Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 669: Shock


This boy defeated the ominous **** emperor?

Han Jue thought in his heart, it seemed that the situation was different from his imagination.

The peacock **** continued yelling: "Why? Was I shocked? Are you furious and want to curse me?"

He has karma beads, specializing in isolation from curses, so naturally he is not afraid of curses.

Han Jue shook his head and said, "If I wanted to kill you, I would have killed it. Besides, do you really think you escaped by yourself?"

As soon as he said this, the brows of the peacock gods suddenly wrinkled.

Could it be...

The Peacock God Sovereign recalled the previous battle carefully, the ominous God Sovereign was indeed not right and seemed very weak.

Could it be that he let him go on purpose?

The face of the peacock **** is instantly green and extremely ugly.

He hates being humiliated more than being defeated!

The Peacock God glared at Han Jue and said, "What do you want!"

Han Jue said: "Come back, find a place to retreat outside the heavenly path, and wait for me to arrange for the disciples in the heavenly path to challenge you."

In heaven?

The peacock **** laughed angrily, he had known the way of heaven, and the strongest saint was definitely not his opponent.

How could he not hear what Han Jue meant, Han Jue wanted to train that disciple of the Heavenly Dao again, and challenge him after a while.

If this is the case, doesn\'t it prove that Han Jue believes that the disciple of the Heavenly Dao is stronger than him?

"Okay, I will rush to Heavenly Dao, I want to see what your Heavenly Dao disciple is capable of!"

Peacock God Sovereign waved his sleeves and said, the dreams shattered.

Han Jue opened his eyes, showing helplessness.

Why is this guy so temperamental?

How did he cultivate his temper to this day? Fortunately, he was not in the same era as Han Juesheng, otherwise he would be shot to death.

Han Jue also wanted to ask if the Ominous God Emperor was really killed by the Peacock God Emperor.

He doesn\'t believe it.

How do you think that the ominous **** emperor is also a Dao-level existence, how can he be killed by the realm of freedom?

If the peacock really has this ability, then Han will never subdue him.

I have to find a way to get rid of it!

Han will never allow a second him in the world!

was an enemy especially!

Han Jue got up and teleported to the second dojo.

He gathered everyone in the second dojo and began to preach.

The Chaos Demon God\'s cultivation speed is extremely fast, and all have reached the late stage of the Daluo Jinxian, and the Tiangang Demon God has even reached the completion of the Daluo Jinxian.

It seems that the original Chaos Demon God practiced fastest.

Yang Du is the weakest, no way, he has not yet transformed into the Chaos Demon God.

In the Milky Way, Yang Du is extremely domineering, and the name of the God of War is resounding across the stars, but here, he has a humble posture, and he does not appear to exist in front of other Chaos Demon Gods.

It was not that the Chaos Demon Gods bullied him, but that the realm gap was too great. Yang Duguang was talking to them, and the psychological pressure was extremely high.

At the same time, Yang Du is even more looking forward to becoming the Chaos Demon God. As for the extreme pain Murong Qi and Da Santian said, he didn\'t care at all.

After preaching for a hundred years, Han Jue left.

Back in Baiyue Xianchuan, Han Jue continued to practice.

When he breaks through to the late stage of the Free Primal Realm, he will use the Peacock God Lord to have a knife, so that the Peacock God Lord understands what it means to be a human being, there are people, and there are people and heaven!


Thousand years later.

Han Jue opened his eyes, his cultivation base increased a lot, and he was getting closer and closer to the breakthrough.

He glanced away and found that the peacock **** has returned to the Ecuadorian city beyond the heaven.

Although this boy is crazy, he still does what he says.

Han Jue said, "Come in."

In Taoist Temple, Han Juexin\'s unbeaten crown has been waiting for several days.

The undefeated crown was just in time for a visit for a thousand years, but unfortunately, after waiting for a few days, he couldn\'t turn around and left, so he simply waited outside the door.

Hearing Han Jue\'s words, Guan Unbeaten immediately set off to watch.

After saluting the undefeated crown, he believed in himself: "Master, I have attained the quasi-sage!"

When he first worshipped Han Jue, he was only in the late stage of the Golden Wonderland, and now he is a quasi-sage, worthy of a free reincarnation.

"Not bad." Han Jue praised.

Undefeated said: "Master, I have known you, I heard that you are less than 200,000 years old?"

When    asked this, Guan was undefeated and looked awkward.


"Master, please tell me a great chance!"

Undefeated crown suddenly knelt down and kowtow.

He believes that Han Jue is the reincarnation of great power, but even if it is great power, how can he prove the Dao and become holy in 200,000 years.

Although Fang Liang proves, then he has traveled through the ancient times many times, and his physical age is more than 200,000 years old, and he proves by luck.

According to Guan Undefeated\'s understanding, Han Jue is more than just a saint. The Xuandu Shengzun has said that Han Jue is already in the realm of freedom!

The undefeated crown expects that Dinghan definitely has a way to quickly become stronger, so he couldn\'t help but come to see him.

Just cultivate hard like this, he is really panicked.

Han Jue naturally guessed the undefeated mind, but he did not immediately agree.

Just kidding, why did you come here for the first time to get a higher treatment than a direct disciple?

The undefeated forehead pressed against the ground, waiting for Han Jue to agree.

Han Jue said suddenly: "I do have a great opportunity to reinvent you, but how can I believe in you before you have made a contribution to me?"

The undefeated crown raised his eyes and asked: "What do you want me to do?"

Han Jue asked, "Why are you eager to become stronger?"

Undefeated crown gritted his teeth and said: "Vengeance!"

Hearing this, Han Jue was silent.

The undefeated previous life was attacked when he attacked Dao Guo. This kind of hatred was not shared, and it was Han Jue that could not bear it.

The undefeated title rating is 5 stars. Before the change, Han Jue would trust him, but now he feels that as long as he is not full of stars, he is unreliable.

Han Jue fell into hesitation.

a long time.

"Finally, I will send you to a place where you continue to practice and wait."

Han Jue spoke, and then came to the second dojo with the crown undefeated.

Undefeated crown doubts in his heart, where?

"Go out and listen to Murongqi here. As for why I brought you here, you can ask Murongqi."

Han Jue left these words aside.

He once explained to Murong Qi, as long as he is sent here, UU Reading www.uukā is a candidate for the Chaos Demon God, who can explain everything.

Undefeated immediately walked out of the Taoist temple, Murong Qi and others came immediately.

There are few people in the second dojo, but every newcomer is the chaos demon of the future. They naturally want to get acquainted with each other, and they will have to fight for Han Jue in the future.

Feeling the terrifying energy and blood of Murong Qi, Tiangang Demon God, Crimson Fox, and Da Santian, Guan Invincible is secretly frightened.

He started to ask where it was, but Murong Qi and others did not hide it.

When the undefeated crown learned that Han Jue would make him the Chaos Demon God, he was completely stunned.

In his previous life, he was an innate creature with the most outstanding aptitude, and he almost attained the great path, but he knew the gap between himself and the Chaos Demon God.

Han Jue could turn him into the Chaos Demon God!

How can it be!

The first reaction of an unbeaten title is unbelief.

After he conducted simulation trials with Dasantian and Tiangang Demon God, Thaksin believed it and was shocked by it.

The Chaos Demon God of Da Luojin Wonderland is enough to sweep him!

the other side.

A line of words jumped out before Han Jue\'s eyes:

[The undefeated crown has improved your favorability, the current favorability rating is 6 stars]


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