Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 480: Suppress Zhou Fan, Haotian marvels

"It seems that your master does have hidden ambitions, and he also has the means to deal with saints." Haotian said with emotion.

He has always paid special attention to Han Jue. In the last volume of calamity, almost all forces had people related to Han Jue.

The most important thing is that Han Jue was able to protect these people, and even the sinful Su Qi was saved by the saint.

Perhaps joining Han Jue is really a clear road.

It\'s just that Haotian doesn\'t know which saint Han Jue is standing in.

Long Hao smiled and said: "Entering my hidden door, perhaps it is difficult to be powerful, but at least you can cultivate with peace of mind, and you can also restore your own cultivation level with peace of mind. When you reach the peak, you can fight again. Isn\'t it a good thing?"

Haotian pondered for a moment, then slowly nodded.

The immortal world became more enthusiastic, the number of fierce beasts increased, and so did the innate creatures.

The biggest difference between innate creatures and fierce beasts is that the former has intelligence.

Most innate creatures are still unable to transform. Those immobile innate creatures are often destroyed by fierce beasts, while those who can run find that they can become stronger by swallowing fierce beasts.

In this way, the contradiction between innate creatures and fierce beasts began to brew.

time flies.

Another thousand years have passed.

Han Jue\'s cultivation base has made great progress. Although the speed of improvement is not as good as before, it is very good to feel it.

The results must be felt in order to be motivated to move forward.

In these thousand years, the hidden disciples have also made progress.

King Kong\'s Fury and Black Prison Demon stepped into the Divine Realm one after another, and both were taught the Jiyuan Dao by Han Jue.

There are more and more people practicing Jiyuan Dao, and Han Jue is very satisfied.

Just when Dao Zhizun and others practiced Ji Yuan Dao, Han Jue felt that Ji Yuan Dao was getting stronger.

Although he also needs to understand Jiyuan Dao, Jiyuan Dao was created by him, and he can clearly feel the strength of Jiyuan Dao.

This day.

Zhou Fan found Han Jue.

"Not allowed." Han Jue said blankly.

Zhou Fan actually wanted to go out!

how is this possible!

Zhou Fan frowned and said: "If we don\'t act, the three domains of the hidden gate will inevitably be invaded."

Han Jue said, "If you occupy it, you will also occupy it. You should first cultivate to the quasi-sage. Before that, don\'t want to go out."

Zhou Fan is the face of the Seven Dao Sages, he won\'t die when he goes out, but he will definitely cause trouble.

Han Jue wanted to press Zhou Fan here and let Zhou Fan practice Jiyuan Dao.

If Zhou Fan is strong enough, the Seven Dao Sages will not dare to target Han Jue anymore. If Han Jue falls, all practitioners on the Jiyuan Avenue will suffer, including Zhou Fan.

"Quasi Saint? How long is that?"

Zhou Fan\'s face changed drastically. Although he is already a chaotic physique, he wants to cultivate to the quasi-sage...

He stared at Han Jue and asked, "Are you already quasi-sage?"


"I asked you."

"How do you call it a teacher? It seems to be a little drifting recently, let\'s go and conduct a simulated trial!"

Regardless of whether Zhou Fan agreed or not, Han Jue forced him into the simulation trial.

A few days later.

Zhou Fan walked out of the Taoist temple with a dull expression, and his hands in his sleeves trembled slightly.

The black jail chicken appeared around. I don\'t know if it was a coincidence. It smiled and asked, "Smelly boy, what\'s the matter with you?"

Zhou Fan didn\'t answer, and walked to his residence numbly like a corpse.

The matter soon spread.

The other disciples who wanted to go out didn\'t dare to look for Han Jue again.

They guessed that there might be a drastic change in the world next, so Han Jue would not let them out.

For a while, a tense wind of penance was once again set off in the hidden door.

Ten years later.

Han Jue cursed the sage of the dying machine, walked out of the Taoist temple, and began to wander in the Baiyue Xianchuan.

The weird gods followed him, and to this day, except for Han Jue, no one else could see the weird gods.

Most of the hidden disciples are cultivating, only one does not, that is Han Fallen.

Han Dengtian summoned all the innate creatures transformed and gathered in a valley.

Han Jue came to the top of the mountain and quietly waited and watched.


Han Jue\'s expression was weird.

This guy is in...

Training soldiers?

I saw Han Dengtian standing in the forefront, and the innate creatures imitated him by shaking his fists and raising his legs.


Han Jue watched for a while and then left. He didn\'t expect much from Han Fallen himself.

Han Jue came to You Clan territory again, all the You Clan people were cultivating, and the territory was quiet.

You clan\'s attitude made him very satisfied.

At this moment, Han Jue suddenly felt a long-lost familiar breath.

Long Hao!

Why is this kid here?

Han Jue almost forgot Long Hao.

Long Hao stayed outside the Baiyue Xianchuan, hiding in a place to practice.

Han Jue inspected nearby powerful enemies, and the strongest outside Baiyue Xianchuan was Long Hao, the cultivation base of Yixuan Shenyuan.

After thinking about it, Han Jue urged the magic weapon of his whole body, and the yin and yang guard birthday moon burst out with divine light and enveloped him.

In the depths of the cave, Long Hao suddenly felt a strong light appearing. He opened his eyes and looked at it. He could only see the figure of Han Jue, unable to see his true face.

Long Hao was so frightened that he immediately got up and waited.

Immediately afterwards, his eyes changed, and he asked cautiously: "Master?"

Han Jue said, "Am I still your master?"

Long Hao knelt down quickly, UU read panicked and said: "One day as a teacher, forever as a teacher!"

"You dare to deal with your father, and I really dare not accept you again, for fear that you will kill the teacher when you become stronger."

Han Jue\'s tone was full of mockery.

Long Hao embarrassed: "I am just fighting for power, but I didn\'t mean to kill my father. Under the leadership of my father, Heavenly Court has already entered a bottleneck. He blindly upholds the will of the Taoist ancestor and wants to maintain peace in the Three Realms. He is bullying and fearing hardship. How to develop? Even the true dragons look down on him a little bit."

"In the past, the four forces of Heaven, Shrine, Buddhism, and Demon Court always wanted to maintain a balanced situation, but he is the Emperor of Heaven, how can the Emperor of Heaven be on an equal footing with others! I don\'t think he deserves to be the Emperor of Heaven! He has lost what the Emperor of Heaven should have. Domineering!"

Long Hao got more and more excited as he spoke, and in the end, his eyes were red.

Obviously, he has been holding back these words for a long time.

Han Jue interrupted: "I don\'t want to care about this, nor do I want to know, I just want to know why you came back."

Long Hao gritted his teeth and said, "I want to return to the hidden door."

"Hide for a while, and then go out to cause trouble? Where are you hiding?"

"No...I won\'t go out again without your instructions in the future!"

"Go to the Baiyue Xianchuan Formation and kowtow. Knob while saying you are wrong. Say it for a thousand years."


Long Hao was frightened.

Han Jue stopped paying attention to him, and disappeared into place out of thin air.

Long Hao\'s face changed.

Haotian emerged and said with emotion: "Quasi Sage, your master is at least Quasi Sage, no wonder, it seems that your information is wrong, your master can never be more than 10,000 years old!"

Long Hao said in pain, "Kneeling for a thousand years, and still confessing my mistakes, where is my face?"

Haotian said in a huff: "Don\'t you want to come back by yourself, you have to pay the price, and I am your master, it\'s not that simple."