Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1091: 9th Supreme

Latest website: Hearing his father\'s answer, Han Huang took a deep breath. He felt the pressure, but it was more motivation.

come kill me!

I want to see who can kill me!

Han Huang looked at his father and saw his smile, the pressure in his heart disappeared.

Father is not worried about him, what is he worried about?

If he can cause a great deal of calamity, and he can laugh at the endless era, then he is truly invincible and worthy of the name of the Hongmeng Demon God!

Han Huang got up and said goodbye.

Waiting millions of years for these few words.

Han Jue looked at his leaving back and sighed secretly.

Brat, I don\'t even know how to say hello, why don\'t you talk more with your father?

Ask how strong your father is now!

Don\'t give your father a chance to pretend?

Then you will have to suffer a little bit more on the Great Dao!

Han Jue hummed and thought that if Han Huang was suppressed by then, he would shoot later.

After Han Huang left, Good and Evil couldn\'t help but ask: "Ancestor, can I take action at that time?"

The ancestors of Han Huang set off a great calamity, and he must have formed countless hatreds. He felt that he could contribute.

Having been by Han Jue\'s side for so long, the pattern of good and evil is also very high, not from the perspective of life, but from the perspective of all living beings.

The great calamity seems to be a catastrophe, and it is a devastating disaster for all living beings at the moment, but it has never been seen, this is an unprecedented great good fortune!

With the advent of the endless era, countless chaos will be born, and the number of living beings will be doubled, sacrificing the ego and fulfilling the larger ego, why not do it?

Even mortals know how to sacrifice the few to benefit the majority, and everything is dominated by the majority.

Han Jue closed his eyes and said, "Let\'s look at it later, it\'s not impossible."

Good and evil are instantly rejoicing.

He has been cultivating and has never shot, which is really uncomfortable.

In the mock trial, you can\'t curse the enemy behind your back, the enemy just rushes over, and the curse avenue is very incompetent.

Han Jue began to observe Chaos and the Final World.

Fortune Emperor Court, in Tongtian Hall.

Han Huang told Han Ling about his intentions, and Han Ling fell into silence after hearing it.

a long time.

Han Ling sighed: "Do you have to do this?"

Han Huang smiled and said: "It must be done. Rather than giving the cheap to others, it is better to give it to you. I will tell you in advance, so that you can reduce the burden."

Han Ling frowned and said, "If I stand in the same camp with all sentient beings, what will you do?"


Han Huang laughed loudly and said, "Fourth sister, do you think I will die? Impossible!"

After all, Han Huang turned around and left.

He paused and said, "Don\'t tell Han Ye about this, I need this kid to go all out to face me!"

Han Ling looked at the back of Han Huang leaving, his eyes flickering.

On the same day, Han Ling issued an order that Han Huang betrayed the Imperial Court of Fortune, and he would meet as an enemy in the future.

There was an uproar in the Imperial Court of Fortune, but there was no military chaos. After all, the emperor was also an invincible powerhouse comparable to Han Huang. He once repulsed the entire Jiuji Taoist line by himself. Although Han Huang\'s departure was a big loss, he still couldn\'t shake it. The foundation of the Imperial Court.

In addition to the emperor, Han Ye, Han Yao, and Han Bashen also rose, greatly achieving the hegemony of the original emperor and Han Huang.

Under the three, there are countless strong people and Tianjiao who are rushing to high positions.

Although the current Imperial Court of Good Fortune has not expanded, its foundation has grown and condensed crazily, and all forces in the detachment domain are terrified of it.

An unprecedented behemoth is on the rise!

After betraying the Imperial Court of Fortune, Han Huang disappeared without a trace.

Tens of thousands of years later, Han Huang married Mingji Shenjun, and the father of Mingji Shenjun declared that Han Huang was the main force on behalf of his forces. For a time, the whole chaos was in an uproar, and Han Huang, who had disappeared for a long time, changed his body and became the master of the overlord-level forces.

This force was renamed Hongmeng. Hongmeng covered dozens of chaotic domains. There were more than 500 Great Dao Saints, and there were more than ten Dao Supreme. Looking at the entire Chaos, the forces that could be compared with them were only five fingers.

After Han Huang established Hongmeng, the chaotic situation began to change.

Hongmeng has come out, and the great calamity is not far away.

All the great powers know that Han Huang will set off a great calamity, but it is not clear when Han Huang will set off, and they dare not take the initiative to provoke Han Huang.

Ten million years passed ten million years later.

In a blink of an eye.

Han Jue has been in seclusion for 50 million years and his lifespan has reached 370 million years. He is attacking the master of creation.

After reaching the Consummation of the Creator Daoist, Han Jue looked forward to the Creator Master.

However, although his cultivation was still growing, he could never find a breakthrough opportunity.

He always felt like something was missing.

Han Jue opened his eyes and began to think deeply.

What\'s wrong.

The ninth chaos wants to rely on the endless era to prove the mastery of creation, and the condition it needs is that the chaos is broken and it hits the blank field.

Could he do the same?

If so, wouldn\'t the blank realm only accommodate one creator?


It is not necessary to open the Endless Era, that is just the speculation of the Ninth Chaos.

Han Jue\'s ultimate realm is far from the limit.

It seems that the hope of breakthrough still has to fall on the final world.

Han Jue immediately left a clone, and the deity jumped into the final world.

Although there is no dojo in the End Yuan Realm, he is not afraid of attack. Now only the Ninth Chaos is threatening him, and the Ninth Chaos can\'t kill him.

Han Jue, at the top of the Yuanyuan Realm, above the eight supreme rules, opened a palace that no living beings can see. His deity is located in the palace, overlooking the chaos.

The ninth supreme rule is being conceived and will be born at any time.

Han Jue is very much looking forward to this. The eighth supreme rule has given the ultimate world the ability to devour other Dao worlds. What will the ninth supreme rule be?

Han Jue waited patiently while cultivating.

Millions of years later, the Ninth Supreme Rule split.

Han Jue carefully felt that this rule was akin to breaking the rules.

Isn\'t this in line with the Endless Era?

The final world constantly destroys the blank realm, making itself infinitely expanded, not an endless era!

Han Jue was so excited that he immediately mobilized the power of the final world.

Sure enough, the power of the final world can shatter the blank realm, and UU reading makes its own space grow.

The space can grow infinitely, and the chaos cannot grow any longer. It is only because of the limitation of the blank field that the Dao world cannot expand.

If the Ning Yuan Realm becomes infinitely larger because of this, then Han Jue does not need the great amount of calamities.

"The Dao Realm is the foundation at present. I don\'t need to think about other things. I only need to continuously strengthen the final realm to become the Master of Creation. But if I want to surpass the Master of Creation, what should I do?"

Han Jue fell into a trance.

After thinking about it for a while, he couldn\'t figure it out, he could only give up, and then he had to get the master of creation first.

He could feel that the aura of the great calamity was approaching the chaos. It turned out that the great calamity did not start when he wanted to, and there would be supreme cause and effect, which would drive all living beings to fight.

Although Chaos had experienced several great disasters before, there was no supreme cause and effect of the great calamity, so the endless era has never been able to come.
