Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1139: Han Liang

"This feeling... Hongmeng Demon God... No, it\'s not Hongmeng Demon God. If it can resonate with my bloodline, it must be the descendants of the Han family..."

Han Huang\'s eyes penetrated Hongmeng and fell on the way of heaven.

At this moment, in Han Yunjin\'s dojo, Han Yunjin quickly entered a bedroom, he appeared on the edge of the bed, and looked at the woman on the bed.

The woman\'s face was in pain, and the sweat couldn\'t stop flowing. She dragged her belly with both hands, and the red light shone from her belly, illuminating the blood vessels and meridians in her skin and flesh clearly, and you could see that the fetus in her belly was struggling violently.


When Concubine Yuan Sheng saw Han Yunjin, she called out with an aggrieved expression.

Han Yunjin frowned and said, "What\'s going on? Can\'t give birth?"

Yuan Shengfei\'s eyes were full of fear, she trembled: "He is absorbing my mana, resisting birth, my mana is out of control..."

She has given birth to more than a dozen children for Han Yunjin, but she has never encountered such a situation.

Han Yunjin stretched out his hand and pressed Yuan Shengfei\'s belly, trying to use his own mana to move the child out, but as soon as his mana touched the fetus, he instantly felt a burning pain, and he was shocked to withdraw his mana subconsciously.

How can it be!

He is a saint of the avenue!

Can an unborn fetus hurt him?

Han Yunjin didn\'t believe in evil and continued to try, but the burning sensation was so strong that it could even touch the soul.

This time, Han Yunjin also panicked.

At this moment, a figure appeared beside Han Yunjin, and it was Han Jue.

Han Jue\'s eyes narrowed, and he directly took out the fetus. Concubine Yuan Sheng wailed and collapsed on the bed. Han Jue took the fetus with his left hand, waved his right hand, and used the power of master to restore Sheng Fei Yuan\'s injuries.

Seeing that it was Han Jue, Han Yunjin breathed a sigh of relief. He didn\'t care to salute, and hurriedly went to check the situation of Concubine Yuan Sheng.

Han Jue looked down at the fetus in his hand, which was smaller than a normal mortal fetus, as long as the slap was big, the whole body was glowing red, and there was a strange smile on his face.

After the fetus was born, instead of crying, he stretched out his hands, grabbed Han Jue, and giggled, which was terrifying.

Han Jue was expressionless, and there was a reminder floating in front of him:

[Unknown Demon God: A new product of the endless era, catalyzed by the basic rules of the blank realm, contains the instinct to destroy everything, clears obstacles for the blank realm, and its talent is comparable to the Hongmeng devil]

Finally a new bloodline appeared...

Each era has different outstanding races, and it is also possible that the endless era will be born beyond the previous talents.

When Han Yunjin came, Han Jue handed him his child.

As for the aptitude of this grandson, Han never intends to seal it.

Just the aptitude comparable to the Hongmeng Demon God is not enough to destroy the endless era.

"This son is extraordinary, you have to discipline him well."

Han Jue said meaningfully that after this son was born, his own strength was not that strong. Before, he was mainly protected by basic rules in his mother\'s womb.

Han Yunjin looked at the child in his hand with a complicated mood, and the scene just now made him linger in fear.

He couldn\'t help asking: "Father, is there really no hidden danger?"

"Yes, so I need your discipline."

When the voice fell, Han Jue disappeared.

Born with the instinct to destroy everything, it seems to be evil, but it is not necessarily, everything depends on two sides.

After all, he was his own grandson, so Han Jue couldn\'t kill him with one shot.

Concubine Yuan Sheng was cured by the power of dominion. She came to Han Yunjin\'s side and took over the child. She lost her previous fear and only had a look of pity. She whispered: "Your father said just now, you need to take care of it. Discipline, any child can go astray, let\'s not be too concerned about him and treat him as a normal child."

Han Yunjin was silent.

For some reason, he inexplicably thought of Han Huang during the previous Dao calamity. Will his children become so violent?

Immortal world, above the Jiuzhongtian, with clouds and mists, Chu Xiaoqi is standing guard in front of a Tianmen standing on the top of the cloud.

He clutched his chest and frowned.

"What\'s the matter? What does it feel like?"

Chu Xiaoqi was inexplicably flustered, and her soul felt cold. This feeling has never been seen before.

The immortal soldier next to him asked him with concern and asked him if he needed a rest.

Back at his mansion, Chu Xiaoqi immediately exercised his power to heal his injuries, but as soon as he exercised his power, the strange feeling disappeared.


Chu Xiaoqi couldn\'t figure it out.

For the next period of time, he has been vigilant, and after a long time, this feeling has never appeared again, and he is no longer worried.

Not only him, but all Han Jue\'s descendants felt it.

Ten Gods returned to the third dojo to visit Han Jue.

Han Jue didn\'t see them, just said one sentence: "I\'ll find out later."

The Ten Gods were confused, they soon left the dojo again, and they also had their own great cause to do.

Han Jue silently paid attention to the child of Han Yunjin, named Han Liang.

this name...

Really meaningful!

Han Liang has been lively since he was a child, and loves to make trouble everywhere, which makes Han Jue inexplicably think of Nezha in mythology.

The story of Nezha has long since disappeared in history, but Han Jue still remembers that there are children like Nezha in every era. Rebellion is human nature, but normal people are bound by moral standards.

Although Han Liang likes to cause trouble, under the restraint of Han Yunjin, he did not hurt innocent people.

For the time being, it\'s hard to imagine that this kid was born with the vocation to destroy everything.

Han Jue suddenly had a bold idea.

Do you want to use Good Fortune?

Maybe it can add talent to Han Liang.

Han Jue looked at Han Liang\'s future. There were many kinds of Han Liang\'s futures. Most of them went down the wrong path, just like Han Huang, but some futures kept their rationality and bottom line. There was even a future that was a saint, a real one. A saint in the sense of saving all sentient beings.


Born to be destroyed, walking in the world, but doing good deeds.

Han Jue-Han Liang had a hint of interest.

As for the selection of good fortune, UU reading is better to keep it, and we will make a lottery together in the future.

Those descendants who have reached the Great Dao Saint all know about Han Liang. The blood resonance caused by Han Liang is too oppressive, so on the way of Han Liang\'s growth, some clansmen who seem strange to him often come to visit him.

The best thing for him was Han Qinger, who even took him out to play.

Thousands of years later, Han Liang looks only five or six years old, as if he will never grow up.

Han Liang was not bothered by this. Like Han Huang, he didn\'t care about the opinions of sentient beings.

this day.

Han Liang was playing on the mountain of God, and there was Han Yu on the mountain, so Han Yunjin was quite relieved.

A black vortex suddenly appeared in front of Han Liang, and a big dark hand reached out and grabbed Han Liang away. The boy disappeared without a trace before he could scream.

Han Yu followed, quickly got into the black vortex, and chased away.

This is his little ancestor, how could he disappear in Buzhou Mountain!