Top-level Air Luck, Quietly Practiced For Thousands of Years (Top Tier Providence, Secretly Cultivate for a Thousand Years)

Chapter 1056: Chaos parties

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Yu Yuan\'s journey to chaos is officially on the right track. At the same time, the third Chaos event is once again building momentum. Tens of millions of years have passed, and a new generation of arrogance has emerged, coveting the supreme throne that represents genius.

The 10,000-strong Tianjiao of the previous two chaos events have already proved themselves to be well-known powers and giants in the tens of millions of chaos fields, and the top ten Tianjiao are even more shocking. Under such circumstances, the chaos event The status is naturally noble.

With the smooth unfolding of the Chaos event, Han Jue decided not to go there in person this time.

There are his clones in the three dojos. If any disciple wants to leave, they can find his clone at any time.

millions of years later.

Han Jue\'s age has reached 110 million years old. However, he did not trigger the reward option, but he has one more fortune-telling selection.

This means that in the future, you will have to wait for every 100 million years to trigger a selection reward. Although the cycle becomes longer, the reward should also become more advanced.

It seems that the retreat cycle will be increased to once every 10 million years in the future, otherwise it will be too difficult to wait.

And he recently felt that five million years was too short.

Han Jue started to check his emails.

In the past five million years, his children, grandchildren, and disciples have all stopped. Compared with the previous tens of millions of years, it is indeed a lot deserted.

After reading the email, Han Jue asked, "Good and evil, the Chaos Festival is about to start, do you want to go?"

Hearing this, Good and Evil opened his eyes and asked cautiously, "Can I go?"

Han Jue smiled and said, "That\'s natural, come back after reading it and continue to practice."

Good and evil were pleasantly surprised, and quickly thanked Han Jue.

"When the time comes, you go with the first grandmothers and protect them."

"That\'s for sure!"

Han Jue got up and walked out of the Taoist temple to visit the Taoist companions.

Xing Hongxuan, Qing Luan\'er, Xuan Qingjun, Fairy Xixuan, and Chang Yue\'er were also looking forward to the Chaos event, and they were all going to watch the fun, but Han Jue didn\'t stop it.

When the time comes, send them to the second dojo first, and go with the demon gods such as Li Yao and Wudaojian.

Li Yao has been keeping a low profile all these years, but every time Han Jue visits her, she finds that her cultivation has been advancing by leaps and bounds, and she has already reached the supreme perfection of the Great Dao, and she is still cultivating hard.

With Li Yao and a group of Chaos Demon Gods present, it is not difficult to traverse chaos.

A few days later, Han Jue came to the second dojo.

Seeing him appear, the Enlightenment Sword was very pleasantly surprised and rushed up immediately.

Li Yao also opened his eyes and looked at him quietly.

Han Jue sat down and chatted with them, naturally the conversation was about cultivation.

An hour later, the three entered the mock trial. Han Jue-jun fought Li Yao and the Enlightenment Sword to test their strength.

The two women are both Chaos Demon Gods, and the difference in aptitude is naturally not large, but Li Yao is more determined, and has no distractions when cultivating.

At the beginning of the battle, Han Jue did not attack, but let the two women use all kinds of magical powers.

Han Jue found that Li Yao\'s way had changed. It used to be the way of swordsmanship, but now it is still the way of weapons, but there are other types of weapons, and the power of the Dao is used to transform weapons, which is more sharp.

As for the sword of enlightenment, it is still the way of the sword.

After a stick of incense, the mock trial ended, ending with the two women admitting defeat. From beginning to end, Han Jue didn\'t make a move.

Li Sen said: "No matter how hard I wait, I still can\'t shorten the gap with you."

Enlightenment Sword nodded, looking at Han Jue full of admiration.

Han Jue began to discuss her way with Li Yao.

"I use all kinds of weapons to guide the Dao, but in fact it is the Royal Dao. I want to control all power. My Dao is the Imperial Dao. What do you think?" Li Yao asked seriously.

Han Jue said: "It\'s feasible. If it is the way, you can use the way of the other side, return the body of the other side, and use all kinds of divine soldiers as an array, fighting the stars and moving the stars, turning the world upside down."

The two began to discuss the Tao, while the Enlightenment Sword listened carefully.

After thousands of years of talking about Taoism and decades of getting along, Han Jue just returned to the third dojo.

He sat on the thirty-sixth rank Reincarnation World Destruction Black Lotus and began to watch Chaos.

The first thing to focus on is Yu Yuan. Today, Yu Yuan has been completely integrated into the Imperial Court of Fortune, and he has also gained a reputation, and his status has risen rapidly.

And the prestige of the Imperial Court of Fortune also ushered in an explosion. With Han Huang and other chaotic first powerhouses joining in, how can the overlords of all parties not be afraid?

From the current point of view, the Imperial Court of Creation is unstoppable, and when the endless era arrives, it will definitely be able to win a party of great luck.

Han Jue\'s eyes fell on the forces of fate again.

The forces of fate have moved to the brink of chaos and continue to spread, but they haven\'t caused a lot of trouble recently, and they seem to be very low-key.

Han Jue discovered that Huang Zuntian was missing.

Huang Zuntian\'s breath could not be found in the whole chaos, but he called up the friend list to check, and Huang Zuntian\'s avatar was still there.

Han Jue didn\'t worry too much. He had more confidence in Huang Zuntian than in Han Huang. This fellow had great ability to survive, and his eyes fell on Li Daokong again.

Today\'s Li Daokong is the most powerful determinant of fate among the forces of fate, and he is also the one who bears the cauldron on the bright side. He has faced off several times with Lao Tzu, and each has his own victory and defeat. exist.

Shi Dudao and Lord Jingtian are still in the forces of life. As believers of the Dark Lord, they are very careful, perhaps because the Dark Lord has not appeared in the world for a long time, so they have no confidence.

Looking at the Tao of Heaven again, it has entered a bottleneck period. Living in the domain under the command of the Taoist God-cloak can be regarded as the overlord of the domain, but the surrounding areas are all supernatural forces, which makes the Tao of heaven dare not expand any more. , will encounter the encirclement and suppression of the avenue gods, Xuandu Shengzun has to stop his hands and feet.

As for Tiandao, Han Jue felt that this was enough. Without him, there would be no Tiandao today. Tiandao should be self-sufficient, and Tiandao is not his Dao world, so he will naturally not support Tiandao under pressure.

Up to now, Han Jue still doesn\'t know whether the Dao of Heaven is from Pangu\'s Dao Realm or Dao Ancestor.

Pangu has been resurrected, far away from the Dao of Heaven, it seems that he has cut off his relationship with the Dao of Heaven, and has no contact at all.

After observing Chaos and the Dao of Heaven, Han Jue\'s eyes fell on the Final Origin Realm in the blank realm.

At this moment, a war is breaking out in the final world, and hundreds of chaotic demon gods are participating. Among them are the figures of the final gods and the secluded people, and they seem to be fighting for the right to speak in the final world.

Han Jue began to watch the battle, with no intention of intervening.

The first born Demon God of Life had already established a connection with the You Clan, and it was Han Jue who was the one who brought it together. In the end, this battle could only be won by them. If there was no battle, the other demon gods would not be satisfied, so Han Jue let them go to war. .

Even if the Chaos Demon God falls, Han Jue can use his will to create a new Chaos Demon God.

The Chaos Demon Gods in the Yuanyuan Realm have changed a lot. One day, they will transform, no longer the Chaos Demon Gods, but the Chaos Demon Gods.

Of course, these ultimate demon gods are still far behind Han Jue, the ultimate ultimate body, and they are only equivalent to the descendants of the ultimate ultimate soul. (To be continued)