Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1069: The might of 00,000 imperial soldiers

"Fellow Daoist Han, how about you?" Chaos asked Han Jue ignorantly.

The Great God of Invisibility and Formlessness followed and looked at Han Jue.

Before Han Jue spoke, Shi Tian Wuliang Da Shui Zun opened his mouth and said, "He was also cursed. Before I was cursed, he looked for me. I told him to take it easy, but I didn\'t expect that we would also be cursed Curse, the Dark Lord is too crazy, want to challenge all the creators of Tao?"

Han Jue did not look at the great **** of detachment, but the creator of the Tao could observe everyone\'s reactions even without looking.

This guy is so stable.

As if really cursed.

However, instead of being cursed at the moment, there is suspicion.

Strong sacrifice read sacrifice. The great **** of Wuxiang Wuxiang detachment asked: "What about the Yin and Yang Wushou Wushen God, do you want to ask him?"

Chaos ignorant said: "Even if it is him, will he admit it, looking for him, there is only one result, he is not the Dark Lord, he is cursed."

"What if he answered that he was not cursed?"

"Then you can guarantee that he is not the Dark Lord. He deliberately confessed that he was not cursed, which made us even more suspicious."

"It\'s really not possible. The most troublesome thing about the Dark Lord is not the curse, but the absence of any trace of him."

The four creators fell silent.

Han Jue said coldly: "This fellow has cursed me and the saint of Heaven since I was in Heaven. Will he be related to Heaven?"

If he doubts the creator of the Tao, he will appear anxious, and lead the spearhead to the Tao of Heaven that he shelters, but it will appear real.

"There is no such existence in the Dao of Heaven. Neither Pangu nor Daozu are the creators of Dao, they are just lingering." Chaos Ignorant replied.

He looked at Han Jue and asked, "Have you communicated with the Dark Lord?"

Han Jue shook his head and asked in surprise, "Do you have any?"

Chaos ignorant said: "Yes, I have, the Dark Lord said that he wants to overthrow the order established by the creator of Tao!"

Han Jue frowned, scolding in his heart, all of them are too yin, and they even added drama.

The Great God of Wuxiang, Wuxiang and Wusheng said: "I have also communicated with him, and he said that what he wants is to surpass the creator of the Dao, and to gain the power of our Dao world, if he does not surrender to him, he will be cursed like this in the future. "

Shi Tian Wuliang Da Mie Zun hummed: "He didn\'t communicate with me. Obviously, he wanted to divide us. Since he didn\'t dare to come forward, it means that he is very afraid of us. At least he is not sure to fight against us."

Han Jue nodded.

The three creators of Tao continued to discuss, and Han Jue, as a junior, listened most of the time.

After a few hours, they each left.

After discussing for a long time, there was no clear discussion, and finally ended with mutual trust and more information exchange.

Back in the third dojo, Han Jue was filled with emotion.

The creator of Dao is not only not good at cultivation, but also better than him in acting.

If it weren\'t for the fact that he was really the Dark Lord, he would have believed it.

These guys are secretly scheming. Although they are cursed by the Dark Lord, they still want to use the Dark Lord to act.

No matter what, as long as they mess up, it\'s fine if they don\'t take Han Jue into consideration.

Han Jue won\'t really look for the Dark Lord, he wants to practice with peace of mind.

Good and evil looked at Han Jue, hesitating to say anything.

Han Jue directly entrusted him with the dream and communicated in the dream.

The things that good and evil have to say are indeed related to the curse. He is still very smart and knows how to care about Jiu Shenxing.

Sooner or later, Jiu Shenxing will go out, as long as he goes out, it may expose his curse.

"Ancestor, I felt a very powerful curse before, it is likely to be the Dark Lord!" Good and evil said solemnly.

Han Jue was surprised, he didn\'t expect this fellow to really walk on the path of the curse.

Han Jue said, "What did you see?"

Good and Evil shook his head and said, "I didn\'t see it clearly, I could only see a book."

This is a sight only the cursed can see.

Han Jue said: "I was cursed by the Dark Lord before, not only me, but also other transcendent beings, so I left, the Dark Lord is acting, you usually be careful not to bump into him."

Good and Evil nodded and said: "I know, I am indeed far from his opponent. The power of the curse is really terrible. I have never seen such a powerful power, even if..."

"Ancestor, who are the transcendental beings you are talking about?"

He wanted to say that even you might not be that strong, but he felt that the words were inappropriate, so he changed the subject.

Han Jue said: "There are people like me, their names can\'t be said. If you know it, you will bear the big cause and effect. You can\'t bear it."

Not knowing good and evil, he subconsciously shook his head, not daring to ask again.

After the dream is over, good and evil continue to practice.

Nine Gods are still cultivating and have not noticed their situation.

Han Jue was also preparing to continue his cultivation, but he suddenly felt a strong momentum.

Jiu Shenxing opened their eyes one after another, looking in the same direction.

The intersection of chaos and detachment!

Zhao Shuangquan battles Han Ye!

Today\'s Zhao Shuangquan has a huge momentum with the support of mysterious forces. In just ten million years, he has been sitting in dozens of fields. In terms of his power, he is already the number one in Chaos.

Han Jue saw that the gods of nine origins were also working for Zhao Shuangquan.

This time 17bxWx.*coM Zhang Si. Gee.

This is the support of the Chaos Lord!

There is the ninth chaos secretly supporting Zhao Shuangquan does not unify the chaos, but can\'t justify it.

Han Ye is younger than Zhao Shuangquan, but with his mad killing, his strength has been leaping forward, and Zhao Shuangquan was not defeated.

Nine Gods are already saints of the Dao, and they can easily spy on this battle. They watch it with relish, and even discuss it.

Good and evil introduced to them that Han Ye was their ancestor, which surprised them and hoped that Han Ye would win.

Han Ye held the broken world **** bow, which was extremely powerful, and the arrows shot randomly, tearing the chaotic void into countless cracks.

Zhao Shuangquan held two divine weapons transformed by supreme rules, and they were equally powerful. That mighty aura reminded all living beings of Han Huang a long time ago.

Han Huang was like this when he defeated all the chaotic beings!

Han Jue lost interest after watching it for a while.

Even if Han Ye lost, there was still Han Huang.

Decades later, Han Ye was defeated. When Jiu Shen Xing regretted, another strong man appeared in the Imperial Court of Fortune, which made them exclaim and made Han Jue open his eyes.

Not Han Huang.

The emperor who created the imperial court has taken action!

Han Ling drowned Zhao Shuangquan with tens of thousands of imperial soldiers, shocking all the avenues!

Make a big tyrant. Even though there is no change in terms of the tens of thousands of emperors who are supreme and perfect, they have crushed Zhao Shuangquan in absolute numbers.

Zhao Shuangquan\'s supreme power of rules was quickly shattered, and the gods of the nine descendants saw that the situation was not right, and immediately joined the battle to rescue Zhao Shuangquan, but they were not Han Ling\'s opponents together.

The great masters of the Jiuji Dao Lineage were horrified, but they did not stand still and participated in the battle one after another.

Han Ling\'s aura was like a rainbow, and he manipulated tens of thousands of imperial soldiers to sweep the Jiuji Taoism, but there was no one on the side of the Imperial Court of Fortune to assist.

The Jiuji Dao Lineage, who is very famous for fighting chaos alone!

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