Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1133: uncle

"My God! Grandpa! You are so **** strong!"

Chu Xiaoqi came back to his senses and exclaimed in surprise, he immediately jumped to Han Jue\'s side and started to flatter him frantically.

Tang Wan looked at the gravel in front of her and swallowed.

The great cultivator of God Transformation just died like this?

How can it be…

Even the rumored Mahayana cultivator couldn\'t kill Huashen without doing anything, right?

This method is beyond Tang Wan\'s imagination.

"Grandpa, what supernatural power was just now, teach me!"

"Grandpa, you are definitely Mahayana, right?"

"You won\'t surpass Mahayana, will you? Can immortals descend to earth?"

Chu Xiaoqi shook Han Jue\'s arm and kept asking.

Han Jue was helpless, and it was this kid who dared to be so rude. Instead, he slapped Han Huang, Han Tuo, and Han Yunjin.

"I can\'t tell you about my cultivation for the time being. You are not qualified to know. Just cultivate well."

Han Jue interrupted Chu Xiaoqi\'s talk and drove Chu Xiaoqi off.

Chu Xiaoqi and Tang Wan began to clean up the courtyard. While cleaning up, the two excitedly discussed what they had just seen. They are now extremely convinced that Han Jue is a fairy, a real fairy.

They are full of longing for the future and cultivate under the hands of gods. Will they be able to become immortals in the future?

Tang Wan said with emotion: "You can\'t really be his grandson, right? How can a **** be so affectionate to mortals?"

Chu Xiaoqi scratched his head and said, "When my grandfather was buried, I witnessed it with my own eyes, there will be no fakes."

"Could that be the grandfather?"

"It\'s really possible, after all, we are all the same beautiful, in the same blood."

"Smelly, how dare you say that!"

Tang Wan rolled her eyes, she felt that Han Jue was the most handsome man she had ever seen, and Chu Xiaoqi was the thickest-skinned man she had ever seen.

Chu Xiaoqi smiled and said: "Anyway, he is my grandfather, I have identified this grandfather!"

With his thighs so tight, who can threaten him in the future?

Chu Xiaoqi was so happy in her heart that she had imagined a bright future.

After the death of Taoist Chenxu, there were no more people from the sect to chase and kill Chu Xiaoqi, and the days of cultivation in the villa became more leisurely.

Han Jue occasionally pointed out Chu Xiaoqi and Tang Wan. Although they were few, each time they could greatly improve their understanding.

The two of them didn\'t know what kind of opportunity they had, but they clearly felt their progress. Even so, it was within their acceptance range. After all, they were gods.

The villa does not know the spring and autumn, and twenty years have passed quickly.

Chu Xiaoqi attained the Nascent Soul Realm, and Tang Wan attained the Golden Core Realm, which was not far from the Nascent Soul Realm.

This kind of cultivation speed is definitely first-class in the world, even faster than the top genius in this world. The two of them didn\'t realize this.

this day.

Tang Wan found Han Jue.

Han Jue has regarded him as his grandson\'s daughter-in-law, and occasionally chats with her, so the relationship between the two is not estranged.

Tang Wan sat beside Han Jue and said distressedly: "Little Seventh Brother doesn\'t look the same, or in other words, he has no love for me at all."

Han Jue said with a smile: "You two are married. The reason why he didn\'t confess to you is because he\'s still waiting."

"Wait for what?"

"Wait for more women."

"Hmph, it\'s really like his style. I used to peek at other female disciples in the sect."

"Then you have to catch him well, and I can\'t force you to be together. Although there is a marriage, it is difficult to determine the marriage, because the time of the marriage is unpredictable."

"Even you can\'t predict it?"

"I can, but I can\'t reveal the secret."


Tang Wan sighed, the two chatted a lot like grandfather and granddaughter.

After being enlightened by Han Jue, Tang Wan swept away her bad mood and went back to practice happily.

Han despaired of her back, and sighed in his heart that being able to live for love is human nature, which is really interesting.

He has lost this ability, so I miss it.

The villa is pleasant, with beautiful mountains and waters, like a fairyland on earth. Han Jue feels that staying in such an environment is more comfortable than being in the dojo. Perhaps this is because the years are quiet, and in the dojo, it is just sitting.

From time to time, there will be new weather and new life in this mountain forest, and there are always changes throughout the year.

Han Jue suddenly felt the world moving.

At this moment, in the outer universe, a figure appeared. He held up this world with one hand and walked out of the universe.

Today\'s endless era is divided into the Dao world, the big world, and the small world.

There are countless great worlds in the Dao world, and each great world is like the universe, and it also contains the heavens and the world.

Han Jue noticed that this figure was a Saint of the Great Dao, and the Saint of the Great Dao came in person. It seemed that it was not a trivial matter, so he began to calculate.

It turned out to be the actions of Wuxiang Tianxia, ​​wanting to contact all the Dao worlds and establish a neutral place. In doing so, in addition to giving the younger generation the opportunity to win over the forces of all parties, it also has the meaning of strengthening oneself.

There is only one mortal world, and the forces of all parties seem to have nothing to lose. He can still form a bond with the world of Wuxiang, and the world of Wuxiang is not in vain. He must dedicate his resources to develop the secret realm of the Tao. time, thereby affecting all sides of the road.

It takes a long time and endless resources to cultivate so many mortal realms.

It\'s just a coincidence that Fang Tiandi was chosen.

Exactly, to be the stage for Chu Xiaoqi.

He calculated that it would take 5,000 years for this mortal world to integrate into the secret realm of Tao, and it would take a while to reach the secret realm of Tao.

Five thousand years is enough for Chu Xiaoqi to accumulate a good strength.

Han Jue felt that Chu Xiaoqi\'s temperament was still lacking a strong character.

a few days later.

A man walked through the clouds and came to this villa.

Chu Xiaoqi and Tang Wan felt the terrifying momentum and walked out of the house one after another, looking up.

I saw a man wearing purple divine armor standing in the void, looking left and right, he suddenly saw Han Jue, and immediately knelt down and saluted.

Chu Xiaoqi and the others were stunned.

The man in the armor seemed to have heard it, and then fell in front of Chu Xiaoqi and said, "From today onwards, I will teach you to practice."

This person is Han Tuo.

Han Tuo looked at Chu Xiaoqi with an expressionless face, but he was a little relieved, but he didn\'t expect the second brother to have a son.

Chu Xiaoqi asked nervously, "Who are you?"

Tang Wan whispered, "Don\'t you think he looks a lot like grandpa?"

Han Tuo said: "That\'s right, the grandfather in your mouth is my father, his own."

Chu Xiaoqi\'s eyes lit up, and she immediately leaned forward, rubbing her hands to please, "Then you are my uncle!"

He just made a close relationship, but UU reading didn\'t expect to hit it right.

Han Tuo said: "I will teach you for a hundred years, not just cultivation, but also fighting."


"It\'s going to be tough."

"I\'m not afraid of suffering!"

Han Tuo nodded in satisfaction.

Chu Xiaoqi followed and said, "Add her."

He pointed to Tang Wan.

Han Tuo shook his head and said, "My practice is not suitable for women."

------off topic-----

Sorry for the late update, it\'s yesterday\'s qaq
