Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 657: I value you most


The hoarse roar of the giant giant is like a beast breaking through the cage, showing its brutal and wild aura.

Da Luo Jinxian!

The gods jumped their eyelids wildly and shouted: "War!"

Tens of millions of celestial soldiers and generals have displayed their magical powers, and the space behind the giant giant is expanding rapidly, and countless Ecuadorian creatures are like crucians crossing the river, struggling to attack.

A big battle broke out quickly!

Huangquan was struck with turbulent waves, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

Er clan directly dispatched thirteen quasi-sages to lead the battle, followed by hundreds of Da Luo Jinxian, with a great momentum, stronger than the previous Yan clan.

But this time, the Heavenly Dao had already prepared, and the practitioners of the Heavenly Clan, Heavenly Daoism, and the Underworld joined the war one after another.

News soon spread into the fairy world, and those powerful people who ranked at the top of the Qi Luck List rushed to the Nine Springs of the Underworld.

The great powers of the immortal realm are not all belonging to the saint sect. Most of them have their own forces and ambitions. Before the battle with the Yan clan, all the creatures who survived the battle gained merit, which made the powerful people worry about it.

is not only to defend the way of heaven, but also to fight for merit.

"Following the Yan clan, there is another race in the chaos called the Ecuadorian. The place of engagement this time is the underworld. Hope the practitioners of the ten thousand realms will fight to defend the heaven and the order of reincarnation!"

"The Way of Heaven is becoming stronger, and unprecedented great changes are taking place. In the future, there will be more than nine saints in the Way of Heaven, and there will even exist beyond the saints. Our heavenly beings should be united and united."

"This will not be the final catastrophe of Heaven, but it will also be an opportunity for the rise of Heaven!"

The voice of the Holy Venerable Profound Capital resounded through the heavens and all realms, and all sentient beings were in an uproar.

For the saints, this calamity comes quickly, but for sentient beings, the calamity of the Yan tribe is already a legend, extremely long.

But the words of the Xuandu Holy Venerable are full of fascinating power, depicting a magnificent epic era scene for all living beings.

Han Jue was deeply moved when he heard that, the Holy Venerable Xuandu did have the ability to fool people.

He didn\'t care and continued to practice.

This thousand-year retreat is only halfway through, and it has to continue.

When the sky fell and saints were against it, he couldn\'t worry about it.

He doesn\'t want to be a nanny.

Time is passing fast.

Soon, the millennium passed.

Han Jue\'s cultivation has improved a lot. He opened his eyes and saw that the underworld was completely chaotic.

Hundreds of years of battle have sacrificed countless practitioners.

Er people are indeed powerful. Compared with the Yan people, not only the high-end combat power is more, but the middle-level combat power is also very abundant. Heaven has been defeated, and the temple of Yan Luo has been occupied by the Eur people. Now the underworld can be described as the back garden of the Eur people.

The strange thing is that the Ecuadorians did not further invade the mortal realm and the immortal realm.

The    Sage Sect is still sending disciples to attack the underworld. During the Great Tribulation, countless Tianjiao figures have also emerged.

Han Jue saw Houtu Niangniang, Su Qi, Yang Tiandong, and other underworld rulers all being imprisoned in a prison.

Located at the bottom of Huangquan, this prison is guarded by millions of Ecuadorian creatures, including quasi saints, which is extremely tight.

Outside the underworld, there is an Ecuadorian city in front of the hole in the space, and there is an extremely powerful aura in it.

The peacock god!

Obviously, the Ecuadorians are different from the Yan tribes. The Yan tribes are entirely pawns. They only know that they are reckless. The Ecuadorians have their own plans. What is the matter?

Han never figured it out, and didn\'t bother to use the evolution function to ask.

He discovered that in just a few hundred years, there were dozens of Da Luo Jinxian and a quasi-sage in the heavens, but the reincarnation was controlled, causing the heavens to be filled with lonely ghosts.

Han Jue said, "Come in."

Outside Taoist Temple, Li Xuan\'ao has been waiting for several years.

Li Xuan\'ao entered the view and bowed down to Han Jue.

"The master, the underworld has been fighting for hundreds of years, the heaven is weak, should you take action at the hidden door?" Li Xuan\'ao asked.

He thinks this is a good opportunity.

The cultivation of most of the disciples in the Hidden Gate has reached its limit. It is impossible to make further progress by hard cultivation alone, and the virtues of heaven can bring them to the next level.

Han Jue said: "No hurry."

Er clan is different from the Yan clan and is more powerful. Han never wants to make sacrifices in secret.

The Holy Venerable Profound Capital is not in a hurry, why is Han Jue anxious?

Li Xuan\'ao can only give advice, as long as Han absolutely disagrees, he can\'t force it.

"Go and call Dao Zhizun." Han Jue ordered.

Li Xuan\'ao immediately retreated.

It didn\'t take long for Tao Zhizun to arrive.

Dao Zhizun bowed in front of Han Jue.

Han Jue asked, "When will I be certified as a quasi saint?"

Dao Sovereign has reached Da Luo Jinxian Consummation, but he cannot become a quasi-sage.

Logically speaking, with his chaotic physique and Han Jue\'s Jiyuan Dadao, the quasi-sage shouldn\'t be difficult.

Dao Zhizun hesitated and said: "Master, it may be related to my Dao heart. I understand myself, I am so prestigious, I have been in a closed door, always thinking about going out."

Han never answered the conversation.

Dao Zhizun is uneasy.

Han Jue silently calculated that the reason why Li Xuan\'ao came to propose was because Dao Zhizun begged him.

can really go around!

Han is absolutely more satisfied with Li Xuan\'ao. Even if Li Xuan\'ao\'s proposal was rejected, he did not sell Tao Zhizun to restore his image.

Han Jue said, "Dao Zhizun, do you know who you value most as a teacher?"

Dao Zhizun cautiously said: "The crown is undefeated?"

For this little junior, Dao Zhizun has the greatest pressure. He used to be the strongest aptitude worthy of the name, but the undefeated entry of the crown broke his reputation, which is why he desperately wants to go out.

"No, it\'s you, it\'s always been you!" Han Jue categorically denied.

Dao Zhizun was shocked.

Han Jue said: "Since you want to go out, you will support you as a teacher, but this time you go out, in addition to becoming a quasi-sage, you also have to be famous!"

"My disciple of Han Jue, if you don\'t fight, you have to fight vigorously, as dazzling as a bright sun, Dao is supreme, I hope you can break through the prestige of Li Daokong\'s last calamity!"

Dao Zhizun was full of enthusiasm, and immediately promised.

On that day, Dao Zhizun left Baiyue Xianchuan, UU reading www. went to the underworld to fight.

The reason for releasing the Dao Supreme was to allow the Dao Supreme to break through, and the other was to give an explanation to the Xuandu Holy Venerable, proving that the hidden gate did not watch the show.

Han Jue\'s gaze fell outside the underworld, the breath of the peacock **** is indeed very strong, so powerful that he is not sure to kill in seconds.

In that case...

That can only put on the clothes of the savior!

Han Jue took out the doom book and began to curse the peacock god.

After a while, Han Jue opened his eyes and frowned.

what happened?

He couldn\'t curse the peacock god!

Han Jue tried a few more times, but the curse fell through.

Something is wrong!

"I want to know why I can\'t curse the peacock god?" Han Jue used the evolution function.

[200 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]

So expensive!

Could there be a stronger existence than the ancestor Xitian?


A line of words appeared in front of Han Jue:

【Causal Bead: The treasure of the avenue, which can isolate all cause and effect, and is transformed by the spirit of the Chaos Demon God】


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