Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 459: Daluo is complete, invincible under the saints

Chapter 460 Daluo is perfect, invincible under the saint


"You still have to be cautious, how can I compete with the saints, unless I can kill them in a second, then I can compete with them, before that, there can be no such ambitions, and it is easy to be detected."

"Taozu is my role model. When I was born, the world was invincible."

Han Jue keeps adjusting his mentality.

I have to say that Qixilai\'s words are too deceptive, not to mention him, Gou Xiu, if he is replaced by anyone else, he can\'t hold it.

Han Jue decided that before surpassing the heavenly saints, he must not compete with them.

Before this, I still kept a low-key practice attitude.

After that, Han Jue continued to practice.

First break through to the completion of the Great Luojin Wonderland before sprinting to the quasi-sage.


Ten years have passed very quickly.

A beam of light suddenly descended on the Ascension Immortal Mountain, and Han Jue who was staying in the cave was also shrouded in bright light.

[Detected the end of the heavenly calamity, the heavenly way restarts, you get the luck of the immeasurable emperor, you have the following options]

【One, return to the heaven and immortal world, pave the way for becoming a myth in the future, get a piece of avenue fragments, and an opportunity to open new functions of the system】

【Two, never return to the fairy world, stay in the dark forbidden area, get a magical power inheritance, a piece of avenue fragment】

The Immeasurable Emperor?

Han Jue decided not to choose for the time being, and waited for him to choose when he returned to the fairy world. The new features of the system were too attractive.

He focused his attention on the immeasurable emperor.

The Great Emperor Wuliang explained that he had already been robbed before, and he had survived.

"What\'s the use of Immeasurable Emperor\'s luck?"

[It can help you resist the enchantment of the karma of the heavens, and not lose your mind in the next immeasurable catastrophe]

That\'s it?

Han Jue secretly disdains himself.

Han Jue checked the interpersonal relationship and found that Zhao Xuanyuan, Dao Zhizun, Jiang Yi, Murong Qi, Xing Hongxuan, Fang Liang, Ji Xian Shen, Su Qi, Huang Zuntian, etc. also received the title of Immeasurable Emperor.

Almost all the existences that survived the calamity gained the luck of Emperor Wuliang.

People like Heijiji and Xun Changan who have been staying in the dojo did not get it, because they did not go out after the amount of robbery was opened.

"The dark forbidden zone does not belong to the Dao of Heaven, can the luck of the Dao of Heaven reach me?"

Han Jue was secretly surprised that the power of Heaven\'s Dao was really weird.

and many more!

"Immortal Emperor\'s luck comes from the heavenly path or the avenue?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

[5 billion years of life needs to be deducted, whether to continue]



Sure enough!

Avenues are everywhere, higher than heaven!

Although the dark restricted area is far away from the heaven, it is also under the avenue.

Han Jue continued to ask, “I’m back to Heaven, will I be killed by the saint?”

【Need to deduct four billion years of life, whether to continue】


[It is detected that the order of the heavens is restored, and the restraint of the heavens on the saints of the heavens has also been restored. The saints cannot enter the heavens and all realms with their true bodies, nor can they directly kill the creatures in the heavens, otherwise they will suffer the backlash of the heavens]

No wonder the saints are all taking action during the calamity, and they usually have to go to the 33rd floor to live. It turns out that it is due to the rules of heaven.

The saint of heaven is really not to be!

Although the achievement is immortal, it also loses freedom.

Speaking again, the saints of the heavens cannot do things under the heavens, so can they be in the dark forbidden zone?

The dark restricted area is more dangerous?

Han Jue decided to go back after reaching the completion of Daluojin Wonderland.

Before   , even if a sage wanted to kill Han Jue, he could only ask other powerful people to take action, but the sage could not break into Han Jue\'s dojo.

Han Jue said, “Everyone should hurry up and practice, and after a while, prepare to return to the fairy world.”

His voice resounded throughout the dojo.

Hearing this, everyone was excited, and some were nervous.

"Finally I am going back."

"Could the calamity have ended?"

"That\'s right, I just got air transport and learned that the calamity is over."

"This volume of calamity is really fast, it\'s unprecedented."

"It\'s only a few thousand years, right? It\'s probably a saint who entered."

"There is no way, the saints are too powerful, how can sentient beings play when they fall into tribulation?"


After confirming that he was ready to return to the fairy world, Han Jue stepped up his time to practice.

It has been more than 500 years since the last breakthrough. Estimated by time, it is almost a breakthrough.

The realm of Da Luo is really difficult to cultivate.

Han can never imagine how determined the hearts of the monks who spent millions, tens of millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years to break through a small realm.

After Su Qi used his supernatural powers, Han Jue’s emails were quite deserted, and there may not be one email in a year.

After the calamity, it was really deserted.

Time flies.

Ninety-seven years later, Han Jue finally ushered in a breakthrough opportunity.

It took six years before he made a breakthrough.

[Name: Han Jue]

[Life: 7909/1, 0099, 9999, 9999, 9999, 9999]

[Race: Hongmeng Demon God (Immortal Emperor)]

[Cultivation: Daluojin Wonderland Consummation]

【Gong Method: Hongmeng Reincarnation Avenue, Zhoutian Body Tempering Method】

[Avenue: Avenue of Life and Death, Avenue of Cause and Effect]


Life span has broken the limit again!

109.9 billion years!

Han Jue\'s mood is full of joy, and the life span of the previous profligacy has been refreshed.

I don’t know whether he can reach the quasi-sage state before long live.

Han Jue began to consolidate his cultivation.

It took five years to completely stabilize his cultivation base, and then begin to improve his kendo supernatural powers.

Half a year later, Han Jue’s various kendo supernatural powers have reached the limit, all reaching the Quasi-Sage level!

Supernatural powers have all been raised to the quasi-sage strength, only the cultivation base is upgraded.

Han Jue began to practise too easily and freely.

The sixth demon god, the red clear demon god, the power of the sun, burning all things and all things!

The seventh demon god, weak water demon god, extremely heavy water, which can sink all existence!

The eighth demon god, the extremely dark demon god, the dark avenue, let the darkness cover all the senses of the living beings!

In two years, Han Jue had practiced the three demon gods, and after that he had no further training memory of the ninth demon god.

Eight demon gods come out together, who will compete with each other?

Han Jue started a simulated trial, and now he was truly invincible under the saint.

However, since the cultivation level reached the later stage of Quasi-Sage, Han would definitely not be able to kill directly.

Like a stone alone, Han Jue fought hard for a stick of incense to kill him.

Stone alone can swallow all magical powers, but can\'t swallow the power of the avenue. He himself has a treasure of defense, and the eight chaotic demon gods will besiege for a stick of incense to explode it. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

As for Li Daokong and his ilk, they have become the target of Han Jue\'s spike.

Under the sage, no one should be able to kill Han Jue.

Of course, this is only Han Jue’s guess. After all, he is referring to the listeners in the Taiji Hall. Perhaps there are still many powerful existences hidden in the heavens, or in other heavens.

No matter what, Han Jue can return to the fairy world!

He immediately controlled the Hidden Gate Island to fly to the immortal world. In the dark restricted area, his senses could not work, but he could sense the six marks. The souls of Fang Liang, Huang Zuntian and others all have six marks. They are all in the same direction. It is the fairy world.

"Is it dangerous for me to return to the fairy world now?" Han Jue asked in his heart.

【Need to deduct two billion years of life, whether to continue】


【Not currently available】

Han Jue breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, on the bright side, he has no enemies anymore. Almost all people who hate him are dead except for the saints.

(End of this chapter)