Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1128: The path of mortal cultivation

Facing Chu Xiaoqi, who smiled like a pig, Han Jue asked, "Then are you willing to marry Xiaohua?"

It\'s normal for teenagers and girls to always be in love with spring.

Chu Xiaoqi scratched his head and said, "If you marry a wife, how can you cultivate immortals? Will I take her to practice together in the future? If she is not qualified, maybe she will pull me back and distract me, don\'t, don\'t, I\'d better not marry a wife, there are many beauties in this world."

Han Jue laughed and said, "You just like people\'s beauty?"

"Nonsense, I haven\'t gotten along with them how, do I still have a true love, there is no love at first sight in this world."

"as long as you are happy."

"Grandpa, how did you get married back then?"

Chu Xiaoqi sat beside Han Jue and asked curiously.

Han Jue said with a smile, "I was a servant of the medicine garden in the outer sect of a cultivator, and I happened to meet a female cultivator..."

He told the story of himself and Xing Hongxuan. Xing Hongxuan served as an undercover agent, but met Han Jue by chance, fell in love with Han Jue at first sight, and then stalked him. During Han Jue\'s practice, she sent treasures many times. Such a story made Chu Xiaoqi Fascinated.

It is always heard that men chase women, but it is rare for women to chase men.

He couldn\'t help but look at Han Jue. This kind of appearance was indeed attractive to girls. Even his two sisters secretly asked him about Han Jue.

Chu Xiaoqi suddenly clapped his hands and was shocked, and said, "I\'ve decided that I can\'t easily marry a wife in the future. I want the beauties to chase me. I\'ll marry whoever is most sincere!"

Han Jue thought it was funny and didn\'t attack Chu Xiaoqi.

In the future, who can tell?

Han Jue can see the future, but he won\'t look at it lightly. It\'s boring. He just needs to be vigilant and vigilant about the future. As long as there is a possibility of threatening him in the future, he will check the future. As the master of creation, He has such foreknowledge.

Of course, every once in a while, you still have to take the time to check your fate.

"Grandpa, aren\'t you curious that I have an older brother?" Chu Xiaoqi changed the subject and asked.

At present, in addition to Chu Xiaoqi, there are two older sisters and three older brothers.

Han Jue asked, "Just say it if you want to."

Chu Xiaoqi laughed and said, "I want to cultivate immortals, but it\'s because of my elder brother. I haven\'t seen him since I was a child. He also went out to find immortals when he was very young and never came back. A few years ago, he wrote back, saying After joining the Dark Sect, we all thought he was deceived."

dark religion...

Hearing this name, Han Jue was not surprised.

After the great calamity ended, the dark sect collapsed and began to disperse. The creators of the Dao did not kill all the dark sects, but because Han Jue told Wuxiang Wuxiang to detach from the great gods, there would be black and white, and they killed the dark sect. , there will be other sects emerging, it is better to keep the remnants, to pave the way for future great calamities.

Rather than electing disciples from various families, it is better to let the descendants of evil continue to act as evil.

Of course, Han Jue\'s essence is still for the sake of Shi Dudao, Jing Tiangong and others, and it also makes sense to detach from the great gods.

Many of the great powers of the dark religion were killed, and only a few people who were related to Han Jue survived.

From this point of view, Han Jue is very selfish.

But what about selfishness?

He is the strongest, he decides everything, who has the right to accuse him?

Right and wrong and morality are just rules made to safeguard the interests of the same level.

Chu Xiaoqi talked to Han Jue about the elder brother for a while, and didn\'t leave until late at night.

In the days to come, Chu Xiaoqi was still beautiful, and he didn\'t even have time to practice. He either helped hunters kill spirits and beasts, or helped teach children in villages and towns to practice.

Han Jue didn\'t stop him. He occasionally went out for a walk. At first, the people were surprised by his appearance, but they got used to it.

In a blink of an eye, half a year has passed.

Chu Xiaoqi found Han Jue again and said, "Grandpa, I want to practice, let\'s leave."

Han Jue didn\'t open his eyes and asked, "A temporary farewell or a never-ending farewell."

Chu Xiaoqi was stunned.

He fell into silence and understood what Han Jue meant.

After becoming an immortal cultivator, he was different from ordinary people. His family members did not have the qualifications to cultivate immortals. If he stayed like this, he would not only delay himself, but he might cause trouble for his family in the future.

There is also life and death, which is even more exciting.

a long time.

Chu Xiaoqi clenched his fists and said, "Farewell."

Just before dawn, Chu Xiaoqi left a letter and left. Before leaving the town, he went to see Xiaohua, and finally cut off the thoughts of mortals and left with Han Jue.

"Grandpa, will you go back to practice next?"

"It\'s not necessary to go back, you can go around."

"Okay! I also want to see if this world is wonderful. Does the Xiuxian sect you said really exist?"

"Do you want to add a sect? It\'s just a matter of experience."

"I added Zongmen, what do you do?"

"I\'ll find a place nearby to hide and practice."

"Wuwuwu, grandpa, you are so kind! I\'m moved to tears! When I join the sect, I will kidnap a beautiful teacher for you. She is definitely the most beautiful fairy in the whole sect!"

"Ha ha."

The grandfather and grandson, one flying the cloud and the other holding the sword, walked side by side, talking and laughing to the horizon.

Three months later, they came to an immortal sect, Han Jue asked Chu Xiaoqi to worship himself, and he opened a cave in the nearby forest.

"I only teach you to practice. If you encounter danger on weekdays, I will not take action. Everything depends on yourself."

Before leaving, Han Jue warned Chu Xiaoqi.

Sitting in the cave, Han Jue couldn\'t help but look at Chu Xiaoqi.

Chu Xiaoqi is already a foundation-building cultivation base, and it is not difficult to enter the sect.

Qi refining, foundation building, golden elixir, Yuan Ying, transformation of spirits, fusion of voids, integration, transcendence of calamities, Mahayana...

Han couldn\'t help but recall his years of cultivation.

Chu Xiaoqi first became an outer disciple, and with his cheerful personality, he quickly made a group of friends.

The practice Han Jue taught him was no better than the mortal practice, so in less than three years, Chu Xiaoqi passed the inner door examination and was favored by an elder.

The elder was also very curious about Chu Xiaoqi\'s exercises, but he had personal opportunities, so he did not force him to hand it over.

After entering the inner door, Chu Xiaoqi began to run into trouble. One of his brothers was taken away by a genius who was a Taoist companion, and was later murdered while practicing outside. Chu Xiaoqi was furious and became enmity with that Tianjiao.

This Tianjiao is the direct disciple of the head, but Han Jue can see that UU reading www.uukanshu. com is actually an illegitimate child.

The Sect Master didn\'t care about the matter on the surface, but if it really got to the point where it was impossible to get to grips with, Chu Xiaoqi would surely die.

Han Jue is looking forward to Chu Xiaoqi\'s next performance.

How will he overcome this difficulty?


"Grandpa! Someone wants to kill me, save me!"

Chu Xiaoqi came to visit Han Jue and cried directly on Han Jue\'s lap. He was obviously grown up, but he wanted to act on purpose.

Han Jue could clearly see that this kid wasn\'t really crying at all, he was just pretending, and no one was chasing him behind.
