Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 717: 300,000 years old

"What if the Dark Forbidden Lord is here? Will we give up attacking Heaven?" The smaller figure said solemnly, his tone quite dissatisfied.

Another figure was silent for a moment, and said, "Let’s wait for your life. The chaotic situation today is unpredictable, and many old monsters that have avoided the world for countless years have emerged. It is necessary to investigate who is behind the heavens, so as not to provoke unprovoked existences. ."

The smaller figure is silent.

They watched for a while before they disappeared.

the other side.

Thirty-third layer outside the sky.

In the Hall of Universe, the Xuandu Holy Venerable sat cross-heartedly.

Xuan Du Shengzun\'s face was gloomy, and he asked, "Really?"

Pan Xin nodded and said: "I don’t know who is spreading the rumors that if the way of heaven develops, Pangu will definitely be resurrected. The credibility of this rumor has been greatly improved. There have been many forces on the Chaos Tianlu, and they will not know when they will attack the Tiandao."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable was lost in thought.

Pan Xin continued: "Recently, there has been an existence called fate in the chaos, and he has captured a lot of heavenly beings. It is estimated that he wants to use the heavenly creatures to sneak into the immortal world. Fating should be a false identity. It is impossible to calculate cause and effect, but it can completely hide cause and effect. , This person’s supernatural powers should not be underestimated, and he is still recruiting troops, intending to point directly at the way of heaven."


The Xuandu Holy Venerable frowned.

a long time.

He slowly said, "I will be inquiring about my life with the teacher. During this time, you still have to take care of the Chaos Road, so don\'t run around."

Pan Xin nodded, then got up and left, disappearing without a trace in two steps.

Looking at the direction he was leaving, the brows of the Holy Venerable Xuandu frowned again.

Pan Xin is too abnormal!

is different from before, which makes him very uncomfortable.

I don’t know how Han Jue surrendered.

The Xuandu Holy Venerable didn\'t think much, but started to cast spells and contacted his teacher Lao Tzu.


Two thousand years later.

Han Jue was still practicing, and suddenly a line of words appeared before his eyes:

[It has been detected that you are over 300,000 years old, and you have taken a step forward in your life. You have the following options]

[One, immediately exit the level, and get a piece of avenue fragment, a piece of heavenly spirit stone, and a treasure]

[Second, low-key practice, away from right and wrong, you can get a piece of avenue fragment and a piece of creation spirit]

Han Jue felt infinite emotion in his heart, he was already 300,000 years old.

Really, the years are ruthless.

Han Tuo is also more than two hundred thousand years old. In this way, they are more like brothers.


What are you thinking about!

Han Jue silently chose the second option, just to add a member of the Demon Army.

[You choose to practice low-key, stay away from right and wrong, get a piece of avenue fragment, a piece of creation spirit stone]

Han Jue took out the creation spirit stone, his consciousness entered the Hongmeng realm, and he began to choose the spirit of the devil.

In the end, he chose the Void Demon God, and then merged the creation spirit stone with the spirit of the Demon God.

After   , he devoted himself to spiritual practice again.

This time, he intends to retreat for ten thousand years and try the water.

I want to see if it won’t work without him in ten thousand years.

Han Jue was quickly immersed in Jiyuan Avenue, and his thoughts exploded in his mind, creating countless things, and portraying the scenery of the avenue more and more abundantly.


In the vast starry sky, countless figures swarmed at a huge chaotic beast. This chaotic beast is like a giant tortoise. Above the tortoise shell is a mountain, and the mountain is covered with trees, the fruits of these trees. It was actually a handful of magic weapons, with all kinds of them, brilliant and gorgeous.

The people of Chu were standing on a gravel, watching the battle from a distance, and the greed and cruelty of the practitioners were counted in his eyes.

He couldn\'t help sighing.

After leaving the Tao of Heaven, he found that Chaos was crueler than he thought. He thought it was difficult to encounter humans, but found that it was not. Wherever there is a chance, there are practitioners fighting, some from the Tao of Heaven, and some from Guixu. Divine realm, some come from other chaotic worlds.

Next to Chu Shiren stood a masked woman with a graceful figure. She smiled and asked: "Why? Are you afraid? Don\'t you dare to grab it?"

Hearing the words, the people of Chu said plainly: "Why do you want to **** it? Snatch others today, and be snatched by others tomorrow. Karma reincarnates. Only by letting go can you gain the Tao."

The masked woman gave him a white look and said nothing.

At this moment, a dragon roar sounded, coercing all the sounds of fighting.

All the practitioners turned their heads to look, deep in the darkness, the space was shattered, and a golden dragon slammed out unstoppably. Above the dragon\'s head stood a man in silver armor. After the dragon\'s body, there were countless celestial soldiers and generals with a terrifying momentum. .

"It\'s heaven!"

"Stepping on the golden dragon and wearing silver armor, that\'s the Han **** of heaven!"

Some practitioners exclaimed, and the tens of thousands of practitioners besieging the chaotic beast quickly dispersed.

Han Shenjiang?

Chu people\'s eyes fell on Han Tuo, and he couldn\'t help being taken aback.

He fingered and calculated, with a strange expression.

He doesn\'t know Han Tuo, just because Han Tuo has already proved it.

But Han Tuo looks a lot like Han Jue. He learned from the Ten Thousand Worlds Projection that Han Jue has a son named Han Tuo, who is now fighting with the Heavenly Court.

Could it be this Han **** general?

Han Tuo felt Chu Shiren\'s gaze and glanced away, shocking Chu Shiren to stagger his gaze.


Han Tuo saw the cause and effect of Chu Shiren at a glance, the hidden disciple.

The quasi-sage cultivation base is estimated to be a personal disciple in the hidden gate.

Han Tuo shouted loudly: "If the heaven is acting, you will retreat as quickly as possible, otherwise you won’t be able to kill you!"

The domineering declaration made those practitioners stay away from the chaotic beasts, and no one dared to complain.

The prestige of    Heavenly Court has already resounded through the chaos, and the three great gods will even kill countless horrible existences.

Han Tuo came to the chaotic beast.

The chaotic beast made a low roar and wanted to escape from here, Han Tuo raised his hand and turned his mana into chains, entwining the huge chaotic beast, unable to move.

Han Tuo suddenly glanced at Chu and said, "Come here, pick three magic weapons, choose whatever you like."

Chu people were stunned.

Han Tuo turned his back to him and waited quietly.

Looking at Han Tuo\'s back, Chu Shiren suddenly thought of Han Jue.

is so alike.

Chu people were not hypocritical, and flew over immediately.

The masked woman asked quickly: "Don\'t go there! They are heaven!"

Chu Shiren ignored her and quickly flew towards the chaotic beast.

The heavenly soldiers and generals wanted to stop them, but when Han Tuo raised his hand, they stopped moving.

The monks in the distance all stared at Chu Shiren, not knowing what he wanted to do.

Soon, the people of Chu Dynasty chose three treasures.


All the practitioners were scared.

Who is this person?

dared to choose the baby in front of the heaven, and the heaven did not stop it!

Chu people came to Han Tuo, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you very much."

Han Tuo\'s serious face showed a smile, and said: "They are all his own children, why be courteous, just follow me first, and wait until you have mastered these three magic weapons before leaving, so as not to be caught by Xiao Xiaoxiao."

Chu people hesitated for a moment, but nodded in agreement.