Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 470: 13 demon gods

Chapter 471 Thirteen Demon Gods

Han never knew that his curse on the Sage Sage had caused anxiety in the saint circle. After cursing the Sage Sage, he began to improve his kendo supernatural powers, and it only took a month.

After   , I started to practice too easily and freely.

The ninth demon god, the demon **** of war, the will to fight, the will to improve the cultivation base, and fight to fall.

The tenth demon god, the demon **** of death, the avenue transforms death, death swallows vitality, and causes everything to die.

The eleventh demon god, the wood breath demon god, the source of wood, mana produces wood, and wood prisons the heavens.

The twelfth demon god, the demon **** of soul, cannot be without a body, and the soul body is respected, with boundless thoughts.

The thirteenth demon god, the demon **** of killing intent, condenses the killing intent into Tao, the stronger the killing intent, the stronger the Taoism.

Han Jue spent nine years practicing five demon gods.

The thirteen demon gods\' laws came out together, it was simply ruthless.

The demon gods currently mastered by Han Jue are Tiangang Demon God, Nine Yin Demon God, Wind Shake Demon God, Shadow Flood Demon God, Void Demon God, Chiqing Demon God, Weak Water Demon God, Extreme Dark Demon God, War Demon God, Death Demon God, Wood Breath Demon God, and Soul The Demon God, the Demon God of Killing Intent.

He began to simulate the trial, even if he was fighting against the quasi-sage, he also enjoyed the refreshing feeling of tyranny.

Regardless of your vast magical powers and powerful magic weapons, you are all ants in front of thirteen demon gods.

Han Jue tried to challenge Fu Xitian, the saint of heaven.


was still killed.

But it was not a spike in the end, Han Jue lasted for two breaths.

Great progress.

Han Jue was in a good mood and decided to preach to the disciples.

He walked out of the Taoist Temple and went to the hibiscus tree.

With his cultivation skills, he can teleport to the hibiscus tree, but he likes to walk on foot, just to stroll around.

After so many years, the Baiyue Xianchuan has also changed a lot. There are no traces of breeze lotus everywhere, and the green lotus standing on the ground exudes a strong innate aura.

The trees in Baiyue Xianchuan all grow extremely tall, the tallest tree is more than a hundred meters tall, but in front of the hibiscus trees, they are all like flowers and grass.

Nowadays, the hibiscus tree is ten thousand feet tall, just like the oldest tree in the myth.

When Han Jue walked to the hibiscus tree, all the disciples had gathered.

The monster beasts such as Jiang Yi and the Black Prison Rooster have not returned yet, but Han Jue learned from the email that they were mixing smoothly. By devouring the beast, their qualifications have been changing.

Waiting for them to come back, it is estimated that they have all reached the realm of the immortal emperor.

During the period of fierce beasts, it was originally a gluttonous feast prepared for the first batch of great powers of heaven and earth.

The creatures who can stand out in the period of fierce beasts must have extremely strong aptitude, strength, and fighting talent. Given time, they will become the power to rule the heavens and all realms. It is by no means difficult.

Han Jue began to preach, and the voice resounded through the Baiyue Xianchuan, so that the You Clan could also hear it.

After reaching the quasi-sage state, Han Jue’s Taoist sound is more natural. During the preaching, the comprehension of the listeners is greatly improved. His Taoism is even more extensive and profound, and everyone can get insights from it.

This sermon is longer than ever.

Han absolutely talked about it for fifty years.

After the sermon, Han Jue returned to the Taoist temple alone.

Preaching to the disciples, he actually sorted out his own Taoism and benefited a lot.

"No wonder so many people like to preach, which can not only give favors, but also contribute to their own Taoism."

Han Jue smiled, then closed his eyes and practiced.


In the barren mountains and ridges, a huge long worm like a mountain is moving forward. It looks like a centipede, but its centipede looks like a lion\'s palm.

It seems to be looking for food, stop and go.

At this moment, the earth collapsed, and a blood basin burst out of the earth, breaking the long worm in one bite and sprinkling blood on the earth.

This fierce beast emerged from the ground like a bear\'s head, with eight eyes, turning in different directions.


A terrifying strong wind fell, a pair of terrifying giant claws broke through the sea of ​​clouds, grabbed the eight-eyed beast, and directly dragged it out of the ground and flew above the sea of ​​clouds.

"Jie Jie Jie! Lord Chicken, I can have a full meal again!"

A arrogant laugh resounded across the sky, and it was a huge black chicken holding the eight-eyed beast.

Black prison chicken!

In front of the black prison chicken, the eight-eyed fierce beast also appeared small.

The black prison chicken wings spread hundreds of miles, and when its wings shake, it disappears at the end of heaven and earth.

A group of people stood on the back of the black prison chicken, it was Jiang Yi and others.

Blood water splashed, Jiang Yi had to use magical powers to create a protective cover to resist the blood splashing.

A big dissatisfied: "This stinky chicken is so exaggerated every time, deliberately?"

The chaotic tengu looked at the demon monarch in the dark prison, and said: "Aren\'t you his brother, don\'t hesitate!"

The Dark Prison Demon Lord said with no good air: "What to do? It has been very arrogant."

The three-headed King Jiao shouted: "It\'s my turn, you guys will give me a battle!"

The crowd was noisy, and after a while, the black jail chicken ate the eight-eyed beast.

"Huh? You fierce beasts are wise."

A voice suddenly resounded through the world, and Jiang Yi\'s face changed slightly.

He can\'t even perceive where the opponent is.


Jiang Yilang said: "Senior, I am not a beast!"

Before the change, Jiang Yi must have yelled at him, but now the Golden Crow Protoss is suspected to be extinct, and the surviving power is an existence that he can\'t afford, so he has to be careful.

"There are also Golden Crows, with good qualifications, you will all be in this seat!"

The mysterious power laughed, and as the sky turned black, a terrifying strong wind appeared, and swept them all into the sky.

Jiang Yi and others looked up, a huge cuff appeared in the sky, covering the sky and the sun, and its diameter was difficult to estimate.

They wanted to escape, but were suppressed by a powerful mana, unable to move.

Soon, they were caught in the cuffs.


Baiyue Xianchuan.

Eight years have passed since the end of the sermon.

Many disciples are still in a state of enlightenment and have not awakened.

Han Jue was cultivating, and suddenly he sensed that someone was performing a magical technique.

He counted, it turned out to be a black jail chicken.

After so many years, it is the first time that the black jail chicken has performed a magical technique. Could something happen?

Although    is invincible in the world, Han Jue is still wary of evolution: "If I pass, will there be any danger?"

【Need to deduct one billion years of life, whether to continue】


【Not currently available】

Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately activated the magic weapon all over his body.

He then got up, UU read www. stepped into the black whirlpool.

the other side.

Jiang Yi, Black Prison Rooster, Black Prison Demon Lord and others were trapped in a clearing. The ground was jade, and the edge of the clearing was dark, and the exit could not be seen.

Looking up, you can see a light port, just intertwined with thunder and lightning.

The black prison chicken looked nervously at the black whirlpool in front of him.

"Will the master not come, right?" The Hell Chicken murmured.

Jiang Yi and others are also worried.

At this time, a burst of strong light overflowed from the black vortex, and Han Jue stepped out.

Everyone was pleasantly surprised and bowed down to Han Jue.

Han Jue immediately detects powerful enemies around him.

【Take Tiange: Daluojin Wonderland is complete, explain and teach immortals】

Tian Tianzhai’s home blows air-conditioning, catches a cold, and has a runny nose. It’s a bit uncomfortable. Everyone pays more attention to the temperature of the air-conditioning, and recently I don’t go out recently~~ Good night

(End of this chapter)