Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1164: Hongmeng Fusion

In the vast purple starry sky, countless Hongmeng purple qi pervades the air, and this is Shiyuan Hongmeng.

The three major Hongmeng are Huangmeng, Shiyuan Hongmeng, and Ming Hongmeng.

They are all in their own name or in the name of creation.

Shiyuan Hongmeng stood in the void of Hongmeng in the form of a deity, and endless purple air circled around him, making his majestic figure look extremely terrifying.

Shiyuan Hongmeng opened his eyes, his right hand opened, and a person appeared in his palm, it was Chen Jue.

Chen Jue was sealed, his body curled up, and his will did not wake up.

Shi Yuan Hongmeng frowned, looked down at Chen Jue, and murmured, "Strange, what is hidden in your body, this good fortune can\'t even be stolen from me."

He stared at Chen Jue. On the battlefield, Chen Jue\'s strength left a deep impression on him. He later discovered that Chen Jue\'s strength was not just because of his aptitude, but because of good fortune, so he tried his best to capture Chen Jue. absolutely.

However, this good fortune he could not capture.

He stared at Chen Jue, his pupils burst out with strange light, as if to see through Chen Jue\'s soul.

a long time.

Shi Yuan Hongmeng trembled.

He retracted his hand, and Chen Jue was suspended in the void, with dazzling fire all over his body.

The defensive power of creation!

Shiyuan Hongmeng was even more curious, what kind of creation was this, and it could actually counteract his power. You must know that he was about to condense the first supreme rule. Looking at the entire endless era, there are no more beings stronger than him than the number of hands.

Could it be the creator of Taoism?


There is no such kind of creation in the world without phase.

Perhaps a new product of the Endless Age.

Shiyuan Hongmeng also discovered that the Endless Age is not just about world expansion, but also something completely different from the past.

Shiyuan Hongmeng adjusted his mentality and stopped trying to seize Chenjue\'s creation.

Wait until he condenses the first supreme rule.

At this moment, Shiyuan Hongmeng seemed to sense something, waved his hand, and the dust disappeared.

A figure tore through the void and arrived.

It was Huang Zuntian.

Shiyuan Hongmeng asked, "Why are you here?"

Huang Zuntian said, "It\'s not just me."

The voice fell, the void was torn apart again, and the majestic Han Huang stepped out.

Seeing Han Huang, Shiyuan Hongmeng\'s expression became subtle.

Chen Jue has the blood of the Han family, which he can count.

It\'s just that the Han family has countless descendants, and there are more outstanding descendants. Chen Jue and the Han family don\'t have much communication.

"What\'s the matter?"

Shiyuan Hongmeng asked in a flat tone.

Han Huang said: "I asked him to come. Although we are each in our own camps, we are all Hongmeng Demon Gods. I have an idea."

Shiyuan Hongmeng and Huang Zuntian looked at him, waiting for his next words.

"The Endless Era is so big that neither me nor you can dominate the Endless Era. There will be more and more creators of Taoism in the future. I feel that the three great monarchs can be integrated. If more Hongmeng Demon Gods are born in the future, they will have to rely on us."

Han Huang said calmly, hearing Shi Yuan Hongmeng frown.

Shiyuan Hongmeng looked at Huang Zuntian, Huang Zuntian did not change his expression, obviously he had learned about this, and he came to persuade him with Han Huang.

Shiyuan Hongmeng thought deeply.

The advantage of fusion is that they will join forces from now on, at least they can rely on each other, the disadvantage is that they stick together, and they cannot be separated in the future.

Of course, all of this must be based on Han Huang\'s sincere desire to cooperate.

With Shi Yuan Hongmeng\'s knowledge of Han Huang, this kid is just domineering, but he doesn\'t have so much heart.

The most important thing is the people behind Han Huang.

Shiyuan Hongmeng asked, "After the fusion, who will be the master?"

Han Huang shook his head and laughed and said, "Why do we need to divide the priority and the secondary? Let us integrate Hongmeng, so that karma and destiny can be blended. If you like power, how to govern Hongmeng, I can leave it to you."

Huang Zuntian smiled and said, "I really want to practice hard."

Shiyuan Hongmeng smiled and said: "Since that\'s the case, I have no opinion, how to integrate Hongmeng?"

Han Huang began to talk about his ideas. Shiyuan Hongmeng and Huang Zuntian thought it was feasible, but this method was needed.

Before leaving, Shi Yuan Hongmeng handed Chen Jue over and wanted to ask Han Huang\'s attitude.

Han Huang said indifferently: "The two forces are at war, and it is common to be captured, as long as you don\'t implicate innocents."

Shiyuan Hongmeng smiled and said: "You are so sincere, then I will let him go. This son contains mysterious good fortune, and his achievements in the future are inestimable."

"Such descendants are nothing in the Han family."

After Han Huang finished speaking, he disappeared.

Huang Zuntian followed and said, "This son is my disciple\'s brother, and you have pryed the two of us."

Shiyuan Hongmeng threw Chen Jue to him and said with a smile, "If that\'s the case, I will give you the favor."

"I will not thank you."

Huang Zuntian took over Chen Jue and left this piece of Hongmeng.

Shiyuan Hongmeng smiled, then closed his eyes to practice.

Under the blue sky and white clouds, in the high-walled courtyard, a heroic man is practicing martial arts.

Han Jue sat on the steps in front of the lobby, yawning.

The Yingwu man stopped, came to him, and said with a smile: "Grandpa, how did I play with the boxing technique I just played?"

Han Jue curled his lips and said, "Fantastic posture, waste of talent, cultivate immortals, martial cultivation has no future."

The heroic man named Enter the Dao Long, awakened the great fortune, super star.

Chaoxing, born with great fortune, will exceed the limit every time he is on the verge of death. If he survives, his aptitude will be stronger. That is to say, Chaoxing needs to constantly encounter desperate situations. If there is no backing, it is easy to die prematurely.

In this mortal world, martial arts are prevalent, not immortals. There are no legends of immortals here, but Han Jue knows that those legendary terrifying warriors are immortals.

It has been seven years since he found Daolong, and the two have the title of master and apprentice, but Daolong has not really developed the potential of Superstar.

Entering Daolong pouted and said, "I\'ve never heard of immortal cultivation."

At this time, a group of servants rushed in, and the little skinny man at the head wailed, "Master, the village next door is here to bully us again!"

As soon as Daolong heard it, UU Reading glared, like a leopard\'s eyes, and said angrily: "Looking for death! Go!"

Watching the entry of the dragon to leave in a hurry, Han Jue lay down and continued to bask in the sun.

"Boy, life doesn\'t last long now."

Han Jue laughed softly, no one heard him, he was talking to himself, his habit.

Entering the Daolong\'s family is considered a big family among mortals, but Han Jue saw that two immortal emperors were fighting, and they were getting closer and closer to this world.

Han Jue was too lazy to remind Daolong that he had dozens of such descendants. He was just bored, so he came out to play with Daolong.

Entering the Daolong\'s temperament with a superstar is a perfect match. With such a hot temper, he will definitely encounter many desperate situations in the future, but if he does not have a backer, it will inevitably fail.

There are also examples of descendants who have the great innate good fortune, but the great innate good fortune can be reincarnated with the descendants.

