Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 490: The ancient tribe splits, the saints are in chaos

Chapter 491 The ancient clan splits, and the saints are in chaos

Han Jue even cursed the saints mad, and cursing Gu Zhuoyin is natural.

Since he was severely injured in Baiyue Xianchuan, Gu Zhuoyin has been recovering from his wounds. The ancient creatures thought he had fallen. Now the ancient race is torn apart, various great kings have risen together, and the fairy world has also fallen into the early stage of chaos.

Cursing Gu Zhuoyin, Han Jue only consumed one trillion years of life.

[Your enemy, Gu Zhuoyin, is caused by your curse, the demon in the heart is haunted, the mana is rioted, the fruit is shattered, and the body is dead]

Directly curse to death!

Different from other opponents in the past, Han Jue was cursed to death over time, and Gu Zhuoyin was directly cursed to death by Han Jue!

Take away in one wave!

Han Jue did not have a hint of joy, but rather melancholy.

As he gets stronger and stronger, the life of cursing mission once every ten years can never come back.

Han Jue put down the book of doom, released the strange god, and allowed it to move at will, and he entered the state of cultivation.


Thirty-third layer outside the sky.

Tai Chi Hall.

Li Muyi, Fuxitian, Antarctic Tianzun, Qiuxilai, Tianjue Sage, Jinan Saint, and Emperor Xiao bowed down in the temple.

The ancestor Xitian sat in front of them, expressionless.

Antarctic Tianzun raised his head and said: "Ancestor, what do you think of this matter?"

Other saints also stared at the ancestor Xitian.

The ancestor Xitian said indifferently: "I have already said that I will not intervene in the things of heaven."

"The saint of life machine has gone crazy. This is no longer a matter of heaven."

Qiu Xilai followed, that the Saint of the Commander was the strongest Saint of Heaven before, he is crazy, how can other Saints be calm and calm?

Anyway, he was panicking when he asked the west.

The Saint Jinan followed: "The Saint of the Chronicles of Destiny has the magical powers of annihilation. If you use this magical power madly, the heavenly path that has just experienced the calamity will become extremely fragile, and you will even usher in the tribulation. The way of heaven came out, you really want to watch the way of heaven fall?"

The other saints nodded, all showing worry.

If   Mingji saints use supernatural powers to destroy the Tao, then their traditions will be ruined.

Fortunately, the sage of life machine is crazy, and has forgotten how to use the supernatural powers of the eradication, and can only rely on instinct to wreak havoc.

The ancestor of Xitian slowly said: "Although you are a saint, don’t underestimate the way of heaven. The way of heaven requires you, not necessary. As for the saint of life, everything is cause and effect. I will not interfere, even if he Exercising the magical power of Extinguishing Dao."

"As for the cause and effect between me and the heavens, it has long been paid off. In the long years, how many things I have told you, will you not forget it?"

Hearing the words, the faces of the saints were ugly and speechless.

The ancestor Xitian said meaningfully: "You always want to get rid of the Dao ancestor\'s control, but when you encounter trouble, you always look forward to the help of a stronger person. Do you know that the ancestors were completely groping on your own?"

The saints have no place to show themselves and dare not ask for more.

Long time.

The saints left the Tai Chi Hall and came to another palace. This is Li Muyi’s dojo.

Tianjuejiao asked: "Since the ancestors are unwilling to make a move, then I have to wait on my own."

Fu Xitian frowned and said: "Compared with the Sage, we must first find out who the Dark Forbidden Lord is, otherwise, if the Sage is removed, there will be a second saint going crazy."

The saint frowned.

Great Emperor Xiao said: "When the saint of life machine was cursed, I was by the side, and I can be sure that he is definitely not the Dark Forbidden Lord."

His eyes scanned the other saints.

Antarctic Tianzun sarcastically said: "So, you are most doubtful?"

Emperor Xiao Xiao frowned, and the two saints began to confront each other.

When Li Mu saw this situation, he couldn\'t help frowning.

He was upset, seeing the saints arguing over their own desires, he wanted to get up and leave.

That\'s why he gave up the heaven and the luck and opened up the heaven by himself.

For a while, the saints began to suspect each other.

Qiuxilai has the biggest suspicion. Once the Saint of the Commander is crazy, only he can freely grasp the magical power of the eradication.

This makes Qiuxilai angry, but he has been cursed by the Dark Forbidden!


The years are long.

Fifty years have passed since the death of Gu Zhuoyin.

Han Jue is okay, check his email.

【Your friend Tiandi was attacked by a mysterious power】

[Your friend Ji Xian Shen gets the quasi-sage **** arm, the way is soaring]

【Your disciple Fang Liang\'s soul wears Taikoo】

【Your apprentice Zhou Fan was attacked by the ancients】x180223

[Your friend Li Daokong was attacked by your friend Jiang Dugu]

[Your friend Jiang Dugu was attacked by your friend Li Daokong and was seriously injured]

【Your friend breaks the seal and returns to the fairyland】

【Your friend Houtu Niangniang recreates the Witch Clan】

[Your good friend Nuwa Niangniang discusses the Tao with the mysterious power, the Taoism rises sharply]


The mail is lively again.

Han Jue is not surprised to see Fang Lianghun wearing Taikoo, as long as it doesn\'t affect him.

What really caught Han Jue’s attention was that the Houtu Empress often recreated the Witch Clan.

Ambition is not dead!

It seems that the You Clan incident stimulated her. If the Tao restarts today, she feels that she has hope again.

Han Jue had no opinion on this, so that’s good, at least Houtu Niangniang would no longer worry about You Clan.

Thinking about it, Han Jue called the head of the You clan, Han You.

Han You bowed down in front of Han Jue.

Han Jue first asked about the recent situation of the You Clan, Xi Han asked Nuan, and after Han You relaxed, he asked, "Do you still remember the Houtu Empress who created the You Clan?"

Han You was stunned, and said: "I remember, but the memory is blurred."

Houtu Niangniang gave You Clan to Han Jue not long after creating You Clan. Time has changed, and Han You usually can\'t remember Houtu Niangniang.

"What do you think if I send You Clan back to Empress Houtu?" Han Jue asked calmly.

As soon as this remark came out, Han You was shocked, and said in horror: "Sect Master, what did we do wrong?"

He doesn’t want to leave Baiyue Xianchuan!

Accurately said that he did not want to leave Han Jue.

He has already regarded the dojo as his family, not only him, but all You Clan people also think so.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Just ask, I naturally hope you stay."

Han You understood, and said: "On behalf of the You Clan, I promise that you will always be loyal to you and will never be two-hearted."

Han Jue nodded in satisfaction, Han You\'s favorability has already reached six stars, but the favorability can only be regarded as invincible.

The two chatted for a while.

After Han You left, UU Reading Han Jue called Han Dengtian.

Since his transformation, Han Fallen faced Han Jue alone for the first time, and he was extremely nervous.

Han Jue asked: "How about the innate creatures in Baiyue Xianchuan, do we need to increase it?"

After the palm of the ancestors was destroyed, innate creatures began to gather near Baiyue Xianchuan.

Han Dengtian surprised and said: "Of course, the more the better, the more bottom-level creatures, you can practice with peace of mind in the future, and all the chores and trivial matters in the hidden gate can be handed over to the innate creatures. If the hidden gate is born in the future, these creatures can also Help the elders in the door do things."

Han Jue said: "Well, I will move in some innate creatures again. Don\'t always be busy drawing in innate creatures. You have to keep up with your cultivation level. Don\'t be overtaken by other innate creatures."

Han Dengtian quickly assured that he would never delay his practice.

After he left, Han Jue began to think.

Since these creatures are to be collected, they have to arrange their identities in the hidden gate.

Hidden soldiers?

A named disciple?

(End of this chapter)