Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1137: Fang Liang's choice

Seeing Chu Xiaoqi\'s expression, Han Jue was satisfied, and it was worthwhile for him to cultivate himself. He was really a good grandson.

He smiled and said: "Go, this time I really want you to go. What you just said, everyone has their own life, and you have it too. I\'m just a passer-by in your life."

Chu Xiaoqi was silent, full of reluctance in her heart.

Han Jue stretched out his hand, touched his head, and said, "Xiao Qi, the road to cultivation is extremely long. There will be a day. A thousand years is just one day for you. When you look back, you will feel completely different."

Chu Xiaoqi couldn\'t help but ask, "Is this your state of mind now?"

"That\'s right."

"How old are you, grandpa, are you a very powerful immortal in the fairy world?"

"I don\'t belong to the immortal world, in fact, I\'m not an immortal either. As for how old I am, I\'m not really that old."

Han Jue said with a gentle smile, these words made Chu Xiaoqi think that he was a land fairy who traveled in the world.

The grandfather and grandson chatted for a long time, and finally, under the wave of Han Jue, Chu Xiaoqi was expelled by the rules of the mortal world and began to soar.

He looked down as he kept taking off, but he didn\'t see his grandfather, who didn\'t come out to say goodbye.

For some reason, Chu Xiaoqi suddenly felt sad and confused.

His family has long since turned into loess. Now that he bids farewell to his grandfather, he is really alone in the world.

How do you want to go in your life in the future, where do you want to lead?

He suddenly thought of Han Tuo, that resolute and domineering figure, maybe that was his goal, that was the man he wanted to be!

Chu Xiaoqi no longer acted like a child, he looked up at the sky, with anticipation in his eyes.

Immortal world, I want to see how wonderful you are!

After he ascended, Han Jue also quietly left the villa, and the villa returned to its ghostly appearance.

After more than a thousand years of accumulation, the villa is even more ghostly, and it is definitely a fierce place in the human world.

Han Jue returned to the third dojo.

In the dojo, there are still many disciples cultivating near the Taoist temple group. Now the three great halls communicate with each other, but the disciples who can come within a radius of hundreds of millions of miles are all high-ranking people in the hidden door.

Han Jue quietly returned to his Taoist temple. Good and evil never came back since he left. It seemed that he was suffocated before.

Alas, these disciples, like his sons and daughters, rarely come back when they go out.

Han Jue sat for a while and then called Fang Liang in.

Fang Liang has been at the dojo for hundreds of years and has been waiting for Han Jue.

Fang Liang entered the view and bowed to Han Jue. After sitting down, he opened his mouth and said, "Master, I feel that time and space may have changed."

Han Jue asked, "Why?"

"I often study time and space and know the changes of time and space. Recently, I obviously feel that I have forgotten something, and there are fluctuations in the rules of time and space. It must be someone tampering with time and space. I am worried that it will affect us."

Fang Liang said worriedly, but his words made Han Juei give him a high look.

Thinking about it carefully, Fang Liang crazily traveled through time and space earlier than Immortal Ji.

However, Fang Liang can perceive the origin time and space, which proves that his talent is extraordinary.

Even if the Dao is supreme, they cannot perceive the original time and space, so the creator of the Tao can perceive the existence of the original time and space.

Speaking of which, Fangliang and Ji Xianshen used to be the best brothers, but they broke up due to the boundless calamity dispute between Heaven and Dao, and the two became strangers for hundreds of millions of years.

Unexpectedly, after Ji Xianshen disappeared, the only person who cared about him was this brother who turned against each other.

Han Jue said: "That\'s right, there is indeed. There was a disciple who touched the origin time and space and was swallowed by karma, and everyone forgot about him."

Fang Liang frowned.

Han Jue did not disturb his thinking.

After a long time, Fang Liang asked, "Is that person important to me?"


"I\'m uneasy. If it\'s important, I\'ll definitely save him. If he cuts out cause and effect like this, he shouldn\'t be able to help himself. Please ask the patriarch for guidance."

Han Jue looked at him meaningfully and said, "You can only investigate if you go to the source time and space, but I don\'t know how to save it. You used to be the best brothers, but then you broke up, until he disappeared. complex."

He told the truth, how to choose is entirely up to Fang Liang\'s own judgment.

Fang Liang\'s brows furrowed even tighter.

The Taoist Temple fell into silence.

Han Jue\'s eyes crossed the dojo and looked at the blank field.

After the chaos was broken, the great world of chaos has been scattered, and it can even be said that most of the great worlds of the endless era today evolved from the world of chaos.

Han Jue found that his sons and daughters were estranged from each other, and they hadn\'t moved around for a long time.

Speaking of which, the most filial one is his youngest son, Han Yunjin.

Han Yunjin\'s aptitude is the worst, but he comes back every once in a while to visit his elders, and the same goes for his elder brothers and sisters, but apart from Han Ling, Han Tuo, Han Huang, and Han Qing\'er don\'t care much about him.

Today\'s Han Yunjin is still struggling as a saint of the Dao. This was achieved with the support of Yinmen, and his aptitude may never have the opportunity to be the supreme of the Dao.

Han Jue suddenly wondered, do you want to give this son some care?

Fang Liang raised his head and said, "I choose to save him, and ask my master to show me where my origin time and space are."

"Right now, I\'m ready!"

Han Jue waved his hand and sent Fang Liang into the original time and space.

It doesn\'t matter whether Fang Liang can succeed or not, that is his choice.

The original time and space erased all cause and effect, and the part of the soul that Ji Xianshen left in Han Jue\'s hand has disappeared, which means Fang Liang will die.

Han Jue has already looked down on life and death. He can\'t protect all his disciples forever. He is already invincible. If he is so partial, Hidden Sect will dominate the endless era.

Any great unification will come to an end.

Han Jue has jumped out of the hidden door, UU reading will not be particularly partial.

Now the essence of Hidden Sect has been disbanded, but it has its own soul. All direct disciples have their own forces, and sooner or later they will fight.

Han Jue got up and disappeared inside the Taoist temple.


Since the beginning of the Endless Era, the Dao of Heaven has taken off completely. Without the suppression of the Dao spirits, the Dao of Heaven can develop unscrupulously. Today, it is still dominated by the Holy Venerable Xuandu, but its control is still in the hands of Han Jue. Many high-level officials of the Dao of Heaven are his. slave.

Han Yunjin has also been promoted to one of the most powerful heavenly saints.

At this moment, he was playing with a mirror in his Taoist temple, and many pictures flashed in the mirror, which were reflected in his pupils.

Han Jue appeared behind him and quietly came to look behind him. The mirror showed the situation of the descendants of the Han family.

It turned out that Han Yunjin\'s favorite thing on weekdays is to screen the bloodline of the Han family and select those with outstanding qualifications for training.

Han Yunjin nodded from time to time, showing a satisfied smile.

Han Jue sighed in his heart, this kid really doesn\'t have the demeanor of a strong man, but that\'s okay, children all want to be the strongest, won\'t they all use Han Jue as their enemy in the future?


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