Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1062: Han Jue's preparation

When Han Jue and his fellow Taoists were discussing the Chaos War, Han Huang and Han Ye ushered in a strong enemy again.

This time, it was the forces of fate, headed by Li Daokong, ten Dao Supreme and hundreds of Dao saints to kill together. The battlefield becomes dazzling.

When Han Jue saw this scene, his heart was filled with emotion.

In the past 100 million years, the chaos has developed too fast. I don\'t know if the ninth chaos is about to break through, or because of his influence.

Whether it is the Supreme Dao or the Saint of the Dao, the number far exceeds that of the previous era.

Thinking about it carefully, there is the credit of the Supreme Punishment God Venerable. The Supreme Punishment God Venerable protects Tianjiao with great strength. He declares that Tianjiao cannot be completely killed. It is normal to fight. The method is to fear that the dead enemy will be entangled, and this rule of punishing God Venerable allows Tianjiao to be resurrected even if he dies.

The survival rate of Tianjiao is high, and given time, there will naturally be more Daoist saints and Daoist supreme.

Before it was changed, the Great Dao Saints and the Great Dao Supreme were not the ultimate resources, they were all people with clever means and great opportunities, just like the gates of the Great Dao that the Great Dao Saints needed to pass through. interfered.

At that time, no matter how strong the talent is, if it is embarrassed by the power, it is impossible to break through.

"Li Daokong is really powerful now. I used to think he was very strong, but now he has finally grown up, but unfortunately, he no longer belongs to the hidden door." Xing Hongxuan said with emotion.

Chang Yue\'er smiled and said, "That\'s not necessarily true. I heard that Li Daokong killed countless creatures, but he didn\'t move the hidden disciples. The whole life force is like this. It must be his credit."

The girls looked at Han Jue.

Han Jue smiled and said, "Maybe he still has a hidden door in his heart, but only he knows it."

Seeing his tone and smile, the girls guessed that he was still in touch with Li Daokong, but they didn\'t make it clear.

They are no longer the mortals they used to be. The higher their cultivation level, the more things they fear. Sometimes, as long as they speak, they may be counted even if there is no one nearby.

Li Daokong lost to Han Huang, and later displayed the sword world, a Dao world composed of countless forms of swords. The sword was so mighty that it made the swords of the chaotic heavens tremble, as if he was worshipping the ancestor of the sword.

"Li Daokong, your sword is stronger than Laozi!"

Han Huang laughed and said that he was very happy to see Li Daokong. He had received help from Li Daokong several times when he was in chaos before, and he was full of goodwill towards him.

Li Daokong stepped on the sword light of 100 million miles, looked at the figure of the mighty Hongmeng Demon God from a distance, and smiled with emotion: "Han Huang, you are really strong, you deserve to be the son of that existence, but today\'s battle, I and Ding doomed. They won\'t give up."

"I understand, come on, I am willing to accept the challenge of all beings. If I lose the battle, then I am not qualified to become the Demon God of Hongmeng. The Demon God of Hongmeng should be an existence that suppresses everything!"

Han Huang\'s laughter was extremely unbridled, echoing in the chaotic void, spreading far and wide.

The spectators from afar were all impressed.

"Indeed, if he is not the Demon God of Hongmeng, who is worthy of the Demon God of Hongmeng if he looks at chaos, transcendence, ignorance, and the four directions of the universe?"

"Although this guy is rampant, his strength is indeed extremely powerful."

"Is there really a huge gap between Hongmeng Demon God and all living beings?"

"That\'s all for Han Huang, why do I feel that Han Ye is also very strong, and sooner or later he will become the next Han Huang."

"All surnamed Han, could it be that Han Ye is the son of Han Huang?"

"Younger, you guessed wrong. Although they are of the same origin, they are not father and son, and Han Huang is not the pioneer of the Han family. No matter how strong Han Huang is, he is not an illusory opponent of divine power and heavenly sage."

"Han Huang is the son of Shenwei Tiansheng. How could Shenwei Tiansheng stop him from preaching? Besides, Shenwei Tiansheng can\'t care about the false name of Hongmeng Demon God."

All sentient beings are talking about this, and there are countless creatures who have become followers of Han Huang and are extremely fanatical about it.

Han Jue watched for a while and then left, leaving the girls to continue watching the battle excitedly.

Back in the Taoist temple, good and evil are also watching the battle, and they are so interested that they almost hold a handful of melon seeds in their hands.

Seeing Han Jue coming back, he wanted to salute for good and evil, but was interrupted by Han Jue waving his hand.

"Go ahead and watch."

Han Jue dropped those words and sat on the black lotus of the 36th rank Reincarnation Extinguishing World.

He closed his eyes and thought.

Now that he has accumulated eight good fortune selections, do you want to use it?

"Forget it, wait another 10 million years, and then there will be a nine consecutive draw. Nine is the extreme number, the number of the avenue, and good luck will surely come."

Han Jue thought silently that when the time comes, the nine fortune-telling candidates can form a team, just like the five gods of punishment in the past, and cultivate them into the nine gods representing the divine power and heavenly sage.

Just thinking about it made Han Jue look forward to it.

There should also be some fun in the years of cultivation. After Han Ling left, Han Jue was a little bored. As for good and evil, it was not interesting enough. This fellow was too nervous for him, and he liked to do mock trials to abuse vegetables on weekdays, unlike Han Ling. , even if defeated, dare to continue to challenge him.

Heavenly Court, in Lingxiao Palace.

The Evil Heaven Emperor sat on the throne, listening to the immortals in the hall discussing Han Huang\'s prestige, a smile appeared on his face.

The Demon God of Final Yuan is also in the temple. It has been a long time since he was sent by Han Ling. With the aptitude of Final Yuan Linggen, he quickly gained a firm foothold in the heaven.

Listening to the legend of Han Huang, the Demon God Final Yuan couldn\'t help but think of the scene when he saw Han Huang, and he didn\'t know how far he was from Han Huang today.

An old immortal stood up, interrupted the discussions of the immortals and gods, and bowed to the evil emperor: "Your Majesty, this is a world of great contention, if the heavenly court continues to support one side and does not fight or fight, it will inevitably fall behind, the legend of the endless era. It has been spread, and when the endless era comes, chaos splits into countless pieces. At that time, each piece will be independent. Unlike now, creatures in various fields can still come and go and exchange transactions. At that time, different forces had different luck and commonplace. It is impossible for a living being to enter rashly."

Xie Tiandi nodded, UU reading said: "You are right, but how should the heavenly court fight, is it to fight for Hongmeng Demon God, or fight for territory?"

The old immortal replied: "In the battle for territory, no one in Heaven is qualified to compete for the Demon God of Hongmeng, and Han Huang is on good terms with Heaven, so there is no need to break up the friendship. It’s easy to control when the places are close together.”

When the Demon God of Ultimate Yuan heard this, he immediately became unhappy and said, "Who said that Heavenly Court can\'t compete for the Demon God of Hongmeng?"

The old immortal glanced at him, smiled, and did not argue, which made the Demon God Final Yuan even more annoyed.

Evil Heaven Emperor glanced at the expressions of the immortals and gods, and said slowly: "I have something to do with detachment, but I can settle in detachment. At that time, I will be able to obtain a field that is a hundred times larger than it is now. What do you think?"

As soon as this statement came out, the fairy **** was in an uproar.

To detach?

Isn\'t that betraying Chaos?

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