Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 654: Unbeaten

The Xuandu Holy Venerable rolled his eyes and said, "Since you are so afraid of spies, why do you want to accept Li Daokong and Li Xuan\'ao?"

"It\'s not the same, that\'s Li Muyi chasing them down."

"Ha ha."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable didn\'t want to talk to Han Jue. Although Li Muyi made him unhappy, he was finally embarrassed by the educator. He didn\'t want to mention it so as not to hurt Han Jue\'s feelings with him.

The sage of Xuandu said sternly: "This child is not simple. His previous life was a free saint who fell when he impacted the avenue in the chaos. He belongs to the innate creatures with the highest aptitude, and may reach the aptitude of the Chaos Demon God in the future."

Han Jue asked in surprise: "How can you let me be so powerful?"

"Because he doesn\'t obey me, only you can surrender him in the realm of heaven."

"Why surrender him?"

"He has too many enemies in the God Realm of the Ruins. I want to draw him to the Dao of Heaven, but he is very disdainful of the Dao of Heaven. Fellow Dao Han, let\'s do it. This boy is serious about love and justice. Once he recognizes you, he will definitely not leave the Dao of Heaven."

The Xuandu Holy Venerable stared at Han Jue and said, he felt helpless.

Today\'s Heavenly Dao is weak, and it is too slow to develop on its own without attracting some talents from the outside world.

Han Jue thought for a while, and said, "All right, where is he?"

The Profound Capital Sage said: "When he arrives, I will let him go to Baiyue Xianchuan to find you."


Han Jue and Xuan Du Shengzun talked about the space of reincarnation again. Although he has successfully mastered the realm of the earth, the Holy Venerable Xuan Du does not intend to give up the space of reincarnation.

The reincarnation emperor and disciple of the human teaching who control the reincarnation space will use the luck of the earth immortal realm to prove the way. There will only be two heavenly saints in the earth immortal realm. This is the guarantee of the Xuandu sage to Han Jue.

Not only that, other sage sects are also not allowed to enter the immortal world, the Xuandu Holy Venerable only divides the big cake of the immortal world with Han.

Han Jue was very satisfied with this.

If the Xuandu Holy Venerable is really selfless, then Han Jue would have doubted him instead.

No matter how powerful the existence is, it will have the benefits you want. You can\'t see it, it can only be because of the big gap in realm.

After talking, Han Jue returned to Baiyue Xianchuan.

He plunged his consciousness into the Hongmeng Realm in his body, and the transformation process of Great Santian was about to end, and it was still smooth.

Han Jue now hopes that the way of heaven will be less difficult and give him time to develop.


more than six hundred years later.

A man greeted outside the Baiyue Xianchuan. He was wearing a blue robe and he was very handsome. The arrogance exuding from his femur was very obvious.

"Undefeated in the crown, it was recommended by the sage of Xuandu to visit the lord of the hidden gate."

The blue-robed man said, his voice spread throughout Baiyue Xianchuan, awakening all the disciples.

Han Jue was busy in retreat and didn\'t pay attention to it for the first time.

After waiting for a day, Guan Wu was annoyed, and immediately rushed to the 33rd floor of Heavenly Universe Hall.

When he saw the Xuandu Sage, he asked, "Why does that immeasurable meritorious God and Heavenly Sage ignore me?"

The Holy Venerable Profound Capital had a headache, and said: "He likes to retreat, and he has to retreat for a thousand years every time. Before I looked for him, I had to wait for the end of his thousand years of retreat, and then wait."

Undefeated crown frowned, and said: "Why does this person pretend like this?"

"It\'s not a pretense, it\'s him who pays attention to repairing behavior, aren\'t you just this kind of person?"

Undefeated and silent.

The sage of Xuandu said with great heart: "The immeasurable meritorious deity, the mighty heavenly sage punishes the Taoist demon, the dark sage, and the return to the ruins of the gods can not kill him. With him, you will have the opportunity to surpass the previous life, he I’ve already told you the speed of growth, you should understand.”

Hearing the words, Guan unbeaten turned and left.

Xuan Du Shengzun followed and closed his eyes.


Han Jue was in retreat for a thousand years again. Before he knew it, he was 170,000 years old.

Really time is not forgiving, and the stars change in the blink of an eye.

Han Jue opened his eyes to see, and moved the undefeated crown that had been waiting for ten years outside Baiyue Xianchuan into his dojo.

More than three hundred years ago, Han Jue knew that the undefeated championship was coming, and at that time it caused a system prompt.

【The first weather operator is detected, whether to check its origin】

Seeing this line of tips, Han Jue was deeply moved.

Haven\'t met for a long time!

He once again called up the undefeated information at the time.

[Crown undefeated: late Da Luo Jin Wonderland, free reincarnation, innate life, invincible heart, chaotic magic, the previous life was attacked when it hit Dao Guo, and had to be reincarnated with the remnant soul]

Han Jue himself did not look forward to the undefeated crown, so he did not break his own small rules for this. He just suppressed the undefeated crown. At that time, the undefeated crown seemed extremely arrogant. If such a temperament really worships Han Jue as a teacher, In the future, I may dictate how much trouble I will cause.

Undefeated Guan opened his eyes and found that he had come to a Taoist temple. His gaze fell on Han Jue. Han Jue, who was shining all over his body, looked extremely mysterious.

He curled his mouth slightly.

really know how to pretend!

is better than him!

Undefeated, he has been wandering in the fairy world for a while, but he didn\'t expect to come back and waited for another ten years. He definitely felt a little dissatisfied with Han.

He did not speak.

Han never speaks.

The Taoist temple fell into silence and the atmosphere was embarrassing.

In the end, Guan Undefeated still couldn\'t help but ask: "What the **** do you mean? Xuan Du didn\'t tell you clearly?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "Call the Xuandu directly. It seems that you didn\'t put the Xuandu Holy Venerable in your eyes. If that\'s the case, then why would you want to be a teacher?"

The crown undefeated said: "No matter how strong the Holy Venerable Xuantuo is, it is also at ease. I am also at ease in my previous life. I am the same generation as him. As for why I should approve of you, it is because you are the Chaos Demon God who turned around. It\'s difficult."

Han Jue raised his eyebrows slightly.

Listening to this, it is easy for the Chaos Demon God to become a Saint of the Dao.

Han Jue said: "You can worship me as a teacher. From now on, you can only stay in my dojo, and you cannot leave without my order."

Guan Undefeated said: "Okay, but I have to make one thing clear. Once I reach the state of freedom, I have to leave and follow my path. If I can gain the path in the future, I will still recognize you as a master. , As long as you don’t violate my principles, you can entrust me with anything you have."

His tone is neither humble nor overbearing, he does not have the humbleness of his apprentice at all, as if he is discussing a matter of cooperation with Han Jue.

Han Jue stretched out his hand, sucked the crown invincibly in front of him, and directly performed absolute purification on it.

The undefeated crown said in a deep voice: "What do you mean?"

He couldn\'t get rid of Han Jue\'s mana and couldn\'t move, so he was a little flustered.

After all, he is only Da Luo Jinxian now!

Han Jue calmly said: "You have escaped from the Guixu Divine Realm. I am worried that you have other powerful hands and feet on your body. I will help you eliminate it. Don\'t worry, if I want to kill you, I won\'t be in such trouble."

Undefeated crown heaved a sigh of relief.

After the absolute purification is over, Han Jue asks Li Xuan\'ao to arrange a place for the undefeated champion, and at the same time open up the authority of the simulation trial for the undefeated champion.

So far, Han Jue has one more ten disciples.

The direct disciples knew about this and came to visit Guan Undefeated. As a result, Guan Undefeated went into retreat and did not see them. This made the direct disciples upset.

Li Xuan\'ao said meaningfully: "This new disciple is the cultivation base of the late Da Luo Jin Wonderland."


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