Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 662: Heavenly Peace

"No! You have to stop Daozu!"

Han Jue\'s eyes were firm, regardless of whether his ancestors were truly in heaven, it was really terrifying that this servant would absorb the mana of all the saints.

Han Jue didn\'t want his mana to be sucked away.

He did not act immediately.

After a few days of rest, he sent a message to Fang Liang and asked Fang Liang to come back and sit down.

Fang Liang had no objection, so he was directly moved into Taoist Temple by Han Jue\'s magic power.

Han Jue waved his hand and turned into a futon for Fang Liang to meditate.

Fang Liang said with emotion: "I haven\'t come back for a long time, I really miss it."

Han Jue directly used Fangliang to confuse the devil and imprison the devil, and then began to purify and imprison the devil.

Fang Liang closed his eyes, as if he was asleep.

Han Jue sighed.

Fang Liang, Fang Liang, Master, I have paved so many roads for you. If you have to go astray, there is no way, Master can only correct you forcibly!

Han Jue closed his eyes and began to practice.

The disappearance of Fang Liang was not suspected by the saints, and they even wished Fang Liang\'s sudden fall.

Hundreds of years later.

The voice of the Xuandu Holy Venerable resounded through the heavens and the earth:

"The battle between the Heavenly Dao and the Ecuadorian will stop for the time being, and the Ecuadorian will give up half of the underworld and guard the heavenly path together from then on."


All the heavens and the immortal realms were in an uproar.

After fighting for so long, the war has ended!

And the Ecuadores took the initiative to give up the underworld!

Regarding the war in the underworld, news has always spread to the heavens and all realms, and the atmosphere of panic and tension has been covering the whole heaven.

Unexpectedly, the saint suddenly announced the end of the war?

It is not only the confusion of the heavenly beings, but also the Ecuadorians.

The two sides have been fighting for a long time, and the **** feud is difficult to resolve, and the contradictions within the Ecuadorian have completely erupted.

Unlike the heavens, the Ecuadorian is a whole clan invaded, and almost every living creature has relatives and friends who have fallen into the underworld.

Say no to fight at this time!

How will their revenge be paid?

All the high-level members of the Ecuadorian went to meet the Emperor Tian\'e.

Hundreds of generals gathered in the palace, all staring at Emperor Tian\'e angrily.

Emperor Tian\'e expressionless, said: "You want to rebel?"

As soon as this statement came out, all the generals bowed down one after another, and Qi claimed not to dare.

An elderly man raised his head and asked, "Your Majesty, why did you make such a sudden decision?"

The Great Emperor Tian\'e said: "The Ecuadorians are pursuing the future, not for the saints of Dadao. Don\'t worry, the emperor will not entrap the Ecuadores."

The Ecuadorian generals looked at each other and were still dissatisfied.

What kind of explanation is this?

Emperor Tian\'e waved his hand, and the generals had to retreat.

When there was only Emperor Tian\'e left in the hall, she said, "How long will the gods have to watch?"

The Peacock God Lord walked out of the darkness, frowning, and asked: "What\'s this? I\'ll play with you Ecuadores?"

He came all the way and stayed here for thousands of years. As a result, before he met the Dark Forbidden Lord, the Ecuadores voted?

Emperor Tian\'e said: "I\'m sorry, but do you really trust the saints of the Dao Dao?"

The peacock **** squinted his eyes and said: "Who have you subdued?"

Emperor Tian\'e did not answer.

The Peacock God Lord was irritable, and the plan was disrupted, and no one would be happy, but he was disdainful of letting him take action against the Great Emperor Tian\'e.

The one who invited him was Yuanshi Tianzun, not Emperor Tian\'e.

"God, in fact, it\'s okay to join Heavenly Dao. Today\'s Heavenly Dao is no longer the previous Heavenly Dao." The Great Emperor Tian\'e said meaningfully.

The peacock **** took a deep look at her, then turned and disappeared into the darkness.

Emperor Tian\'e didn\'t care, closed his eyes and practiced.

If the peacock **** wants to kill her, even if she tries her best to prevent it, it will not help.

Cumulative past 1,400 years.

[Hongmeng Sky Prison Successfully Enslaved]

[Fang Liang has a good opinion of you, the current degree of goodwill is full of stars]

Han Jue opened his eyes and looked at Fang Liang, who also opened his eyes.

Fang Liang hurriedly bowed and bowed, respectfully, like a servant.

Seeing him like this, Han Jue was still heartbroken.

He didn\'t want to throw the people around him into the Hongmeng Heaven Prison, but Fang Liang had already been enchanted and had to sacrifice for Dao Ancestor.

Han Jue asked, "Are you still in harmony?"

"Listen to Master\'s arrangement."

"That\'s not right."


Looking at Fang Liang who looked like a robot, Han Jue sighed.

However, he did not trigger Dao Zu\'s hatred reminder, it seems Dao Zu has not been staring at Fang Liang.

Perhaps Daozu was in a dangerous situation, or he had a lot of chess pieces like Fang Liang.

Han Jue asked, "Dao Ancestor asked you to unite?"

Fang Liang shook his head, nodded again, and said, "I don\'t know, I think about it now, I was born with the idea of ​​wanting to be in harmony with Dao, it was crazy, there was no motivation, no reason."

Fang Liang was lonely when he was young. Although he had encountered many crises after entering Han\'s doorstep, he always turned the danger into a breeze.

Throughout this life, he has had sorrows and joys, but not so bitter and deep.

The more Fang Liang thought about it, the more he was afraid.

What\'s wrong with me?

He had a deep fear of Dao Ancestor.

Invisible, he turned out to be like this.

Han Jue said: "Go back, as before, continue to defend the way of heaven, but don\'t unite, everything that happened to you and me during this period of time must not be spread."


Fang Liang got up and saluted.

Han Jue waved his sleeves and sent him out.

After that, Han Jue stretched out.

"Save heaven once again, save the future of all saints."

Han Jue felt that he was so great, he saved everything behind the scenes.

He looked at the heavens and all the worlds.

After so many years, the war has long been over. The Ecuadorian tribe, the Celestial tribe, and the ghosts and gods have divided their territories in the underworld. The Houtu Niangniang, Jixian Shen, Yang Tiandong, and Su Qi have returned to their positions and are all working hard to restore the order of reincarnation.

There are too many ghosts wandering outside the underworld, and they cannot be completely cleaned up in a short time.

In general, peace has come again.

Han Jue suddenly thought of the Peacock God, who was still in the Ecuadorian city and had no intention of leaving.

All the Ecuadorians voted, what else do they want to do?

Han Jue decided to entrust his dream to the Peacock God in the image of the Dark Forbidden Lord.

The dream is still above the yellow spring.

The peacock **** opened his eyes, and he was not surprised when he saw Han Jue.

He asked: "Dark Forbidden Lord, when will he swing a knife at me?"

Han Jue asked in return: "Why swing a knife at you? If I want to kill someone, I won\'t contact like this and just do it."

"Oh? What do you mean?"

"Join me, UU Reading and become my believer. I will lead you to an unprecedented peak. I am very optimistic about your aptitude and strength. I am so optimistic that I do not want to kill you. Under my guidance, I It will make you surpass the Chaos God, and even Dao Ancestor!"

Han Jue spoke sonorously, as if he was telling a fact.

The peacock **** said contemptuously: "Want to subdue me by nonsense? Or that sentence, if you want me to be convinced, you must defeat me. The difference in realm seems to me only a shackle, it is a shackle, you can open it, maybe your realm surpasses me, but I may not necessarily lose."

It\'s so pretentious.

This guy is definitely the most confident person Han Jue has ever met.

Han Jue asked, "Then you mean you are invincible in the same realm?"

The Peacock God said proudly: "Yes!"

"What if I send a disciple of the same level as you to defeat you?"

"It\'s impossible!"