Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 706: Chaos era

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue was relieved.

No one can save Panxin right now!

Han Jue faced his heart-wounding gaze, and said calmly: "If you blame it, just blame you for what you said. Your choice makes me uneasy."

He gritted his teeth and asked: "Who are you in the end!"

At this moment, Han Jue\'s image in his heart became mysterious and unpredictable.

When I first saw Han Jue more than 200,000 years ago, this child was just an ant.

Now that he is in the realm of a saint, Han Jue easily suppresses him. What does this mean?

It shows that Han Jue is at least the saint of Dadao!

In just over 200,000 years, it is impossible for a mortal to cultivate to the Dadao saint!

There is only one possibility, Han Jue himself is great!

Pan Xin knows that several Dao saints like to reincarnate clones or Dharma phases and lay out all corners of the chaos.

Han Jue is definitely one of them.

Facing Pan Xin\'s question, Han Jue smiled, and then sealed his mouth.

After that, Han Jue closed his eyes and began to practice retreat again.

Deep in the chaos, the tower of the avenue.

After tens of thousands of years of development, the tower of the avenue has become a trend, with various floating islands and buildings gathered like stars in a radius of hundreds of millions of miles.

The tower of the avenue, inside the palace on the first floor.

Zhou Fan and Xietian emperor gathered in the hall, and there was no third person.

Zhou Fan asked, "Where is Han Tuo?"

He still cares about this little junior.

Han Tuo is Han Jue\'s son, so he can be regarded as his junior brother.

Emperor Xietian said: "I\'m attacking the Dao."

Zhou Fan smiled with satisfaction: "Proving the Dao, that\'s not bad. If my master knows, I should be very happy."

Xie Tiandi followed with a smile.

Zhou Fan looked at the Xietian Emperor and said meaningfully: "Your Majesty, I suddenly can\'t see through you. Who are you going with now?"

The prestige of the Heavenly Court in the dark forbidden area is getting bigger and bigger. Some time ago, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals were carrying ominous evil spirits during the battle. This incident has shocked the entire chaos, indicating that the Heavenly Court is already a giant, even if it is the saints of the great roads returning to the gods of the market. Also had to face the Xietian Emperor.

The Xietian Emperor had his hands on his waist, his robe hunted, and laughed softly: "I didn\'t mess with anyone, I was just fighting for the number of lives."

"Competing for fate..."

Zhou Fan thoughtfully.

They have detached themselves from the realm of heaven, they can travel freely in the chaos, travel through the past and the future, and look down on the world.

Such a realm is something they would never have thought of, but even so, there is still a lot of fate.

The Emperor Xietian smiled and said: "Well, let’s not say these meaningless words. I am looking for you today to conspire with the mysterious realm transformed by the corpse of an ancient Chaos Demon God. There is a great opportunity hidden in it. If our heavenly court eats alone, the loss will be bound to be. Disastrous, if you share a cup of peas, you should have seen my sincerity in the previous cooperation, do you want to act?"

Zhou Fan asked, "That mysterious power also wants to take action?"

Emperor Xietian nodded and said, "I would not dare without him."

"Well, the tower of the avenue is also involved!"

Zhou Fan responded happily. He didn\'t have confidence in the Xietian Emperor, but the mysterious power.

He followed curiously and asked, "Who is that mighty power? It is related to the evil evil?"

The Xietiandi smiled and said: "There are some things, don\'t ask, you are just Hunyuan Daluojinxian."

If someone else said this, Zhou Fan would definitely feel humiliated, but when he said it from the Xietian Emperor, Zhou Fan heard the caring, and if he continued to inquire about it, he would probably have violated the taboo.

He is no longer the ignorant Fanling of the fairy world, and now has a certain understanding of chaos.

In the boundless chaos, there are indeed many taboos that cannot be inquired or even spoken!

As strong as a saint, he will not violate these taboos.

The Xietian emperor turned into a cloud of golden smoke and dissipated, leaving only one sentence: "After three thousand years, take people to the waning moon star field, and I will lead thousands of heavenly soldiers and generals to wait for you."

Zhou Fan squinted, darkly shocking the development speed of Heavenly Court.

This is still a lineup that was taken out to die, and it is definitely not the full strength of Heavenly Court!

Five thousand years are fleeting.

Han Jue opened his eyes, Pan Xin still did not succeed in enslavement, but at this moment Pan Xin had lost consciousness and sat quietly in the invisible heaven prison.

It is worthy of being a perfect existence in the free Hunyuan realm!

Wouldn\'t it take millions of years or even longer to enslave the Chaos Gods in the future?

Han Jue was born with such an idea, and even began to worry.

He believes that as long as he fights steadily, cautiously, and sooner or later, he will rival the Chaos God, and even surpass the Chaos God.

Today, even if he doesn\'t have a system, he can continue to grow by relying on everything he has.

Of course, he is still grateful for the system.

If there is no system, he is still ups and downs in samsara, how can he live forever.

Han Jue\'s gaze was outside the Taoist temple.

Dao Zhizun, Zhao Xuanyuan, and Jiang Yi were waiting at the door.

After practicing outside, Dao Zhizun came back to practice hard, Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi were the closest to him, after all, they were all Tianjiao.

Han Jue\'s voice floated out: "What\'s the matter?"

The three of us have bowed down for several years, and Jiang Yi, who hasn\'t waited a long time, took the lead and said: "Master, the three of us want to go to Chaos to experience."

Zhao Xuanyuan and Jiang Yi are both the Daluo Jinxian Consummation, and can be certified as quasi-sages at any time.

But they suppressed the realm.

It is estimated to be related to the Taoist Supreme.

Just listen to the Taoist Supreme said: "Recently, some information about Chaos came from the Chaos Tianlu. At the end of the Chaos Tianlu is Daxian Tiandi, which is bigger than the fairy world. There are countless planes and secret realms hidden in the surrounding area. There are countless opportunities. , Our three brothers want to make a break."

Han Jue said, "Chaos is very dangerous. If something happens, the teacher won\'t come to rescue you. Think about it clearly."

Zhao Xuanyuan chuckled and said, "Master, don\'t worry, what happened before the last calamity will not happen. We must be cautious. Even if something goes wrong, the three of us have left our minds in our respective Taoist temples, and it\'s a big deal to rebuild."

It is not unusual for Da Luo Jinxian to have this method.

Han Jue sent them out directly.

As long as he stayed behind and went out for a break, Han Absolutely had little understanding of Chaos, and it was a good thing to send his disciples to find out.

The future of heaven is by no means closed, and the great era of chaos has begun.

After sending off the three of them, Han Jue checked the mail and continued to practice.

Three thousand years have passed.

[Hongmeng Sky Prison Successfully Enslaved]

[Pan Xin has a good impression on you, and the current good impression is full of stars]

It took eight thousand years to succeed in enslavement!

Han Jue immediately called up Pan Xin\'s property panel to view:

[Panxin: The free Hunyuan realm is complete, UU reading Pangu descendants, one of the first creatures to open the sky, has experienced immeasurable catastrophes, the game world, because of fear of being discovered by the ancient master of calamity, especially sneak into Swordsmanship, because of your mind-bearing nature, you are interested in you, and the current favorability is full of stars.]

The Free Hunyuan Realm is complete!

If Han Jue helped him, he might be able to create a great saint.

However, the gate of the avenue requires its own efforts, and others can\'t help, at least Han Jue can\'t help now, at most he can talk about the experience of preaching the Tao.

at this time.

[Pangu has hatred against you, the current hatred is 1 star]

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