Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1098: Breakthrough Omen

The Primordial Ancestor God took less than five steps down, and the power of the seven supreme rules was all applied to him, making his aura reach the climax, alarming the entire battlefield, and the great avenues of both sides looked up one after another.

Some avenue gods were moved with expressions of disbelief.

"Surely still alive..."

The Virgin of Order looked up at the primordial ancestral **** as dazzling as the sun, and thought in her heart.

The original ancestral **** looked at tens of thousands of divine power generals, and then his eyes fell on the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

"Stealing my divine position, stealing my divine weapon, it\'s really **** good!"

The original ancestral **** snorted coldly, followed by waving his hand, and the terrifying mana exploded, and the supreme power was like the overturning of the Tianhe, drowning the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

The Supreme Punishment God condensed his battle armor, raised his hand, a black beam of light shot out, and two extremely powerful mana collided, making this space pale, and the terrifying storm overturned the great avenues.

The two heads of gods, old and new, are fighting, not only for the war, but also for the **** feud.

"Wait, continue to annihilate Hongmeng, this demon will be solved by me!"

The Supreme Punishment God shouted angrily, at this moment, he showed his true edge.

Since he took office, he has rarely shot himself, and he has almost forgotten that he is also a belligerent.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The voice fell, and the Dao Supremes on the Chaos side continued to kill Hongmeng.

After the original ancestral **** fought against the supreme punishment god, he was shocked.

He found that the Supreme Punishment God Venerable can also mobilize the power of the Supreme Rule. How is this possible?

He did not pass the divine position to the Supreme Punishment God Venerable.

He couldn\'t help looking at the gods of nine descendants. Could it be the gods of nine descendants?

As everyone knows, the mood of the gods of the nine descendants is also very complicated.

After the original ancestral **** fell, he also fell to the mortal world, and there is only one existence that can bestow the divine position on the gods of the nine descendants.

For that existence, the gods of the nine descendants dare not speculate.

The Supreme Punishment God and the original ancestral **** are fighting, and it is difficult to distinguish between them. Both sides have mastered the power of the supreme rules, and their magical powers are almost synchronized.

The new avenue gods were secretly surprised, they did not expect the Supreme Punishment God Venerable to be so powerful.

Before, they were just used to the status of Supreme Punishment God Venerable, and they didn\'t know how strong Supreme Punishment God Venerable was.

The power of the Supreme Punishment God and the Primordial Ancestral God is obviously higher than that of the Great Dao, whether it is the Hongmeng side or the Chaos side, they are greatly amazed.

For the time being, it is difficult for the two sides to decide the outcome in a short time.

at the same time.

Hongmeng field.

Beside the Hongmeng Pond, Han Huang stood side by side with Mingji Shenjun, looking down at Hongmeng\'s despair below.

Mingji Shenjun asked with lingering fear: "Husband, how long do you want to keep it? It\'s strong enough."

Hongmeng was in a deep sleep in despair, even so, the aura that emanated made her terrified.

She had never felt such a terrifying aura, and she even felt that Hongmeng\'s despair had reached the height of Han Huang.

Han Huang was expressionless and said: "At present, it can\'t bring true despair to Hongmeng, and we need to wait."

"Wait until when?"

"Wait until the avenue gods fall."

"Will the avenue gods fall?"

This time 17*Chapter Si. Mingji Divine Monarch was shocked. In her opinion, let alone the Dao, even ordinary Dao saints are immortal, and it is difficult to kill them completely, let alone Dao gods who are recognized by the supreme rules.

Han Huang\'s face was illuminated by the purple light of Hongmeng Pond, and he whispered: "Of course, and he will die a lot."

Mingji Shenjun was confused in her heart, but did not ask more, she chose to trust her husband.

"Husband, how confident are you about this great calamity?"

"I just do what I want to do, do my best, and don\'t think about success or failure, because all I can do is win."

"Whether I win or lose, I would like to follow my husband in life and death."

"You are likely to die, and I won\'t put my mind on you for the great cause."

"Even if I die, I\'m still willing."

Mingji Shenjun looked at Han Huang tenderly, his eyes could be described as affectionate, and Han Huang frowned.

Han Jue opened his eyes, representing the past ten million years.

He is getting closer and closer to the master of creation, and he can already feel the barrier.

As long as he breaks the mysterious barrier, he will be able to usher in transformation and reach the highest realm that no one has ever achieved.

In these ten million years, the expansion of the final world has also reached an unprecedented speed, almost doubling the expansion.

The Wugou Dao Realm has come to the end of the Yuanyuan Realm and has been swallowed by the Ninyuan Realm, while the Yin-Yang Wugou Silent God has not appeared and endured silently.

After the Yin-Yang Wushou Wushou Deity transforms into a life-long soul, the Wushou Dao Realm is self-transforming into the Wushou Dao Realm, and the Qi of Wushou Dao is washing the internal environment of the Wushou Dao Realm.

Han Jue opened his mouth and said, "Good and evil, go to the Tao of Nine Gods and watch."

The cursed good and evil opened their eyes and quickly got up and left.

As for why he was kicked out, he didn\'t dare to ask.

He walked quickly, as if he was rushing to curse people, for fear of delaying his efforts.

Han Jue looked at Chaos, the Great Dao Tribulation has fully erupted, and the entire Chaos, 90% of the place is caught in the flames of war, Hongmeng and Chaos are constantly fighting, but in general, Hongmeng is unstoppable, because Hongmeng\'s domain is expanding.

Han Huang hadn\'t finished yet, but he relied on his subordinates and the hidden disciples to suppress Chaos.

Those Chaos forces watching the battle couldn\'t sit still, UU reading www.uukanshu. com appeared one after another, and many new forces rose to participate in the war. Many geniuses born in thousands of years were full of hatred for Hongmeng, making the cohesion of Chaos stronger and stronger. In this respect, Hongmeng is not as good.

Looking at this battle trend, if Han Huang does not make a move, Hongmeng will usher in its first defeat.

However, Han Jue has already seen Han Huang\'s methods, and the product condensed by the supreme rules of the Dao world of all parties does have the hope of subverting the chaos and bringing despair to the chaos.

Han Jue is very curious now, what will happen to the ninth chaos?

He can see that thing, so can the Ninth Chaos, and the Ninth Chaos will definitely prepare to fight.

Once the Ninth Chaos joins the battle, Han Jue will also take action, so the Ninth Chaos must prepare other means to try not to take action.

It is worth mentioning that Li Yao, Xuan Qingjun, and Wudao Sword were also robbed and went to support Hongmeng. Among them, Li Yao was the most famous, and even Laozi couldn\'t help her.

Today\'s Li Yao is already considered to be at the top of the chaotic cultivation base. In addition, Han Jue often preaches, and his supernatural powers are unfathomable. The supremacy of ordinary avenues can easily be defeated by her.

On the other hand, there was one force that attracted Han Jue\'s attention.

Daotian people!

The new race created jointly by Pangu and Daozu, this race also participated in the war, but they not only dealt with Hongmeng, but also killed chaotic creatures.

It seems that they want to push the Daotian human race to the top while the road is calamity.

Han never looked down on it, as long as Pangu and Daozu did not become the creators of Dao, the Daotian human race would be a joke.

Make a big tyrant. A race, even if it has the aptitude to be evil, must have a strong force to support their growth.

The Ninth Chaos cannot let them replace Chaos, and Han Jue will not let his son die in the hands of the Daotian Human Race.

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