Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 667: Comparable to Pangu

The Emperor Xietian frowned and stared at the golden mirror in his hand. He looked at Han Tuo from time to time, his heart was full of confusion.

"This is Chaos Lingbao, even the Chaos Demon God, what kind of cause and effect caused this mirror to break?"

The Xie Tiandi was inexplicably uneasy.

Is there a terrifying existence beyond the Chaos Demon God eyeing Han Tuo?

He treats Han Tuo as his grandson. How can he make Han Tuo trouble?

Xie Tiandi said: "You can go with me and visit a senior."

Han Tuo curiously asked, "Which senior?"

"An ancient **** standing at the end of the long river of fate, that is a transcendent existence that has existed since the opening of the sky, and without my instructions, you must not speak or look at his old man."


Xie Tiandi waved his hand and took Han Tuo away.


Terran, in the imperial city.

Han Yu meditated under the tree in his courtyard. There were dozens of practice formations in this courtyard, and his innate aura was extremely abundant.

He suddenly opened his eyes, his handsome face showed worry.

"what happened?"

Han Yu murmured to himself, in the past thousand years, he has been disturbed from time to time, as if a catastrophe is imminent. This feeling is very uncomfortable. It used to be good, but now it has affected his practice.

If this goes on, Han Yu is worried that he will go crazy.

hesitated for a while.

Han Yu left.

A few days later, he came to the top of Bu Zhoushen Mountain, where there is a simple Taoist temple, where Li Daokong used to practice.

He opened the door and bowed to the futon where Li Daokong had been sitting.

"Master, I have something to ask you."

Han Yu whispered in a respectful gesture.

After a while, Li Daokong\'s voice sounded: "What\'s the matter?"

Han Yu told his troubles.

Li Dakong said: "Don\'t worry, you won\'t have any trouble in the heaven."

Han Yu hesitated: "But this mentality has affected my cultivation."

"Let\'s bear it again. It may be related to your ancestors. I don\'t know why, but one thing is certain. Don\'t leave the way of heaven for some time recently, understand?"

"The disciple understands."

Han Yu heard that it had something to do with ancestors, and immediately understood.

It is possible that the ancestor was in trouble, and his blood resonated, causing his Dao heart to be unstable.

This kind of thing, he had heard of it before.


In a mysterious space.

Hidden Gate’s direct disciples gathered here, and here is the Myriad World Projection created by Han Jue System.

When    was practicing, the disciples like to gather here, through Zhou Fan, they can understand what happened in the immortal world and the chaos.

Li Daokong suddenly asked: "Is the sect master absent recently?"

Chu Shiren said: "Yes, what\'s wrong?"

"It\'s nothing, I just want to ask." Li Daokong replied, heaved a sigh of relief.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Han Jue.

It is strange to say that even if he becomes a saint, he can\'t spy on the Baiyue Xianchuan. I don\'t know if Han Jue is still in the hidden gate.

Xun Chang\'an suddenly said: "It\'s too much, the master has a son, and it\'s still in the gestation process. It has been conceived for four thousand years. It is probably an incredible qualification."

As soon as this statement came out, the other disciples sighed and looked forward to it.

Li Daokong was stunned when he heard it, and then suddenly realized.

I see.

Han Yuguo was really affected by blood.

Li Daokong is not a gossip. He didn\'t ask much. After understanding the reason, he was relieved and no longer worried about Han Yu.

the other side.

Han Tuo followed the Xietian Emperor to a chaotic space, the fog was majestic, and the various colors of the sun shining through from time to time.

It was the first time for Han Tuo to come to this kind of space. He couldn\'t feel the anger, but there was great pressure all around him, making him tight, and he didn\'t even dare to look around.

He always feels that there is something around him staring at him, which makes him uncomfortable.

I don\'t know how long to go forward, the Emperor Xietian suddenly stopped.

Han Tuo subconsciously raised his eyes and saw that there was a pair of huge legs in front of him sitting coiled around like a mountain of sacred mountain. When he looked up, he could only see the exposed belly button of the other party, and the upper part was obscured by clouds.

is the exposed lower body, which is millions of feet tall, extremely large, and extremely visually impactful.

There was a cold eye in the huge belly button, and Han Tuo\'s gaze hit it, his soul almost burst, and he was frightened to bow his head quickly.

The Xietian Emperor bent over and saluted: "Worship the **** ancestor."

"Why did you come here?"

A voice of vicissitudes of life sounded, and the speed of speech was extremely slow. With just four words, Han Tuo seemed to have spent the four seasons of spring and autumn. This feeling was extremely strange.

Han Tuo was shocked to find that his mana had risen by a lot!

Just listen to the other party\'s words, increase the cultivation base?

Han Tuo is even more nervous, the other side\'s existence is beyond his imagination and understanding.

He suddenly forgot what his legs and belly button looked like just now.

He did not dare to look up.

"Ancestor, what caused the shattering of the sacred mirror you gave me?" Xietian asked respectfully.

The vicissitudes of life followed: "The cause and effect of this pile is too great for it to bear. It is related to this child\'s bloodline. There will be a strong person in his bloodline and cause and effect, which will reverse the chaos."

Xie Tiandi was shocked, and cautiously asked: "Is it already there, just about to break through, or is it about to be born?"

"It\'s about to be born, and it\'s still gestating."

The words of the vicissitudes of life reminded Xietian Emperor and Han Tuo a lot.

Han Tuo first thought of Han Yu.

Could it be that Han Yu really wants to surpass himself?

Or, Han Yu’s offspring will appear to be a talented person who will shock the chaos?

Xie Tiandi thought of Han Jue. Could this kid be giving birth again?

When he was the Emperor of Heaven, the Emperor Xie Tian had many heirs, and occasionally there would be sons of superior aptitude, which alarmed the Three Realms, such as Long Hao.

"Thank you God for your advice."

Xietian emperor salutes and said, since UU reading is related to Han Jue, he doesn\'t bother to care about it.

He turned around, preparing to take Han Tuo away.

At this time, the voice of vicissitudes sounded again: "This son has different responses. From ancient times to the present, there are only two people who can compare with it."

Xie Tiandi was stunned, then turned around and asked: "Pangu Giant God and Dao Ancestor?"

"Taozu? Speculators."

Xie Tiandi and Han Tuo were scared.

The horrible strongest person who is comparable to Pangu Titan and surpasses Dao Ancestor?

Xie Tiandi\'s face changed slightly, and he quickly took Han Tuo away.

"Do not look back!"

The Xietian Emperor’s voice came into Han Tuo’s ears, and Han Tuo was so scared that he followed the Xietian Emperor and flew away quickly.

In the dark, Han Tuo heard a weird song, sometimes resenting a girl, sometimes screaming with pride, making him confused.

When he was sober, he was shocked to find that he had returned to the Palace of the High Heavens.

Han Tuo\'s consciousness quickly became clear.

He looked at the Xietian Emperor on the high seat and asked: "Your Majesty, just now..."

The Xietian Emperor said blankly: "Just now, a hundred years have passed, and you were almost fascinated by the old man\'s way."


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