Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 699: Swear to the avenue

Hearing Xing Hongxuan\'s words, the disciples who passed the report were also deeply moved. With Han Jue\'s character, it is estimated that this little master really can\'t go out to show his aptitude.

They didn\'t complain about this. If it weren\'t for Han Jue\'s overbearing rules, many of them had died outside early.

It is precisely because of long-term painstaking practice that they can have today\'s cultivation.

They didn\'t dare to talk about Han Jue too much, and the topic soon changed.

Li Xuan\'ao exclaimed: "Qin Ling\'s aptitude has astounded the entire world of immortality. With the cultivation of the immortal emperor, he can be able to fight the **** realm and suppress it strongly. Brother, your vision is as good as ever."

Li Daokong smiled and said: "It\'s okay, it\'s my apprentice who teaches Qin Ling, and it has nothing to do with me."

Zhou Fan suddenly appeared, and asked curiously: "Your disciple is also of Master\'s blood, right?"

The existence of Han Tuo is no longer a secret.

Especially when the personal disciples who went out saw Han Yu, they were shocked by the heavens, and they couldn\'t hide the matter. Xing Hongxuan also said that he knew about it, so the disciples had no scruples.

Li Daoxong nodded.

Other direct disciples talked about Han Yu and Han Tuo.

Han Absolute Han Tuo\'s attitude is very abnormal, completely stocking, so they have a lot of speculation.

Xun Changan smiled and said: "Anyway, Qin Ling is also considered our hidden disciple. You should take care of those outside in the future. Tianjiao is easy to be targeted, but don\'t die."

Li Daokong nodded, expressing his hope.

He is a saint, and he has only a disciple. Many things are not easy to intervene, and he can only rely on the power of the hidden door.

After    became holy, Li Daokong still believed that he belonged to the hidden door. After all, he could become holy only by Han Jue.

So he didn\'t develop his own power, but focused on training. He understood that what Han Jue needed was not more and more powerful power, but the high-end combat power of the hidden door.

The exchanges in the Ten Thousand Worlds Projection are just a microcosm of a great era, but from this we can see how successful the Human Race held this pilgrimage to the Ten Thousand Times!

Hundreds of Tianjiao emerged in a ceremony, and each of them is known by at least hundreds of millions of living beings. Wanchao comes from different domains. Naturally, the human races and creatures of each domain are most concerned about the Tianjiao representing their domain, so even if they rank in a few places Ten, will also be the pride of a domain.

In a region, there are more than tens of billions of living creatures, but in trillions!

Qin Ling is also famous in the world, but because his cultivation base is too low, he can\'t hide the light of other Tianjiao, and he is far from the best in the world.

After the end of the pilgrimage, the immortal world was surging, and many Tianjiao suffered a robbery, and the friction between the dynasties became more fierce, but it was generally peaceful.

In the eyes of the saints, as long as there is no war at the domain level, it is peaceful.

The fairy world is so big, it is impossible to have no fights at all.


This day at noon.

Han Jue slowly opened his eyes. His opening means that another five thousand years have passed. It may be a lifetime for the creatures in the fairy world, and a hundred for mortals.

He is already very close to the realm of the avenue.

is just one step away.

He didn\'t check the mail, didn\'t observe the fairy world, but recalled his own Jiyuan Avenue.

The realm of the avenue, the step of detachment, Han Jue no longer needs to accumulate the cultivation base, he only needs the soul to break through the door of the avenue.

In the dark, he felt a mysterious power against the gate of the avenue, preventing him from pushing the gate open.

Han never believes in evil, he wants to use Jiyuan Dao to forcefully prove!

is not just a broken door!

Why can\'t you break through!

Han Jue concentrated his attention and mobilized the power of Jiyuan Dao. His soul jumped into a mysterious void, and a number of figures appeared in front of him, all facing the door of the Dao.

The gate of the avenue stands in the void, reaching a height of ten thousand feet, with a stalwart atmosphere, which seems to represent the other shore, which is daunting.

Han Jue stepped forward, passing through the seekers.

He suddenly found a familiar figure.


This boy also started chasing the avenue?

It is a pity that he is still far away from the gate of the avenue.

Han Jue continued to move forward, and soon he came to the gate of the avenue.

The gate of the avenue is like a white rock, with various patterns carved on the surface, recording the deeds of various races in the chaos, including the human race.

Han Jue saw many myths.

Pangu opens the sky, Nuwa repairs the sky, Gonggong hits Zhoushan in anger, Jingwei fills the sea, Houyi shoots the sun, etc. These are all myths and legends that Han Jue’s past lives in China, which are on the gate of the avenue. Occupying only a small corner, there is a figure at the top of the gate of the avenue. His figure is strange and distorted. He sits in meditation with dozens of arms, and each palm holds a mysterious object. Even Han Jue also sees it. Unclear.

It is estimated that that is the **** of chaos!

Han Jue retracted his gaze and looked at the gate of the avenue again.

The gate of the avenue looks as solid as a rock and cannot be pushed.

Han Jue condensed into the Great Source Avenue, a huge black shadow slowly emerged from his body, quickly condensed into his figure, and then quickly became burly, just like the ancient demon gods portrayed on the door of the avenue.

Jiyuan Avenue roared, and his palms slammed on the door of the avenue.

It began to do its best to push the gate of the avenue.

However, the gate of the avenue did not move at all.

Han Jue frowned.

There is something wrong!

Something is hindering him!

Han Jue immediately cast the magical fusion technique, integrating the demon gods with hegemonic power such as the Tiangang Demon God, the Demon God of Power, and the Demon God of War into the Jiyuan Avenue.

At first glance, it seemed as if shadows emerged from behind Han Jue, digging into the huge black shadows transformed by Jiyuan Avenue, and every time one of the powers of the Demon God entered, the shadows on Jiyuan Avenue would rise by a thousand feet.

rumbling —

The gate of the avenue began to shake violently, enough to see how terrifying Han Jue\'s power was.

The entire fairy world is placed in front of Han Jue, and it can be easily crushed into powder with one finger.


A loud shout suddenly sounded, UU reading www. shook Han Jue\'s soul. He suddenly looked up, and there was a billowing black fog above the gate of the avenue, like a giant beast crawling on the gate of the avenue, looking down at Han Jue.

Han Jue saw a pair of cold eyes.

He has seen a lot of eyes like this, they are all eyes that despise ants!

Han Jue said, "Why stop me?"

The black mist said in a deep voice: "How can the door of the avenue be entered by any spirit!"

Han never believed, and continued to push Jiyuan Avenue.

The door of the avenue was pushed open a small crack, and the wind rushed out, but it could not shake the Jiyuan Avenue.

Han Jue sighed in secret, it seems that the mysterious black mist can\'t stop him with all his strength, so he can only use some small means.

"Without the approval of the Chaos Gods, you can\'t set foot on the road! Fanling, you are looking for your own way!"

Black mist said angrily, his voice louder than before.

Han Jue asked: "Then how to get the approval of the Chaos God?"

"Kneel down and swear to the avenue, you will be loyal to the chaos gods and chaos forever!"

Hearing this, Han Jue smiled.

turned out to be waiting for him here!

No wonder Dao Ancestor wants to play and disappear, it seems that he is constrained by the Chaos God.