Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1066: Chaos into evil

"It\'s okay."

Han Jue looked at Nine Gods Star and thought so.

He began to check his emails and found that the most active person for thousands of years was not Han Huang, not Huang Zuntian, but Zhao Shuangquan.

Many friends are besieging him, and the number of times he has been attacked is massacred.

Tsk tsk, is this taking the old road of Han Huang?

It seems that rivalling all living beings has become the supreme goal of Tianjiao.

Han Jue noticed that Zhao Shuangquan founded the Jiuji Dao Lineage. Could it be that this is the meaning of Jiu Zun Chaos?


In the future, wouldn\'t the Nine Gods Star Wars Nine Extremes Dao Lineage be even more explosive?


that\'s all!

Han Jue Jiu Shen Xing\'s goal was directly elevated to the target of the Nine Great Chaos.

That\'s what makes sense!

Han Jue smiled and said no more.

He began to check Huang Zuntian\'s news. Although he was attacked, sealed, and backlashed from time to time, Huang Zuntian was still alive.

"Why didn\'t Shi Yuan Hongmeng come? Could it be because of Han Huang\'s previous performance?"

Han Jue thought silently, this is not a good thing. The longer Shiyuan Hongmeng drags on, the more suffering Huang Zuntian will suffer.

He quietly teleported to the main dojo, took out the book of bad luck, and began to curse Shiyuan Hongmeng.

However, his curse failed directly and could not be cursed.

Although the Book of Doom is the ultimate treasure, it has never been to the ancient Hongmeng world, and its cause and effect cannot involve the ancient Hongmeng world.

It\'s a really good place for constant hard work.

Han Jue sighed inwardly.

However, since the Book of Doom was taken out, there was no reason to put it back directly.

Let the Ninth Chaos bear the sins of Shiyuan Hongmeng!

Han Jue began to curse the Ninth Chaos.

After five days, his lifespan began to decline.

The luck of Chaos has been rising very fast recently, this time, Han Jue has to spend a little more life, lest the ninth Chaos break through inadvertently.

100 million years of life!

Ten billion years of life!

One trillion years of life!

One hundred trillion years!

One thousand trillion years!

A billion years!

A billion billion years!

Han Jue saw the wounded email from Ninth Chaos, but there was no new injury, so he decided to continue the curse.

After consuming 13 billion years of lifespan, Han Jue stopped, and this email appeared in front of him:

[Your friend Ninth Chaos is broken due to your curse, causing inner demons]

Strong if the creator of Tao will also produce demons?

Han never dared to continue, for fear that the ninth chaos madman would kill innocent people indiscriminately.

He put away the book of bad luck and looked at Chaos.

Sure enough, the order of chaos collapsed, and the edge area absorbed countless grievances and gave birth to demons, which were transformed by the demons of the ninth chaos, and were extremely ferocious and terrifying.

However, there are many chaotic powerhouses, and these demons cannot threaten the foundation of chaos.

Han Jue returned to the third dojo and went to visit Mo Zhu.

the other side.

In a mysterious dark space, two figures exuding divine light gathered together. One of them had a huge head with eight eyes and was terrifying. The other looked humanoid, but could not see its true face.

Chaos, ignorance, formless and formless detachment from the great god!

"Have you noticed it?" Chaos asked unconsciously.

The great **** of invisible and invisible detachment replied: "Well, the rules of chaos are chaotic again. It seems that his practice is in trouble, and it is not that simple to surpass the creator of the Tao."

Chaos is ignorant and said: "There are more and more demons in Chaos, and it is impossible to count their roots. I am afraid that it is related to him, which is not good."

Formless, invisible, detached, the great **** is silent.

"Although he is domineering, his current attitude towards us has been considered soft. If it is us, he is not as generous as him. If he is evil, it will not be easy."

Chaos ignorant continued to speak, with a somewhat complicated tone.

The great **** without form and formless transcendence asked: "But if he enters evil, what is the reason?"

Chaos ignorant said: "Perhaps Shitian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable knows."

The voice fell, and a figure appeared, it was Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable, his figure was much larger than that of Wuxiang Wuxiang and Wuxiang, just like the ratio of Mount Tai to a small hill.

Shi Tian Boundless Great Destruction Venerable said: "I know what is the reason?"


"Dark Lord!"

"What? Dark Lord?"

Chaos ignorance was a little surprised. He was the first Taoist creator to pay attention to the Dark Lord.

A long time ago, he felt that the Dark Lord was dangerous, but there are too many creatures in the chaos posing as the Dark Lord, and there are too many creatures who may be the Dark Lord. After all, the chaos does not belong to him, and he does not dare to kill by mistake.

"Yes, he asked me and Shenwei Tiansheng to investigate the Dark Lord." Shi Tian Wuliang Da Zun replied.

Invisible and invisible detachment from the great **** said: "Speaking of which, the Dark Lord and the Divine Mighty Heavenly Sage have risen at the same time, but the previous events have proved that the Dark Lord is someone else, and it is impossible to doubt him."

Chaos ignorant said: "Shenwei Tiansheng has also been cursed. The two sides are estimated to be enemies. The rise of Shenwei Tiansheng is inconceivable. Maybe he used some kind of good fortune, and this kind of good fortune may produce the opposite side accordingly."

The two creators of Tao were silent, thinking about each other.

"What about Wugou, when will he arrive?" Chaos Wuzhi asked.

Shi Tian Wuliang Daxiezun replied, "I can\'t get in touch, so I should still be in retreat."

Chaos Ignorance suddenly asked: "Will the Dark Lord be him, and will the Divine Mighty Heavenly Sage be related to him?"

The two creators were silent again.

The creators of the Tao cannot be considered the creators of the Tao, so they are very jealous of each other.

Formless and invisible, the great **** said: "Okay, let him guess, we are just the creators of the Tao who are about to be suppressed, instead of thinking about these, it is better to think about how to deal with it, in case of what we have guessed happens. things, what should I do?"

Shi Tian Wuliang Dao Zun said: "You have to unite with the creators of the Tao, but doing so is easy to detect."

Chaos is ignorant and said: "It\'s right here, to draw the other two creators in, it\'s an open heart, only a gamble."

The two Taoist creators hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

The third dojo, inside the Taoist temple.

Han Jue was cultivating when a line of words suddenly popped out in front of him.

[Chaos ignorance asks you for a dream, do you accept it]

Han Jue directly ignored it, how could he be destroyed before his retreat period had come.

Thousands of years later.

[Shutian Infinite Great Destruction Venerable asks you for a dream, do you accept it]


Really annoying!

Han Jue was unhappy.

Hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and there are people who dream of it.

[The great **** of invisible and invisible detachment asks you for a dream, do you accept it]

So much, could something happen to Chaos?

Han Jue opened his eyes and looked at Chaos, everything was fine and his friends were still alive.

Estimate is calculation. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

He closed his eyes again.

It wasn\'t until after his tens of millions of years that he opened his eyes again.

Han Jue, who was already 170 million years old, thought about it, and asked Shi Tian to give it to the Great Destroyer.

Dreams are empty realms.

Han Jue saw Shi Tian Boundless Great Destroyer and asked, "What\'s the matter, why do you want to dream?"

Shi Tian was silent for a moment before saying, "Why don\'t you accept it?"

"I am cultivating, not only you, but also the other two, what are you doing?"

Han Jue asked in confusion, and his performance dispelled Shi Tian\'s suspicion of the Great Extermination.


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