Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 728: real body!

Han Tuo moved away again, away from the Demon Slayer, but was quickly overtaken by the Demon Slayer.

Not only can\'t match the strength, but also can\'t keep up with the speed.

Han Tuo had to use his supernatural powers. He slapped his left palm into the palm of the prisoner. The palm of his hand instantly became bigger, directly hitting the Demon Slayer, suppressing the Demon Slayer downward.

The powerful big free prisoner Tianzhang sealed off the body of the Tu Demon God, making him immobile, and his strong body pierced through the layers of clouds.

This scene surprised all parties.

"What a domineering supernatural power!"

"This palm vaguely has the mystery of the great road."

"It is indeed a arrogant one!"

"The heaven really hides the dragon and the tiger, no wonder it can rise quickly!"



Fu Xitian, who was standing next to the Nuwa Empress, said with emotion: "If this supernatural power is replaced by a normal Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, I am afraid it will be directly suppressed. This Demon Slayer is sure."

I saw the falling Demon God Tu suddenly roared, his six arms furious, and directly shattered the palm of the Great Free Prisoner.


Han Tuo swooped down with a gun, like a golden rainbow, dividing the entire heavenly court in two, and his unstoppable shot pierced the chest of the Demon God Tu.

Tu Demon God was crushed to fall again.


The Demon God Tu roared with rage, his three-headed face was as hideous as a ghost, and he was horrified.

His arms grabbed the gun body suddenly, and the remaining four arms attacked Han Tuo again.

Han Tuo immediately rubbed his spear with both hands, the mana turned into a strong wind, crushed the palm of Tu Devil God, blood splashed.

The Demon God Tu suddenly flashed, appeared behind Han Tuo, and smashed his leg down, as if Mount Tai was crushing the top of the mountain, making Han Tuo bloody, and his body was instantly shattered.

In the next second, Han Tuo\'s body reunited, turning around and stabbing with a spear.

The Demon God Tu hardly took the shot with his chest, and the six palms that grew back crazily hit Han Tuo.

The two sides are just like you come and I, the battle is inextricable, the violent coercion shakes the heavenly space violently, all the palaces are shaking, fortunately the Xietian emperor has already prepared the formation, and every palace is sheltered by the formation.

Xietian emperor stared at Han Tuo, Zhou Fan, Yitian, Chu Shiren, and Qin Ling all next to him.

Yitian blinked, and cursed: "It\'s too fast, I can\'t see clearly, who has the upper hand?"

Zhou Fan said with a solemn expression: "It\'s hard to say, but the Demon Slayer can\'t kill him at all."

Han Tuo\'s performance surprised him. Compared with the previous war, this kid has become stronger again.

However, he encountered a monster.

Demon Tu reminded Zhou Fan of Chaos Demon God.

The same intractable, the same indestructible, the same powerful and unmatched body!

Chu people asked in a low voice: "Do you want to contact the master?"

When he changed to someone else, he would naturally not say that. This is Han Jue\'s son.

Zhou Fan groaned: "Go and talk about it, at least let him know about it."

Xie Tiandi glanced at them, and he was secretly surprised.

Hidden Gate seems to have a special method of communication, no need to send letters, no need to face to face.

The Xie Tiandi did not stop him, just in time for Han Jue to prepare, so as not to make the incident happen suddenly.


Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Jue has been in the simulation trial for thirty-two years.

He doesn\'t know how many times he has failed, but he is still fighting against a hundred Xitian ancestors. The surge in actual combat experience has enabled him to better display his own strength. Now he faces a hundred Xitian ancestors. Not to be killed indiscriminately, at least for a period of time.

The black prison chicken\'s voice came from outside the Taoist Temple: "Master! Your son has an accident!"

Han Jue quit the simulation trial, and the voice came out: "What\'s the matter?"

The Black Jail Chicken briefly introduced that he was ordered to attack the heavenly court, and Han Tuo was fighting a mysterious and powerful enemy.


Han Jue replied, and the black jail chicken turned and left.

Gu </span>   is strange.

The Emperor of Heaven hasn\'t used the magic trick, why did the people of Chu spread the letter first?

Could it be that the emperor didn’t tell the people of Chu about the plan?

It is very possible, how can such plans be said everywhere?

Han is not in a hurry, waiting for the Xietian Emperor to perform his magical skills.

"If I go to Heaven, will I die?"

Han Jue asked silently.

[200 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]


[There is a possibility of fall]

a trace?

Han Jue felt tight, and then asked: "Is there someone better than me in and around the heaven?"

[200 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]



Han Jue was relieved.

That trace of fall may be his carelessness.

Although Han Jue was only in the early stage of the Dao Hunyuan realm, his combat effectiveness has always been higher than that of his realm. Coupled with the trial of simulation trials, let alone the same realm, even if it is two levels higher than him, he may not be his opponent.

Han Jue is already a little impatient.

However, the Emperor Xie Tian has not yet used the magic spell.

He stood up and began to move his muscles and bones in the Taoist temple, doing a set of national movements learned in previous lives.

This set of actions is naturally useless for the Dao Sage, he just kills the time.


The heavens, the sound of fighting reverberates, the sky is full of holes, time and space currents are intertwined, and the darkness turns into spots, dotting the space of the heavens in all directions.

Xie Tiandi frowned.

The battle between Han Tuo and Demon Slayer has been going on for several hours, and the two sides are still fighting. It seems that Han Tuo is not yet at a disadvantage, but he clearly feels that Demon Slayer\'s momentum is faintly becoming stronger.

If this continues, I\'m afraid Han Tuo will lose.

Xie Tiandi began to hesitate, whether to summon Han Jue now.

can fight against each other with great ability, the victory or defeat is often in an instant, maybe now Han Tuo can still tie with it, but in the next second, he will be killed, and his body and spirit will be destroyed.

"When will your majesty do it?"

Nuwa Empress\'s voice suddenly spread into the ears of the Xietian Emperor.

Xie Tiandi asked via voice transmission: "Have you found your life?"

Empress Nuwa replied: "I can\'t be sure, UU reading, but he has indeed sneaked into the heaven. It would be good to block the space in the heaven. If he is to be captured by then, he can be handed over to me, my brother\'s Dadao. If the fruit is taken away by him, if you want to regain the Dao, you must find this fruit."

Xietian emperor frowned and said, "Wait again, it\'s better to succeed once."

Immediately afterwards, other great abilities also communicated to the Xietian Emperor, and he had to start to stabilize the great abilities.


A violent aura suddenly erupted, and Han Tuo saw a blaze bursting from his body, like a hurricane. He opened two vertical eyes on his forehead, and his black hair quickly became longer and white. A pair of fleshy wings and wings appeared behind him. Show a hundred feet.

The true body of the devil!

The powerful people were shocked, and someone exclaimed: "Chaos Demon God!"


They never thought that Han Tuo turned out to be the Chaos Demon God!

The Demon God Tu stopped suddenly, staring at Han Tuo steadily, and said coldly: "The Demon God of Chaos...No, you are like me!"

Han Tuo condescendingly, looking down at the Demon Slayer, contemptuously said: "So you can talk too? I thought you were a beast!"

The voice of    fell, and with a wave of his gun, a crescent-like white light ran across the heaven, and the space was cut in half. The same is true for the body of the Demon Tusk.


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