Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 731: The heaven is silent!

In Taoist Temple, Han Jue has done dozens of exercises, and even flipped through emails.

Why haven\'t I summoned Lao Tzu yet!

Han Jue clenched his fists, feeling a bit resentful in his heart.

The emperor is poisonous.

It would be okay if he was summoned suddenly, at least he could maintain a high level of tension, and the enemy would run away within seconds.

It\'s better now, let him know in advance, so he can\'t practice with peace of mind.

When Han Jue secretly complained to himself, a black whirlpool suddenly appeared in front of him.

His expression suddenly lifted.


Han Jue directly urged his whole body magic weapon, ready to go to war at any time.

He took a deep breath and stepped into the black whirlpool.

Heavenly Court.

In front of a palace.

Han Tuo stared at the black whirlpool in front of him, and couldn\'t help being stunned.

This technique is not...

For the first time, the Xietian Emperor performed a magical technique, and he was a little nervous, afraid that he would not succeed.

According to this posture, Han will not come, they are likely to be wiped out.

Now there are Dao saints who are constrained, and their lives cannot be targeted. They can still find a way to avoid the power of darkness. When the Dao saints are suppressed, it will be their turn!

A figure appeared in the black vortex, slowly stepping out.

It is Han Jue!

Seeing Han Jue\'s peerless face, Emperor Xietian breathed a sigh of relief.


Han Tuo looked at Han Jue excitedly, Han Jue ignored him, and was frantically testing the strong around him.

Yuanshi Tianzun, Nuwa Empress, Dijiang, Jiuyin, Fuxitian, Houtu Empress...

Many acquaintances!

These people don\'t work together to besiege Lao Tzu, will they?

Han Jue felt tight.

Soon, he saw a message.

[Fate: Dadao Hunyuan Stage late stage, origin unknown]

Han Jue let the system lock his life.

It\'s not that huge shadow with thousands of hands, but in a corner.


Han Jue\'s gaze fell on God Tu Demon.

Since Ming Ming appeared, everyone\'s eyes were on Ming Ming or the power of darkness around him, but no one cared about God Tumo.

At this moment, Demon Tu was meditating on the edge of the heavenly court to heal his wounds.

Feeling Han Jue\'s gaze, Tu Demon God subconsciously raised his head to look.

Facing each other!

Tu Demon God\'s heart trembled.

Who is this person?

For some reason, when he saw Han Jue, he panicked inexplicably, as if he was facing an enemy.

The God of Tu Mo pretends to be calm.

Han Jue retracted his gaze, looked at Han Tuo, and said, "Are you okay?"


Han Tuoqiang said with a smile, his soul was severely damaged, and it is estimated that he will have to recuperate for a while.


Zhou Fan exclaimed in surprise, and Chu Shiren turned his head to look.

Not only them, but others also looked at Han Jue.

"That\'s Han Tuo\'s father?" Yitian was surprised by Han Jue\'s face.

No wonder Han Tuo is so handsome...

Qin Ling\'s eyes widened, his face looked like a ghost.

He thought he saw Master Han Yu.

Do not!

This person is more handsome than his master!

Han Jue greeted Han Tuo and Emperor Xietian while observing the power of darkness around him.

As soon as he came here, he found that the power of darkness was not easy.

The power of darkness is a bit like the air of omnipotence...

The Harmony Realm in the depths of his soul is full of Harmony Qi, which is mutually exclusive with the Chaos Qi bred by the chaotic rough stone, but after all they belong to him, so they are not aggressive.

The power of darkness, which resembles the aura of the cosmos, is madly devouring the chaotic space!

The power of darkness in Demon Tu is the strongest.

Han Jue had to find a way to kill the Demon Slayer in an instant.

He is now deliberately letting Demon Slayer take it lightly, just thinking about how to make a move.

Directly use the Avenue of Nothingness to punish!

However, the avenue of nothingness may not work, and the power of other avenues has to be integrated.

Han Jue thought of all the integration plans in an instant.

"This power of darkness is so weird, can you dispel it?" Xietian asked with a gloomy face.

He had miscalculated the strength of Fate, and this dark power directly left the Dao Saints at their disposal, and the situation was not optimistic.

If Han Jue had no choice, he could only escape with Han Tuo.

Han Jue frowned and said, "It\'s really weird, and I can\'t help it."

The **** Tu Devil who pretended to heal from a distance, but was actually eavesdropping, secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He laughed at himself secretly, what was he thinking?

The power of darkness is the most powerful!

How could it be defeated!

at this time!

Han Jue suddenly appeared in front of him, with his right hand resting on his shoulder instantly.

The three faces of Tu Moshen instantly became horrified.

Imprison the avenue!

Space Avenue!

Hell Law Avenue!

The Demon Tu was imprisoned and could not move.

Emperor Xietian, Han Tuo and others only felt that Han Jue had suddenly become an afterimage, and he disappeared as soon as he shook the gods.

Everyone was frightened, and subconsciously turned their heads to look.

I saw Han Jue actually appear in front of the Tu Demon God.

He wants to avenge his son?

As soon as their thoughts came up, Han Jue had merged dozens of demon gods\' powers, focusing on the avenue of nothingness, and the surging mana gathered on the index finger of his right hand.

Han Jue pressed his finger on the forehead of Tu Demon God\'s main head.

Demon Tu\'s eyes widened, and his heart was full of horror.

Han Jue had no expression on his face, and directly used the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Boundary Breaking Sword.


Sword Qi broke out!

Directly flood the Demon Tu!

Along the way, the darkness was directly torn into a gap, as if a white light across the night sky appeared in the dark.

Immediately afterwards, the darkness that enveloped the heavenly court was shattered, and the power of darkness that entangled the saints of the Avenue and the heavenly soldiers and generals vanished in smoke.

Sunlight instantly replaces darkness!

All the saints on the avenue turned their heads to look at Han Jue.

Some were shocked, some frowned, some rejoiced, and there were all kinds of expressions.

The giant shadow symbolizing fate glared at Han Jue and shouted, "You dare!"

Countless arms on his body all patted Han Jue, covering the sky and the sun, with great momentum.

A black shadow emerged from Han Jue, as if a giant suddenly stood up and punched the giant shadow.

Tian Gang Demon God!

The domineering fist winds out and crushes everything directly!

All the arms of the huge shadow were turned into fly ash, followed by the deity, which was crushed.

Han Jue raised his left hand and sucked the soul body in front of him into his hand.

It\'s fate!

As for the soul body of the Demon Slayer, it has been crushed by the Heaven and Earth Xuanhuang Boundary Breaking Sword Finger. If Han Jue hadn\'t deliberately left his life alone, his life would have to die!

With Han Jue\'s two shots, the entire heaven was silent for an instant.

Yitian widened his eyes, looked at the chaotic sky, and muttered: "Is this over?"

The saints on the avenue were also silent and deeply shocked.

at the same time.

Shi Dudao, who was staying in the mysterious pool, clapped his hands and laughed, "I know! I know!"

He stared at Han Jue in the glow.

You really are the dark forbidden!

Li Daokong was also very excited, but he was wondering, are you a hidden person?

what do you know?

"who are you?"

The soul of life is human, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com looks very ordinary, and his figure is not burly.

He stared at Han Jue in anger, he couldn\'t figure out how the power of darkness could be so easily dismissed?

Han Jue ignored him, squeezed his soul body with one hand, and walked in front of the Xietian Emperor in one step.

"He will leave it to you, or shall I take it away?" Han Jue asked.

This is what they said earlier, to stay alive and inquire more information.

The Xietian Emperor was about to speak, Fate suddenly grinned and said: "Do you think it is over like this? I am not the only fate!"

"Come out!"

"I want them to die!"

"I want them all to die!"