Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 674: Reincarnation of Pangu

Back in the Taoist Temple, Han Jue immediately plunged into the simulation trial and challenged the heart!

Half an hour later, Han Jue started the second simulation trial.

As he guessed, the power of Pan Xin is mainly reflected in the immortality of the physical body. This immortality is even more domineering than the resurrection of the heavens, and it cannot destroy its physical body at all.

As for opening the sky axe, the speed is too slow to hurt Han Jue at all.

The peacock **** can hide, so can Han Jue naturally.

Han Jue used the anger of the **** of Harmony and merged with the power of the devil to finally cut off Pan Xin. As a result, a green lotus rose up, covering Pan Xin, blocking all attacks.

Rank 36 Chaos Qinglian!


Han Jue began to immerse himself in the battle with Pan Xin.

One hundred years are fleeting.

Han Jue opened his eyes and let out a long sigh of relief.

really hearty!

His face was filled with a confident smile again.

He is the celestial body, mastering many great powers, holding all kinds of treasures, and can always fight across the border. He is strong, but he may not be better than him!

Although he didn\'t find a way to break the 36th-Rank Chaos Qinglian, he could already hurt Pan Xin\'s body.

The terrifying power after the fusion of the Chaos Demon God\'s Law can shred Pan Xin. He found that Pan Xin\'s body is very complicated, and it contains the power of many great great ways. If it is a practitioner who only masters one great great way, it really can\'t be defeated.

Dadao saints only practice one type of avenue, and one type of avenue alone is enough to make them understand countless years, and there is rejection among the avenues.

Not everyone is like Han Jue!

Han Jue also solved his doubts.

Pan Xin is not strong enough to compete with a group of Dao saints, but Dao saints can\'t hurt him at all. In addition to the strong physical body, there is also the 36th-Rank Chaos Qinglian. Similarly, Pan Xin has a huge gap in cultivation. Can\'t hurt the saints of the Avenue.

It is estimated that it will be too long to attack, and the sages of the Dao Dao will let go of their hearts.

The battle with Pan Xin made Han Jue regain his confidence.

Pan Xin can hang and beat the peacock **** who is free and perfect, and he can also hang Pan Xin. Doesn\'t it mean that Han Jue is invincible in the state of freedom?

That\'s right!

is hanging!

After tens of thousands of simulation trials, Han Jue has been able to make Pan Xin not hurt him at all, even the corners of his clothes.

But it is difficult to kill the heart.

First, I had to find a way to break through the 36th-Rank Chaos Qinglian\'s strongest defense.

Han Jue looked down at the 36th-Rank Reincarnation Black Lotus under the seat, and couldn\'t help sighing.

It\'s really incomparable, it\'s so angry.

is also a rosette, how come they are so strong?

Han Jue shook his head, stood up, began to move his muscles and bones, and at the same time covered the Jiyuan Avenue, so that all the disciples in Baiyue Xianchuan entered the state of enlightenment. The sound of the Taoism reverberated in their ears, and countless thoughts came from them. There was a burst in his mind, impacting the barriers they encountered in their practice.

Taking advantage of this gap, Han Jue began to observe the fairy world.

Many cities have been built near Baiyue Xianchuan. Under the operation of Li Xuan\'ao and Han Fallen, the number of named disciples of the hidden gate is exploding at a terrifying rate.

Relying on the reputation of the immeasurable meritorious **** and heavenly saint, Li Xuanao easily recovered the land of the three domains.

The hidden gate is developing well!

In the immortal world, the human race has become more and more of the spirit of the heavenly race. Han Jue discovered that not only the immortal world, but the human luck in the earth immortal world is also getting stronger and stronger, and the human luck of the two realms is actually blending.

He counted and smiled.

Long Hao, this kid has made progress, he is not as reckless as before. He can use his brain.

Han Jue took a look at Han Yu by the way, and he was still stuck in Liuxuan Shenyuan.

The realm of Da Luo is really not easy to break through, and it can block the existence of 90% of the divine realm.

Since the return of Pan Xin, Tian Dao Qi Luck has been in a state of skyrocketing, and even the Tian Dao realm has continued to expand.

is really amazing.

Han Jue seemed to think of something, and immediately called up the interpersonal relationship to check Pan Xin\'s avatar.

[Panxin: In the late stage of the free Hunyuan realm, Pangu reincarnated, one of the first creatures to reincarnate in the heavens. After an immeasurable calamity, the game world, because of the fear of being discovered by the ancient lord of the calamity, specially sneaked into the long river of kendo, because of your heart Nature, interested in you, current favorability rating is 3 stars]


Freedom in the late Hunyuan realm!

Last time I saw it, he was just Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian, his strength has grown too fast, right?

and many more!

Han Jue noticed that the former Pan Xin was the label of the descendants of Pan Gu, how did it suddenly become the reincarnation of Pan Gu?

Something is wrong!

Han absolutely had to use the evolution function: "Why Pan Xin became the reincarnation of Pangu?"

【Need to deduct 150 billion years, whether to continue】


[Detected that Pan Xin’s physical body contains cause and effect beyond the current limit of the system, and is eroding his soul a little bit until the end of the reincarnation process]

Han Jue was silent.

He suddenly began to feel pitiful.

In the end, you are still a pawn!

Maybe Pan Xin didn\'t realize this, and was still immersed in powerful joy, unable to extricate himself.

"How long does this process take?"

【Need to deduct 150 billion years, whether to continue】


[It cannot be accurately deduced, at least 100 million years will be required at the current rate of transformation of his soul]

100 million years...

Han Jue frowned.

This speed is actually very fast. Before the Dark Lord planned to invade the heavens, it took billions of years, or even tens of billions of years.

Han is definitely not sure what his cultivation will be in 100 million years.

But no matter what, I must seize the time to become stronger.

If Pangu descends into the heavens, it will be unsafe.

"Pangu...Taozu...what are you planning?"

Han Jue fell into thinking, these two transcendent beings are trying every means to resurrect, which is really strange.

It seems that Dao Liang Jie is not groundless, and it will even involve all the strongest people throughout the ages.

Han never figured it out, but fortunately he stopped thinking about it.


In the darkness, an old Taoist walked forward, with lotus growing under his feet, and the space fluctuated.

is the ancestor of Xitian!

Xitian ancestor has no expression on his looks ahead.

I don\'t know how long he was going forward, but he suddenly stopped, only to see that there was still darkness in front of him, and there was nothing.

Xitian ancestor opened his mouth and said: "Why turn into a avenue, this is not your style?"

The voice fell, and a spiteful voice sounded: "Xitian, tell me the truth, are you the Dark Forbidden Lord?"

Dark Forbidden Lord!

The ancestor Xitian asked in surprise: "The Dark Forbidden Lord cursed you? Why did he do this? Before that, what did you do and who did you target?"

The resentful voice sounded again: "Huh, I\'m still pretending to be garlic, I only arrested the heavenly people."

The ancestor of Xitian pinched and calculated, showing a suddenly realized look, and immediately, his eyes became complicated.

"It\'s really him..."

The ancestor Xitian turned around and walked away.

"Xitian, you push me back into the great road. Do you think you can control the power of the great cause and effect? ​​You can\'t get out of this chaotic chess game. After all, you are a chess piece. I want to see it. How long can you struggle!"

The tone of    spiteful voice was full of sarcasm.

The ancestor Xitian didn\'t look back, nor answered, but his back was vicissitudes of life, but he was absolutely determined.


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