Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1151: Inner conspiracy

The ultimate creation!

Tens of billions of years, so wait!

Han Jue has no shortage of time now, not to mention that he is the only creator and master.

No, after reaching the age of 10 billion, the system will trigger the selection reward once every 10 billion years...

In that case, time will be infinitely stretched...

It seems that it will take an extremely long time to improve the bloodline of the ultimate demon god.

Instead of trying to find a solution from the bloodline, it is better to raise to the current limit first.

As for the selection of good fortune, Han Jue doesn\'t want to use it for the time being. When he reaches the number of 100, it will be wonderful to use it together!

With a hundred consecutive draws, maybe you will be able to draw a younger generation that defies the sky!

Han Jue thought silently, and at the same time clicked on the email to check.

Since he threw out an avenue of luck and luck, there have been more battles in the circle of friends.

He found that many of his friends went to Tiandao, including his children.

These guys thought that he had left the divine right of the Dao Dao to the Dao of Heaven?

How can it be!

Do you really think that I am a creature of heaven, with a mind attached to heaven?

Han Jue smiled. The divine power of the Great Dao of luck and luck is fluid, and it has not yet reached the Dao of Heaven. Who can get it depends entirely on chance, and he did not inject eccentricity.

After reading the email, he turned his attention to the blank area.

The Secret Realm of Dao has become the most popular place in the endless era. The grand event held by Wuxiangtianxia was very successful. Many talents were launched, and the reputation of Daohuze was also spread.

Dao Huze, you can visit the Dao when you enter it, which can increase your understanding of the Dao. At the end of this event, there are thirty-three Dao saints born in Dao Huze. This effect shocked the heavens.

The status of the secret realm of the Tao has risen, and the world without phase can be said to be high-spirited, prepared for tens of millions of years, and once famous.

The success of the Secret Realm of Dao also made other forces want to follow suit. For a time, various low-profile versions of Dao Lake, Dao Spring, Dao Shenshan, etc. emerged one after another.

Unfortunately, none of them are as good as Dao Huze in the secret realm of Dao!

Dao Huze is the handwriting of the creator of Dao!

And the creator of the Tao is the greatest ruler of the endless era.

Han Jue understands the thoughts of Wuxiang and Wuxiang detaching from the great gods, but he is not disgusted. He accumulates strength for himself. Such selfishness is normal, and Wuxiang\'s attitude is very good, which makes Han Jue very comfortable.

Chu Xiaoqi and Chen Jue broke out of the siege and became one of the thirty-three Great Dao Saints.

And Han Liang is even more incredible. He directly achieved the supremacy of the Dao and became the most popular presence in this event. His name has spread throughout the endless era, and he is considered to be the most talented genius of the moment!

The grandson of the ruler is not inferior to the physical aptitude of the Hongmeng Demon God!

Han Jue was very satisfied with the performance of the two grandsons.

They have already set sail, so Han Jue doesn\'t need to pay more attention.

"The road ahead, you can go by yourself."

Han Jue muttered to himself, and the trace of concern for them in his heart disappeared.

He has already given away many children, so naturally he will not be obsessed with a certain grandson.

the other side.

Chu Xiaoqi and Han Liang opened their eyes almost at the same time. They frowned, feeling inexplicably lost and flustered, as if they had lost something, but they couldn\'t figure out what it was.

This inexplicable feeling made them uncomfortable.

But no matter how they searched, they couldn\'t figure it out.

Han Jue continued to practice.

When you are one billion years old, choose a descendant to accompany you.

It can also be regarded as adding a touch of fun to the boring years of practice.


Years go by.

After Han Jue cut off his concern for his grandson, the retreat time began to lengthen.

Fifty million years have passed like a dream.

Han Jue opened his eyes, and the environment he entered was the same as it was 50 million years ago, but he knew that an earth-shaking change had taken place outside.

He stretched and smiled.

It is better to retreat for a longer period of time, and then the improvement in cultivation will be significant.

He checked the email while observing the blank field.

[Your son Han Huang established the supreme rule, and his luck skyrocketed]

[Your grandson, Chu Xiaoqi, was attacked by your friend, the Taoist priest, and was seriously injured]

[Your disciple Sun Fangliang created time, space, heaven and earth, and Taoism increased]

[Your friend Huang Zuntian has a dream of transcendental existence]

[Your son Han Tuo was attacked by your friend Jiang Peishi]

[Your friend Daozu has recovered his true body and opened up the supreme rules]

[Your friend is invisible and invisible, detached from the great god, and encounters your enemy, the ninth chaos dream]

[Your friend Yin-Yang Wushou Die God encountered your enemy, the ninth chaos, to dream]


Han Huang and Daozu created the supreme rule!

It indicates that it is only a matter of time before these two become Tao creators.

Han Jue wondered where Dao Ancestor\'s Dao Realm was.

After his calculations, he learned that it was the Dao Realm where the Daotian Humans were located. That Dao Realm was still connected to Pangu\'s Dao Realm. The two realms were next to each other, like a Dao Realm. .

It was a bit interesting that Daozu actually walked in front of Pangu.

Besides these two people, the ninth chaos caught Han Jue\'s attention.

The will of the Ninth Chaos is still in the Yuanyuan Heavenly Prison, and has not awakened. In this case, there is only one possibility to dream.

The Ninth Chaos Demon!

This inner demon is extraordinary, the ninth chaos is divided into two, no wonder this fellow put down his cruel words before he died.

The inner demon of the ninth chaos temporarily resided in the body of the super evil demon, and the super evil demon disappeared for a long time.

Could it be that the demons of the ninth chaos are still conspiring?

Han Jue looked at the great **** of detachment without form and form.

He had a direct glimpse into the dream at that time.

Sure enough, the Ninth Chaos wanted to win over the great **** of Wuxiang and Wuxiang, and used the gimmick of surpassing the creator of Tao to incite Wuxiang and Wuxiang, but unfortunately it was rejected by the Wuxiang Wuxiang God.

The Yin-Yang Immaculate Silent God also refused.

However, Chaos was ignorant, and Shi Tian Wuliang Da Zun was a little moved.

Han Jue can\'t figure out where the ninth chaos demon is, but it mainly involves the cause and effect of the blank field. He can see it It is estimated that the ninth chaos can\'t think that the creator is so terrible.

Han Jue tried to dream of the ninth Chaos Heart Demon, but failed.

In this way, Dark Nightmare cannot be cast.

Where is this fellow hiding?

Han Jue could only ask after the Ninth Chaos was successfully enslaved.

During this time, it was impossible for that demon to become the master of creation!

If you want to achieve the master of creation, you need to activate the basic rules of the blank field. Once you enter such an epiphany state, as the master of creation, Han Jue will definitely notice.

Han Jue set his sights on the divine right of luck on the avenue that was thrown out.

So far, no one has gotten this opportunity.

The main reason is that this opportunity is too well hidden, and no one could have imagined that it could help others achieve Taoist creators.

"Then just wait."

Han Jue smiled. He stood up, walked out of the Taoist temple, and prepared to go out for a walk.

He did not go to see his children and grandchildren, but came to the sacred tree of Fusang.

Since the hibiscus tree was divided into two, the body of the transformation has been outside all year round, and the divine hibiscus tree has been given divine power by Han Jue, and now it has a very high status in the endless era, controlling time and space.


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