations.

But a pity!

You still have to die!

Han Jue immediately displayed his Taiyi Free Phenomenon, UU reading appeared on top of his head one after another, and quickly penetrated into his body, just like this, and then penetrated into his body, dazzling the people around him.

Although the Xietian Emperor and the others didn\'t understand what Han Jue was doing, those demon gods were enough to awe them.

Han Tuo\'s eyes widened.

He thought that Han Jue only had dozens of demon gods, and now he looks...


He was shocked.

Yitian secretly envied that Han Tuo brothers really have a good father.

Born without a father or mother, he has been longing for family affection, but he just speaks of contempt.

Soon, Han Jue integrated all the five hundred and forty-nine demon gods into himself. Although he couldn\'t perform at the level of one multiplied by five hundred and forty-nine, he could say more than a hundred.

Han Jue wants to kill Desperate Daoling with a single blow!

I don\'t give you a chance to despair!